It' s odd to see a HD-DVD vs Blue-Ray battle debate, without mentioning the companies supporting the different formats, so without me getting between the crossfire and guess which will win, I' ll simply DO THIS!
HD-DVD supporter:
Universal Pictures - The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Doom...
Nah, I' ll be fair. Universal has movies, such as King Kong and Munich
Microsoft - Duh!
Intel <- Biggest Processor manifacteur
Blue-Ray supporters:
Sony Pictures - Casino Royale, The Da Vinci Code, Spider-Man <- Shocking revelation, as I think of the Ps3 logo font
Disney - Pirates of the Carribean
20th Century Fox - Star Wars!
All three where the biggest box office winners of last year.
Hewlett Packard
Sony - Duh!
The only reason MS said they would support BluRay IF it wins is to show that they aren' t as arrogant as Sony.
...Microsoft aren' t so noble themselves, as they had intended to make windows uncompatible with Blue-Ray, as to secure HD-Dvd victorious, and the only reason they didn' t was due to the complaints from Dell and Hewlett-Packard (two of the biggest computer manifactuers).
Pesonally I prefer Blue-Ray, as I have a Ps3 and like to think Blue-Ray will be cheaper one day, so I' ll be able to use it as a Back-Up medium.