Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around...

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Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 22, 2007 19:39

It really does - sigh - feel like Call of Duty with aliens. Stupid spiny reptilian creatures with sharp teeth, flinty eyes and red pipes sticking out of their coolant garb. ' Stupid' in that they shuffle obligingly from side to side, fire in a scattershot fashion and display anything but ' next generation' intelligence, whatever the hell that' s supposed to translate into.

All the game can offer the player at the end is the chance to play through again and unlock some new weapons. If we' re honest, playing it through once was enough of a slog (and only out of duty) - the desire to run through a tired, derivative cookie cutter FPS like this would have to come with a cash prize attached to it to make us do it again. And the discovery of concept art as a reward for unlocking the various skill points felt like the ultimate slap in the mush. Are they trying to upset us?

The overall disappointment that comes from playing Resistance is troubling. For years, Insomniac has carved itself an impressive reputation, and had a golden opportunity to throw its creativity at a genre which has been stuck in its ways for far too long. That it merely aped almost all of the things wrong with this creatively moribund genre is alarming. That' s not to say that it' s a bad game at all, because in most senses Resistance bears a solid resemblance to a lot of very successful shooters of the last few years. But to simply come up with a game on a new platform that completely stands still feels like a huge disappointment from a studio that' s more than capable of doing thing differently to everyone else. Put bluntly, the combat and AI is merely average, the visuals don' t really wow, and the much-vaunted weaponry makes little difference to how it plays. To say we' re underwhelmed is the understatement of the year.


CoD3 got 7/10, they originally gave resistance 7/10 but upon re-reviewing it they' ve dropped the score to 6/10

I like Eurogamer but i' ll be checking this out for myself tomorrow. What i will say is that i find CoD3 unplayable. It had better be crafted better than that garbage!

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 22, 2007 20:41
CoD 3, though interesting on The Wii because of the Wiimote controls, Is a very very average game (thats putting it the best way i could). Why they gave Treyarch (is that how its spelt?) the game i have no idea but it just didn' t have the same feel as the original CoD' s. All those motion sensing actions, especially the driving and the hand to hand bits were too gimmicky and tiresome. I will trade in CoD3 for MoH:V if it gets decent reviews. I will remember to only buy CoDs made by Infinity Ward.

Anyway if they really feel that Resistance FoM plays like CoD 3 then i can understand why they would give it such a low score. But 6/10 for what many believe is a AAA title for the ps3 is very harsh indeed. Maybe they did that to stir-the-pot so to speak, i mean once this hits all over the Web there will be outrage amongst ps3 owners, just like the time when gamespot got heaps for giving Zelda:TP an 88. Maybe thats what publications/websites will do to get peoples attention, mark highly regarded games low and watch as people debate it all over the internet, getting invaluable publicity.

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 22, 2007 21:33
Wow a review magazine admitting they made a mistake, something you don' t read everyday.

Terrak you say that giving a AAA title 6/10 is harsh, how so? If this is what they think then so be it. It is their opinion of the game TBH most launch titles are weak, look at PDZ for the 360 it was given scores of what 8 and 9 out of 10 and seen as a must buy, it was ok, but very poor by today' s standards. The same will be said for the majority of PS triple (Sorry that chadwarden has had an impact.) launch titles.

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 22, 2007 21:40
Eurogamer gave PDZ a 7/10, but i think they were too kind. I would have given it a 5.

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 23, 2007 06:51
Well i haven' t played the game so its hard for me to judge what they say is true. But i look at the general consensus, if the game generally got good scores i tend to believe its a good game, if it averages poor scores then obviously i feel the game won' t be so good.

If they decided the game wasn' t that good then i' m not arguing with there review. I just find it odd thats all. 6/10 is a very average mark, especially for one that many regard as the best ps3 game (i think IGN gave it a 9/10?). But like i said if its anything like CoD 3 then i can understand. CoD 3 wasn' t a very good game.

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 23, 2007 07:21

Eurogamer gave PDZ a 7/10, but i think they were too kind. I would have given it a 5.
Agreed. The fact that they put CoD:3 and PDZ in the same caliber kills all their credibility. Say what you want about the horrendous single-player mode, but CoD:3 is one of the better games for multiplayer at the moment. PDZ barely had multiplayer at all.[:' (]

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 23, 2007 07:31
Wow, thats pretty sad that they had to go back and make the rating even worse. Why dont they do that with games that needed to be re-reviewed to get a higher rate?

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 23, 2007 12:02

but CoD:3 is one of the better games for multiplayer at the moment. PDZ barely had multiplayer at all.

Eddie, Unfortunatley there is no Multiplayer mode on the Wii version of CoD3
thats why i said the game is very average, because i can only experience the single player aspect of it
< Message edited by Terrak -- 23 Mar 07 4:04:41 >

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 23, 2007 12:51
A drop from 7 to 6..... the earth shakes.....

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 23, 2007 15:48
It still has a rating of 87 at metacritic, which is pretty high for them. I like to go on reviews from there because it compiles all the reviews.

My favorite quote on there is this one, from a New York Times review

and the semi-sepia-toned graphics are surprisingly unimpressive, no better than what you would see on the five-year-old Xbox

I don' t know what xbox he had, but I want it. Maybe he put a computer in an Xbox case?!?

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 23, 2007 16:16
I generally only believe the EGM staff at 1up more.

According to them, Resistance is a decent game, closer to the top range of 7-9 than 6 and below. I' ve watched it being played at a game store recently, it looks fine. I think a major error was setting it in a WWII environment. Even when you put aliens in (who sometimes wear pants or go nude; huh?!), it just dulls everything.

Besides, Eurogamer doesn' t seem to say anything about Resistance' s multiplayer, which is really what it' s all about.

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RE: Eurogamer re-review Resistance and scrore it lower than the first time around... - Mar 23, 2007 18:27
I' ll be playing it this weekend and will be posting my impressions here. I have high hopes though as i really like the look of the game.