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Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 01, 2004 16:19
Well it' s topical at the moment but hopefully a little more light hearted here. I just wondered if any of you have copied anything you' ve seen in games? Thinking back to my childhood and games I used to play; In Primary school every dinner brake we got my mates and I would play ' Sonic' . I was Sonic and there were about 5 others who were various different characters. Baring in I was about 5-9 while this was going on (I' m 19 now) there wasn' t many sonic characters to choose from. So we kinda invented our own. I also copied Street Fighter an awful lot, play-fighting with my other mates. I was Ryu, another mate was Ken and a third was M Bison. We never actually used to fight but throw fake punches, kicks and special moves. We knew we were just playing. The only other game I remember playing out was Mortal Kombat. Haha, my cosine who is 10 years older than me was my idol and really got me into gaming. He lent me Mortal Kombat then Mortal Kombat II. I think I owned the latter for 2 years before he asked for it back. In the MK games we never actively killed each other but made up little stories. We also kept switching characters. All I seem to remember is that my mate liked being Raiden a lot. The underlying point of all this is that through all this we never for one second contemplated hurting each other or anyone else. We were just copying what we saw for fun and making our own real life versions of the games. The characters in MK may have gotten hurt but even after a particularly nasty Fatality you could still play as them in the next round. So these characters never actually got hurt as they aren' t real. Just in the same way mates and I were never really hurt.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 01, 2004 19:15
I' ve copied Elta from Magician Lord.. He' s the main character.. I' d wear all blue, a cape, and a tall blue hat when going out and NEVER talk. The only thing I couldn' t do was morph into other creatures like he does. Also after playing the Sega GT and Gran Turismo 3 I' d hop into my car and test if what those games advertised were true- That no matter what you hit and how hard, your car would remain undamaged. I found out the hard way that it' s BULL!!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 8/1/2004 7:17:32 PM >
Mass X
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RE: Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 01, 2004 22:27
An RPG of all games sunk into my head (I' m not the biggets fan of RPGs' ) but Morrowind got me to think " What if I walked into that house (even with some inside) walked up to there room snatched a few things and walked out...then sold them at the local pawn shop?" Luckily reality got to me before I acted on such stupidity. BTW my town doesnt even have a local pawn shop.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 01, 2004 23:22
I thought this thread was gonna be about piracy! Other than saving the world a few times, I have never been influenced by games.
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RE: Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 02, 2004 05:15
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer I thought this thread was gonna be about piracy!  hahaha so did I Not that I was coming for tips....
Terry Bogard
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RE: Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 02, 2004 06:03
Other than saving the world a few times, I have never been influenced by games. What about the time you were on foot trying to race against the cars on the expressway because at that moment in time, you thought you were Sonic :)
Joe Redifer
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RE: Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 02, 2004 07:01
I didn' t think I was Sonic, I had just had it with rush hour and decided that I' d get there quicker if I abandoned my car and went on foot!
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RE: Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 02, 2004 19:20
i am kind of an rpg fan, not real big on them though and i would think like what if i just jumped through that persons window or stole that tv or something, then i said, o yea, i have a conscience, that is bad, stealing=bad/illegal.
Russian Mobster
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RE: Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 03, 2004 04:49
well after playing overtake challenges in PGR2 for 2 weeks i started to overtake slower cars(40Mph) on the street where speed limit is 40Mph.
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: Have you copied any games in real life?
Aug 04, 2004 02:04
Oh boy, me and my friend back when Diablo I first came out (pc) we went around making big old mauls from sticks and stones and go around clobbering things... those were the days. We would bust out the super soakers and shoot the bee' s nests that were under the gutters of our house.