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 Mario Takes on Sonic.
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 16:49

Woohoo, another idiot enters the forums :P

Think of it like this...

Darth Vader = Nintendo
Luke Skywalker = Sega
Emperor = Sony / Microsoft

Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker teaming up in the old days (first movie) would be as likely as jabba the hutt actually getting any from princess leia (ouch, yeah I said that). Anyway, as crazy an idea as it was back then, it makes perfect sense now-a-days. I loved the Sonic - Mario rivalry. Still do. But the fact is, " the enemy of my enemy is my friend" .

Princess Leia macked her brother. Her screwing of a gluttonous alien would only be par for the course.

That said, the rest of your analogy doesn' t hold water: Luke SkyWalker, as much as we all love him, is the nancy boy of epic heroes. Nintendo should never be compared to Darth Vader. Arguably the greatest villain of all time is equated to the same company that produced Zelda? Disgusting. Sega was never Luke Skywalker, and Nintendo was sure as shit not Darth Vader.

Furthermore, the Empire was a highly efficient and evolving machine for the most part. Neither Microsoft nor Sony have done anything to indicate they are efficient or continually evolving. They both just have alot of money and use it. The whole X-Box line is a result of Bill Gate' s ego and his desire to win. The fact that they are buying out third party exclusives like a dying diabetic would for twinkies is only proof of that fact. However, the more I think about what Microsoft does, achieving power regardless of the loss involved, the more I think that Microsoft is exactly like the Empire.

I don' t think this was the best choice of game for them to do, I mean Brawl better have Sonic in it. But I' m really glad to see them finally interacting in the same game together.

Again, a sullied reputation gets no better by covering itself in the fecal matter of exotic wildabeasts. Sonic better NOT be in Brawl.

Oh and welcome to the forums DontPeeOnBilly, intriguingly original name :/

I' m glad I recieved the welcoming message. It' s like you' re never truly complete without one. Imagine my life without that statement and how dreary it would be, never part of the gang, never fitting in, always being the one left behind. You saved me from a dismal fate.

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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 17:52

I' m glad I recieved the welcoming message. It' s like you' re never truly complete without one. Imagine my life without that statement and how dreary it would be, never part of the gang, never fitting in, always being the one left behind. You saved me from a dismal fate.

Are you gay?

  • Total Posts : 216
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 17:58

Are you gay?

What' s it like being completely irrelevant in your own, little, world? Aside from the fact that your world is so very little, so insignificant that even if you were the king shit of that domain, you would still be irrelevant; what makes you so irrelevant in that context of a pathetic world you inhabit?

You know what? The means don' t matter, just the ends. Tell the whole word what it' s like living in that small, sheltered, and abysmal life which has one saving grace that doubles as its ultimate apex of pain, irrelevance.

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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:12
Please, you' re evidently an intellectual slut, destined to become (like so many before you) and intellectual whore with a 10 point worldview, meandering from one forum to the next playing the heartless philosopher and sophism.

I' m surprised you deem this forum worthy of your time at all.

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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:13
Be thankful that you got a welcome message DPoB, I never got one. Boohoo!!

  • Total Posts : 216
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:23

Please, you' re evidently an intellectual slut, destined to become (like so many before you) and intellectual whore with a 10 point worldview, meandering from one forum to the next playing the heartless philosopher and sophism.

I' m surprised you deem this forum worthy of your time at all.

Is that some generated defense you have saved on a notepad somewhere? Do you really get away with being offensively stupid by using such crap as that? If you want to respond, do so without being an immature cocksucker. I don' t know if that' s beyond your limited toolset, but it' s what is expected of people. I shouldn' t have to lower my expectations of what you' re able to accomplish just because you feel you have a spot reserved on these forums, if you catch my drift.

When you stop being stupid, call your mother and work out that plainly obvious shit so it doesn' t come here. Then, read a book. Finally, emerge a totally new person with absolutely no links to your present self. I' ve communicated with you on a limited basis through an impersonal medium and you' re already one of the most fascinatingly unforgivable little pricks I' ve ever met. Consider yourself amazing by being a disappointment in every possible way.

