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RE: I don' t like being 24
Mar 17, 2007 20:50
Since i' m not an orthodox Jew i haven' t paid much attention to the ins and outs of the Jewish faith or people in general. I' m of Israeli descent but was born and raised in the UK. I do know and associate with orthodox Jews but the elder members of the community don' t really like it. That said, Israel is a nice place. They are much more open to non-orthodox Jews there. But meh, Jews are pretty freakin' weird. Some of the stuff they have to do is just odd. They can' t even use condoms...
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Mar 18, 2007 00:59
understand why it was needed back then but now religion in the majority of the world have no real power, all they bring are lies, ignorance and hatred. Maybe thats why the Muslim fanatics hate the western world.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Mar 18, 2007 01:16
People, people! We need to stop dividing ourselves into cathegories. We are all world citizens of equal value. Many muslims might have more in common with american rappers than with their muslim brothers. But before we tear down the walls we create around us, they shall never find their peace. Now, I' m off to demonstrate against the meat industry. After that I' m going to meet my STWWL (Save-the-world-withllove) band and play Indian beats with my flute made out of hampa.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Mar 18, 2007 07:32
We are all world citizens of equal value. What if they live in a racist country?
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Mar 18, 2007 14:55
What if they live in a racist country? You appeal to the world leaders, UN, and Amnesty International. But Amnesty Int has been full of crap lately, so I can' t be bothered with them. Ditto for the UN.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Mar 19, 2007 04:07
Maybe thats why the Muslim fanatics hate the western world. Much of religious fundamentalism, whether Islamic, Christian, or Jewish, stems from poverty. By addressing the root causes of poverty, fanatical fundamentalism will be diminished.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Mar 22, 2007 09:32
I don' t know why people in the Uk say " I' m not old enough to drink" ... You can drink from any age, but you need to be 18 to purchase alcohol...
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Mar 24, 2007 07:04
I don' t know why people in the Uk say " I' m not old enough to drink" ... You can drink from any age, but you need to be 18 to purchase alcohol... If ya drink regularily(every day)by the time your 24 you will kill your liver. I don' t mean beers...scotch, whiskey, friends already have and they will be 24 this year. I am not ready to leave this forsaken place so I have cut down and drink once a week maybe.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 16, 2007 23:05
Magik, its all about limits - you feel indestructible until about 24 - like you can achieve anything. I' m 27 now and the years are going faster than ever - but its up to you to make the most of it. I figure at 27 I have 3 more years of being in my " twenties" , but I' ll still have my 30' s, 40' s, 50' s and more to have time to enjoy life. Remember us at 50 will be like people who are currently 40 with the healthcare we have grown up with.. Providing that G. Bush doesnt get his way and ban stem cell research (and the money the US would put towards it) the world will see many great advancements in our lifetime! You will get to 25 and realise that it' s not so bad and you have up to 10 years more of being " irresponsible" at the very least! With all that said people are allready saying about my 30th - how have others dealt with their " bigger numbers" and who is the oldest on Kikizo? I have a 47 year old working for me, and he is exactly like me, has a younger gf, all the consoles, loves playing games - and he has a family and everything - through knowing him it has made me loads more relaxed about getting older - we now haev a society tolerant to having fun no matter what age we are! You also come to realise how little you know about the world and yourself when you are 18-23!
