Heavenly Sword captures!

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Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 20, 2007 21:01

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 04:34
Amazing looking environments, and the high-res screens do her justice, but what the hell is with her hair!? It looks terrible! Man... it' s just... eugh!

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 04:36

Amazing looking environments, and the high-res screens do her justice, but what the hell is with her hair!? It looks terrible! Man... it' s just... eugh!

I was about to say something about that. It looks like she either piled hair gel on it or its fake

Agent Ghost
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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 05:06
Since when do we care about the character' s hair? It' s probably not that bad in motion.

I' m much more bothered by the fact that the main character is a female with no male option. I have no problem with a female being the main character or even the strongest character but I don' t want to play as a female. Ever.

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 06:48
I get your point Agent Ghost, but playing as a girl would not put me off an excellant game.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 07:09
One of the games that will make me buy a ps3.....
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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 07:13
I didn' t use to have any interest in this game, but testing God of War for the first time recently, this game seems to be within my interests. I truly hope it will turn out a GoW, but on the Ps3. Meaning great.
At the very least it might be able to qealth my thirst for GoW3 (I know I' m greedy bastard, I haven' t even tested the second installment yet).

Btw, agreeing to comments on the hair. Otherwise I find everything beautiful (especially the animations), even though I' m not all that fond of the visual style and character designs in the game.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 20 Mar 07 23:14:49 >

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 11:59

I have no problem with a female being the main character or even the strongest character but I don' t want to play as a female. Ever.

I' m going to smack you.

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 12:03

ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost

Since when do we care about the character' s hair? It' s probably not that bad in motion.

I' m much more bothered by the fact that the main character is a female with no male option. I have no problem with a female being the main character or even the strongest character but I don' t want to play as a female. Ever.

I knew you were gay.

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 15:53

I' m much more bothered by the fact that the main character is a female with no male option. I have no problem with a female being the main character or even the strongest character but I don' t want to play as a female. Ever.

Call me kinky if you will, but im always drawn to playing the female characters in games. have no idea why!

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 18:58
The graphics look good but I wasn' t impressed. The hair looked a bit ugly in the video. Those guys claim they are doing something totally new with their motion capturing but stuff like that has been going on for a long time. It isn' t new at all. Capturing the emotions isn' t new either. I really didn' t like how they claimed you couldn' t show emotions on anything older than the PS3. They act like their audience are idiots. Ever heard of PC or Xbox 360, even weaker systems have shown that much detail in character' s faces.

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 21, 2007 21:14
Yeah... with all the incredible games coming out revcently the visuals for this game aren' t as impressive as they were back when it was first being shown off. Still looks good visually... but not great. Still, the gameplay was cool at E3 so I still expect it to be a great title.
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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 22, 2007 04:27

I knew you were gay.

Is it just me or does it seem like evilman is gay, because he doesnt say anything on the forum for the longest time then pops up when he has the chance to call someone gay. Someones a bit insecure

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 22, 2007 04:59
You guys need to remember what type of game it is when comparing visuals.

It is much easier to have high detail models in an FPS compared to a adventure game. The animations, speed of movement, and number of enemies in FPS almost never comes close to the top tier adventure games. For example, compare the animations in say, God of War, to Gears of War. Gears has great animations, but its still a shooter style, meaning they don' t do any crazy kicks, flips, spins, jumps etc. Add in the fact that you are fighting 4 or 5 monsters in a relatively closed environment, and it makes it a lot easier to render than a character doing acrobatic attacks while fighting on open terrain against 6 to 15 guys.

This isn' t to discredit Gears, or say HS is amazing, its to say that they have different constraints and aspects they have to work with.

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 22, 2007 15:20
Graphics wise i hate it
I mean come on Crisis Core looks better than this in my opinion, but the animation is very cool i like it very much.The game looks promising but needs a little push graphics wise.

Agent Ghost
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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 22, 2007 23:03

I' m going to smack you.

Why? There' s no need to take it personally. I never said a female character makes the game worse, I just won' t care for it as much. It' s just a strange preference. I prefer to play male characters. Even better when the character actually looks like me. I get absorbed in the games I play, and the illusion just isn' t as strong if the character isn' t a male humanoid. I also don' t like playing as animals or anything else either. The only avatar I want while playing a videogame is a male human. Anything else feels awkward. If I can' t relate to my characters, I won' t care about them.

I' m actually looking foward to seeing digimask technology placed in more games so i can use my own face on the characters I use.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 22 Mar 07 15:07:13 >

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 23, 2007 00:55
Agent Ghost, you' re using a flaming demon skull as an avatar; how is that close to reality?

If I can' t relate to my characters, I won' t care about them.

The question really is, why do you only want to relate/care about other male humans who look like you?

Agent Ghost
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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 23, 2007 01:11
" Agent Ghost, you' re using a flaming demon skull as an avatar; how is that close to reality?"

I' m not playing a videogame here.

" The question really is, why do you only want to relate/care about other male humans who look like you?"

It' s not a choice, it' s just the way I am. Keep in mind this is only with videogames. it' s not like all my friends look like me or anything like that.

I' ve never put much thought into this before now, but I guess you could say that the character I' m controlling in a videogame is like my alter ego. Everything just works better if the character is a man. Simply put, I want to play as myself.

I don' t play videogames to escape myself, I play videogames to escape everything else.

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 23, 2007 02:31

I play games for fun!
< Message edited by dionysius -- 22 Mar 07 18:41:53 >

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 23, 2007 02:35
I want to play with myself now.

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 23, 2007 02:55
Samus Aran in Metroid is a woman. In other words: female main characters kick ass!

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 23, 2007 07:25
ehh, samus has lost her touch in my opinion. The last game i enjoyed with Samus on it was SSBM, i was rather disappointed with MP

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 23, 2007 16:04
Isn' t Samus wearing that blue skin-tight suit in the Brawl trailer? Hope that' s just an optional costume

Hm, there hasn' t been any strong female main characters in video games lately (as in recent years; so don' t count Lara Croft, who only redeemed herself in Legend). Maybe Jade from Beyond Good & Evil (points to Dionysius), but that game didn' t get enough attention.

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RE: Heavenly Sword captures! - Mar 24, 2007 04:53

Isn' t Samus wearing that blue skin-tight suit in the Brawl trailer? Hope that' s just an optional costume

I thought i heard someone say that the zero costume and the original samus costume were going to be separate characters, kind of like link and young link