  • Total Posts : 216
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:27

Be thankful that you got a welcome message DPoB, I never got one. Boohoo!!

My praise was littered throughout the message. If you eschew the english language in favor of one of those hot shit internets languages and happen to miss a compliment when you see one, then don' t expect me to bend over backward to accomondate your specific language choice.

  • Total Posts : 11960
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:29

ORIGINAL: DontPeeOnBilly

Please, you' re evidently an intellectual slut, destined to become (like so many before you) and intellectual whore with a 10 point worldview, meandering from one forum to the next playing the heartless philosopher and sophism.

I' m surprised you deem this forum worthy of your time at all.

Is that some generated defense you have saved on a notepad somewhere? Do you really get away with being offensively stupid by using such crap as that? If you want to respond, do so without being an immature cocksucker. I don' t know if that' s beyond your limited toolset, but it' s what is expected of people. I shouldn' t have to lower my expectations of what you' re able to accomplish just because you feel you have a spot reserved on these forums, if you catch my drift.

When you stop being stupid, call your mother and work out that plainly obvious shit so it doesn' t come here. Then, read a book. Finally, emerge a totally new person with absolutely no links to your present self. I' ve communicated with you on a limited basis through an impersonal medium and you' re already one of the most fascinatingly unforgivable little pricks I' ve ever met. Consider yourself amazing by being a disappointment in every possible way.

I was starting to think this could be intellectual intercourse, but alas, i' ve come up short and have no witty retort. I fear i am subject to intellectual rape

  • Total Posts : 4836
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:33
Why can' t people just be nice to each other?
I like the idea of Sonic and Mario in the same game. I mean why not?
It' s a shame it' s a sports title though as I' m not very interested in sports games, especially the olympic games.

  • Total Posts : 216
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:38

I was starting to think this could be intellectual intercourse, but alas, i' ve come up short and have no witty retort. I fear i am subject to intellectual rape

It' s almost like you have the intent to ignore your callous disregard for decency that has pummeled this thread since you crapped on its presence.

  • Total Posts : 11960
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:43

ORIGINAL: DontPeeOnBilly

I was starting to think this could be intellectual intercourse, but alas, i' ve come up short and have no witty retort. I fear i am subject to intellectual rape

It' s almost like you have the intent to ignore your callous disregard for decency that has pummeled this thread since you crapped on its presence.

By asking if you were gay?

But you' re so flamboyant

  • Total Posts : 216
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:45

Why can' t people just be nice to each other?

Ugug! You' re gay!

I like the idea of Sonic and Mario in the same game. I mean why not?

Sonic and Mario are two completely different game types. It was never about the cool kids playing Sonic who beat up the dorks playing Mario, it was about the fact that Sonic was skill based and about attitude whereas Mario (starting SMW) was an adventure game.

The fact that we are talking about both characters being involved in a game which takes game characters out of their element and whores them to an unfathomable degree is sickening. Forget about the names and reputations, it' s sickening if it happened to either character. It' s putting on red lipstick for cash and nothing more. Sonic is Sonic, Mario is Mario, and fucking Game and Watch should have his flapjacking ass reserved to bins of garage sales.

It' s a shame it' s a sports title though as I' m not very interested in sports games, especially the olympic games.

That' s diarrhea icing on the worm infested cake as far as I' m concerned.

  • Total Posts : 216
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:47

By asking if you were gay?

But you' re so flamboyant

Like I said, mommy issues belong with a long (private) discussion with mommy. Pack your floss, steal some gas, and head out to the trailer park so you can get that straightened away.

  • Total Posts : 4836
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:52

Sonic and Mario are two completely different game types. It was never about the cool kids playing Sonic who beat up the dorks playing Mario, it was about the fact that Sonic was skill based and about attitude whereas Mario (starting SMW) was an adventure game.

