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Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
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RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 18, 2007 09:11
I know, thats what I was thinking. But yeah I looked it up and Eddie was right. It came out Janerary 2002. 5 years ago.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 18 Apr 07 1:12:23 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 19, 2007 10:33
Dang I' m good. Life is going by waaaay too fast. It' s scary to think that 2002 was five years ago already.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 24, 2007 00:51
I bought a 360.......again. Well the deal was for a limited time only so I bought it again. I got a Premium with Gears, Crackdown and Pro Gothem for 399 Euro. My Gamertag is : DuffMonkey
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 24, 2007 06:39
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 24, 2007 08:40
I bought a 360.......again. Well the deal was for a limited time only so I bought it again. I got a Premium with Gears, Crackdown and Pro Gothem for 399 Euro. My Gamertag is : DuffMonkey Good deal. I' ll add you this evening. Also, you owe me a game of CoD:3 when you get it.
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- Joined: Mar 28, 2007
- Location: Deal, England
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 24, 2007 08:57
If anyone wants someone easy to play against my tag is Jodmeister
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 25, 2007 00:06
I' ll add you this evening. Also, you owe me a game of CoD:3 when you get it. I have added you. I won' t be on Live until Friday evening so if you are on then I can give ya a game of Gears( I suck at Gears....). I will get Call of Duty 3 soon.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 25, 2007 05:50
I' ll add you this evening. Also, you owe me a game of CoD:3 when you get it. I have added you. I won' t be on Live until Friday evening so if you are on then I can give ya a game of Gears( I suck at Gears....). I will get Call of Duty 3 soon. Friday evening for you? Friday evening for me? Living on a planet this big sucks.[:' (] With any luck I' ll have a copy of Gears by Friday. I' ve got a friend who owes me big time, & he said he' d give me his copy. Methinks I' m gonna have to hit him up for it old-school Deetroit style.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 25, 2007 21:42
Friday evening for you? Friday evening for me? Shit never thought of that.  Your around 5 hours behind Ireland. Em em ....... ah we will figure something out. Living on a planet this big sucks. You could just move to Ireland Eddie 
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 25, 2007 21:47
You could go by forum time.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 25, 2007 22:59
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 26, 2007 05:56
Friday evening for you? Friday evening for me? Shit never thought of that. Your around 5 hours behind Ireland. Em em ....... ah we will figure something out. I wouldn' t mind moving to Ireland. Your economy puts ours to shame, & your accents are 100% cooler. So if I' m on at eight then you' d be on at four, that' s as far as my logic takes me. (Thanks Nitro!) Better yet, you let me know when you' re available, & I' ll see if I can work it out. I' m home for most of that day, so just drop me a line.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 25 Apr 07 22:12:16 >
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- Joined: Mar 28, 2007
- Location: Deal, England
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 26, 2007 18:07
I' m not sure, but I think Nitro' s chart is incorrect. Eddie you' re on Eastern time aren' t you? So you are 5 hours behind us in UK/Ireland. So if it is 11pm here it is 6pm for you.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 26, 2007 23:48
Yup, EST. Well, I don' t have Gears yet, & it' s Thursday morning, but if I can' t snag it by tomorrow I' ll rent a copy. I suppose I' ve got to jump on this bandwagon at some point right?
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 27, 2007 04:59
I wouldn' t mind moving to Ireland. Your economy puts ours to shame, & your accents are 100% cooler. So if I' m on at eight then you' d be on at four, that' s as far as my logic takes me. (Thanks Nitro!) Have you ever been to Ireland Eddie? Yeah our Economy is performing very well. However, Ireland is one of the dearest countries in Europe to live in and it rains alot here..... Ha ha I never thought of our accents as being cool.  For such a small country we do have alot of different accents, some of them are very strange..... Better yet, you let me know when you' re available, & I' ll see if I can work it out. I' m home for most of that day, so just drop me a line. Cool Eddie. Thats perfect. Well, I don' t have Gears yet, & it' s Thursday morning, but if I can' t snag it by tomorrow I' ll rent a copy. I suppose I' ve got to jump on this bandwagon at some point right? Its ok Eddie if ya can' t get your hands on a copy. I will get Call of Duty 3 as soon as possible.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: XBL Gamertags
Apr 28, 2007 07:59
Have you ever been to Ireland Eddie? Yeah our Economy is performing very well. However, Ireland is one of the dearest countries in Europe to live in and it rains alot here..... Rain means it' s not 105* in the summer.  I guess we' re coming from two different ends of the spectrum. Ha ha I never thought of our accents as being cool. For such a small country we do have alot of different accents, some of them are very strange.....
Yeah, read different as wicked awesome. Have you ever been to Ireland Eddie? Nope. I really want to visit Ireland/Scotland/Wales at some point in my life, but I won' t be doing any real vacationing for quite some time as it currently stands. Edit: Damn, it' s around 6:45 & I' m " Gears" -less and hung up on a phone call that might be giving me a job (currently on hold... the morons[:' (]). I' ll definately be on, but I may or may not have Gears.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 28 Apr 07 0:01:46 >
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