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 16, 2007 23:34
Old Man Musashi' s ranting again.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 16, 2007 23:50
January - July is a long time for me to go without leaving the country and getting away from my daily life. When i was at uni it wasn' t so bad because i could come and go as i pleased but having a " real" job sucks ass. If i wasn' t hopeful about my application being finalized soon i' d have gone abroad for 6 months. As it is i' ve just spent half-term arguing with my pain-in-the-ass girlfriend and putting my flat up for sale. My entire life is in limbo at the moment. It fucking sucks. Meh, i need Whittards Cranberry & Raspberry tea. That' ll make me feel better
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 17, 2007 00:58
Nitro, you have nothing to worry about, trust me, I am 35 and in 3 weeks and 5 days, I loose my bachelorness, I was hoping to be one of those guys, that has a 20 something GF, flashy car etc. But it hasn' t worked out that way. Instead I have a gorgeous fiance, a great house, 3 kids, 4 dogs, 4 cats, 2foster cats, a tank of fish oh and a flaming budgie, oh btw does anyone know if budgie tastes nice as I swear it is affected by things when I am on the 360. It may look bleak now but in a few months it will all fall into place and things will look up again.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 17, 2007 05:44
With all that said people are allready saying about my 30th - how have others dealt with their " bigger numbers" and who is the oldest on Kikizo? I just turned 33. The 30s are great, it' s like being in your 20s but with more skills and more confidence. I' m also in a lot better shape than I was 10 years ago.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 17, 2007 07:33
Jeez. It' s like the crotchety old men spinning tales outside of the General Store. Forget this, I' m going skydiving.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 17, 2007 07:59
This thread is a bit depressing. I' m 32, like zoy said, being in your 30s has it' s advantages - more money, more self-confidence and hopefully more wisdom. I' ve been keeping fit since i was 28 so yeah, I' m fitter than I was when I was 22 - just a couple of stone heavier.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 17, 2007 08:04
You could be 60 and still considered active and young. As long as you dont let your age control you. You should have no problems.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Agent Ghost
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 18, 2007 00:51
The reason people feel shitty during their late teens and early twenties is due to the uncertainty in our lives. Most people feel like the important decisions and achievements that influence the rest of your life happen during this period. By the time we reach 30 most people are settled down. Life is much easier when you know what you' re going to do five years later.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 18, 2007 19:01
When did you turn 24 nitro? I am also 24, and yeah time seems to fly past, but meh, age is just a number
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 18, 2007 20:44
March 11th.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 21, 2007 18:04
im just 18 but hell, i feel so freacking tired, i just want to sit back, relax and read a novel, a old favorite or something new but i cant, i freacking cant, im sooooo fucking busy at school, its not even funny i wake up every day at nine, take a shower and im off to the institude until noon, then off to classes until 8-9 p.m. back to the apartment for dinner, half an hour to do whatever i want to do (most of the time, take a nap) then 15 minutes to talk to my mom on the phone and again, read whatever complicated, philosophical pice of shit nterpretation of the true significance of history in the development of mand kind until 3:00 a.m. im only 18 but i really feel like 40 years old, imso tired
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 21, 2007 23:23
Reading this thread does make one feel old. This thread is a bit depressing time for an adrenalin rush.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 22, 2007 11:36
i wake up every day at nine, take a shower and im off to the institude until noon I would KILL to wake up at nine dude. I want to hear no bitching from this side of the crowd today. 5-friggin' thirty... AM.... not good. And I still don' t feel old & crotchety like all y' alls!
Evil Man
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 22, 2007 11:43
ORIGINAL: Byakko I hate being 19, and you go on about being 24 Given, I can' t wait to be 21 All movies are open to me, ha! It' s not like you wouldn' t just pirate them off the internet. Scumbag.
< Message edited by Evil man -- 22 Apr 07 3:43:40 >
If the Wii was only capable of 480i, it would have to be deinterlace it. - Emotep Learn to use proper English. - Emotep I have an American kid failing Geography. - Emotep
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 22, 2007 11:47
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated I would KILL to wake up at nine dude. I want to hear no bitching from this side of the crowd today. 5-friggin' thirty... AM.... not good. And I still don' t feel old & crotchety like all y' alls! my problem its not the hour i wake up, its the time i have to sleep, from 3:00 am to 9:00, besides, im always moving from here to there... on the other hand 5:30 in the am??? what on earth do you do??? make sure the sun rises???
Evil Man
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 22, 2007 13:17
I get up at 5:30 AM and get home at 6:30PM, but I only have to go to work 3.5 days, I love my job, it' s like 4 day weekends every week.
< Message edited by Evil man -- 22 Apr 07 5:19:23 >
If the Wii was only capable of 480i, it would have to be deinterlace it. - Emotep Learn to use proper English. - Emotep I have an American kid failing Geography. - Emotep
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 22, 2007 13:40
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated I would KILL to wake up at nine dude. I want to hear no bitching from this side of the crowd today. 5-friggin' thirty... AM.... not good. And I still don' t feel old & crotchety like all y' alls! my problem its not the hour i wake up, its the time i have to sleep, from 3:00 am to 9:00, besides, im always moving from here to there... on the other hand 5:30 in the am??? what on earth do you do??? make sure the sun rises??? I piss in Jack Thompson' s corn-flakes.
Agent Ghost
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 22, 2007 14:19
I piss in Jack Thompson' s corn-flakes. ...fucking eh!