The fact that we are talking about both characters being involved in a game which takes game characters out of their element and whores them to an unfathomable degree is sickening. Forget about the names and reputations, it' s sickening if it happened to either character. It' s putting on red lipstick for cash and nothing more. Sonic is Sonic, Mario is Mario, and fucking Game and Watch should have his flapjacking ass reserved to bins of garage sales.

I don' t care if they' re from different kinds of games. I like when characters from different companies or games, meet in the same game, like Marvel VS Capcom, Kingdom Hearts, and such.
I like both characters, and since they' re from two companies that were the biggest rivals back in the days, I think it' s fun that they can finally be in the same game. Not because I want to see some fanboy battle and decide who is the better one, but just because the two characters would go well together in the same game.
But as I said, it' s a shame they choose to make a sports title.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 2 Apr 07 10:53:35 >

  • Total Posts : 11960
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 18:56

ORIGINAL: DontPeeOnBilly

By asking if you were gay?

But you' re so flamboyant

Like I said, mommy issues belong with a long (private) discussion with mommy. Pack your floss, steal some gas, and head out to the trailer park so you can get that straightened away.

I' m sorry to disappoint you but i have no repressed Oedipal desires.

  • Total Posts : 216
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 19:03

I don' t care if they' re from different kinds of games. I like when characters from different companies or games, meet in the same game, like Marvel VS Capcom, Kingdom Hearts, and such. .

Mario Tennis? Mario Golf? Mario Party 27? There' s a difference between " makes sense" crossover and blatant whoring. Had SSB been a lone isle of Nintendo game development rather than another in a long line of cock sucking street princesses, then maybe further evaluation would be necessary. Even then, however, Marvel VS. Capcom was 2D comic book super heroes fighting 2D video game characters. Kingdom Hearts was a large scale collaboration involving one game company and Disney cartoon characters. One game company, one non game company. It' s clear that there is a line drawn between Mario party and Kingdom Hearts.

I like both characters and since they' re from two comanies that were the biggest rivals back in the days I think it' s fun that they can finally be in the same game.
Not because I want to see some fanboy battle and decide who is the better one, but just because the two characters would go well together in the same game.
But as I said, it' s a shame they choose to make a sports title.

It' s complete fanservice, and it makes sense until it' s put into action. Hence the Shadow the Hedgehog example. Now, we can go back and forth all day about how bad SSB really is, but the bottom line is that it' s a slippery slope for Sonic. I don' t want a party game, I don' t want a racing game, I want a skill based platformer with the same attitude and speed of the originals.

  • Total Posts : 216
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 19:04

I' m sorry to disappoint you but i have no repressed Oedipal desires.

How many times did you have to tell yourself that before you actually posted it?

  • Total Posts : 11960
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 19:08

ORIGINAL: DontPeeOnBilly

I' m sorry to disappoint you but i have no repressed Oedipal desires.

How many times did you have to tell yourself that before you actually posted it?

5 or 6, ...but i' m quite positive that what i posted was correct.

  • Total Posts : 4836
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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 19:10
I want fun games with fun characters. That' s all that matters. If they can nail that then I' m satisfied.
mario Tennis, Mario Golf, SSB, and Mario Party are all fun games, even though I' ve never really gotten into SSB myself. So what is there to complain about?
Fun characters and fun gameplay.
I think you' re getting too deep into this. Relax a little.
I mean, what kind of person enters a forum and tries to appear intellectuall and starts long discussions with attempts at well placed arguments about issues that really doesn' t matter very much?
Normally, a person with the slightest amount of social intelligence would' ve started off by a nice and fun post to get into the community.
It seems you' re either completely anti-social or you simply dislike the members here at Kikizo.
Learn to behave like a nice person or don' t bother posting here at all.

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RE: Mario Takes on Sonic. - Apr 02, 2007 20:03

f Metroid gets pushed back to next year then this BETTER be still coming this year WITH online or i will be pissed with Nintendo!!!

I' m already pissed with Nintendo...

As for Mario and Sonic Olympic games, meh its another sports game, its not the Mario and Sonic game I would have hoped for.
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