Eternal Sonata 360

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Eternal Sonata 360 - Mar 20, 2007 02:00
Just read IGN' s preview and watched some screenshots.
It looks really nice! I hope the gameplay matches the art design.


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RE: Eternal Sonata 360 - Mar 20, 2007 14:53
I was not interested in this until recently seeing some of those screens and the gameplay trailers...unless I am mistaken this is known as Trusty Bell as well right?
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things."
~ Unknown ~

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RE: Eternal Sonata 360 - Mar 20, 2007 19:01
Yeah, Trusty Bell was the name.
I think Eternal Sonata sounds sooooooooooo much better.

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RE: Eternal Sonata 360 - Mar 20, 2007 21:16
Ever since I saw some screens of this game last year, it' s been high on my anticipated list. It looks fantastic! It' s good to hear that they' re doing the English and Japanese versions simultaneously. It' s rare to see a worldwide launch of a JRPG.

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RE: Eternal Sonata 360 - Mar 20, 2007 22:02
Trusty Bell is the japanese name while Eternal Sonata is the euro/us version. Cant wait for it to be honest