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 22, 2007 20:55
It' s not like you wouldn' t just pirate them off the internet. Scumbag. Dude, who even pirates movies anymore? Nowadays, DVDs are beyond cheap, and technically more worth it than going to the movies; but some movies you just gotta see in the theater, hence why I get peeved when I have to watch RENT in the cinema instead of on stage (which has different ratings, why?). Plus, let us not forget it was you who openly admitted to pirating Xbox games of all things  You just called me a ' scumbag' for a made-up accusation you created. Hardly convincing.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 22, 2007 21:03
I get up at 5:30 AM and get home at 6:30PM, but I only have to go to work 3.5 days, I love my job, it' s like 4 day weekends every week. What do you do?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: I don' t like being 24
Apr 23, 2007 06:40
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber I get up at 5:30 AM and get home at 6:30PM, but I only have to go to work 3.5 days, I love my job, it' s like 4 day weekends every week. What do you do? Internet Troll obv
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 23, 2007 08:06
My life is starting to suck. I' m treading water, just waiting on my damn application. I should have just fucked off to Greece and re-applied from there. The endless waiting has something to do with a whole bunch of applications being lost in the system. They tell me they' re looking at it now and that i should know something in a few weeks but that' s probably just an automatic response. The days roll by and i' m getting ever more cynical. I may even just get a work permit and go. I' ve put everything on hold for this. I shouldn' t have quit uni... I need a drink.
Evil Man
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 23, 2007 10:26
ORIGINAL: Byakko It' s not like you wouldn' t just pirate them off the internet. Scumbag. Dude, who even pirates movies anymore? Nowadays, DVDs are beyond cheap, and technically more worth it than going to the movies; but some movies you just gotta see in the theater, hence why I get peeved when I have to watch RENT in the cinema instead of on stage (which has different ratings, why?). Plus, let us not forget it was you who openly admitted to pirating Xbox games of all things You just called me a ' scumbag' for a made-up accusation you created. Hardly convincing. Yeah, if you' re poor and don' t have a large TV with a good sound system. Sure. Even so, pirates like yourself will download " Screeners" so I guess you would rather watch at the theatres than watch a crap quality rip.
If the Wii was only capable of 480i, it would have to be deinterlace it. - Emotep Learn to use proper English. - Emotep I have an American kid failing Geography. - Emotep
Agent Ghost
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 23, 2007 10:54
My life is starting to suck. I' m treading water, just waiting on my damn application. I should have just ***ed off to Greece and re-applied from there. The endless waiting has something to do with a whole bunch of applications being lost in the system. They tell me they' re looking at it now and that i should know something in a few weeks but that' s probably just an automatic response. The days roll by and i' m getting ever more cynical. I may even just get a work permit and go. I' ve put everything on hold for this. I shouldn' t have quit uni... I need a drink. I' m only 21 years old but if there is one thing I learned in life, it' s as follows; regret is a black hole that leads nowhere. Life is much easier when I sit back, relax and look forward to the positive things in my future. Majik I don' t think alcohol is going to help a person in your situation. I know what you need. You need a big fat blunt. Do you have good weed in England?
Evil Man
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 23, 2007 11:50
Yeah weed is better than alcohol when you feel down. Alcohol is for partying, weed is to chill.
If the Wii was only capable of 480i, it would have to be deinterlace it. - Emotep Learn to use proper English. - Emotep I have an American kid failing Geography. - Emotep
Evil Man
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 23, 2007 11:53
You need a big fat blunt. Do you have good weed in England? Considering Europe is about the size of a small american neighborhood, I don' t think it would be too hard to drive to Amsterdam.
If the Wii was only capable of 480i, it would have to be deinterlace it. - Emotep Learn to use proper English. - Emotep I have an American kid failing Geography. - Emotep
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 23, 2007 17:20
Considering the UK and Ireland are surrounded by water, it may prove tricky unless your car floats.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 24, 2007 04:50
There is an underwater road between England and France.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 24, 2007 06:35
I suppose you could use the service tunnel in the channel tunnel, but it might get a bit congested if everyone tried it.
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 24, 2007 11:01
No no, Loco' s suggesting he flys through the chunnel King-of-All-Cosmos style on cheap UK weed, get blasted off his arse in the Netherlands & fly back over the channel.  Ain' t that right Loco?
I piss in Jack Thompson' s corn-flakes. ...***ing eh! You & I are relatively close. Wanna' join in one of these days? Getting up at 5:30' s the hard part, but draining your weasel in his All-American breakfast is better than drugs, sex & rock & roll combined. Evil Man Banned Temp
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 24 May 07 3:01:48 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: I don' t like being 24
May 24, 2007 13:25
You & I are relatively close. Wanna' join in one of these days? Getting up at 5:30' s the hard part, but draining your weasel in his All-American breakfast is better than drugs, sex & rock & roll combined. Why not, but I' m not even sure he eats corn flakes.