How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360?

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Joe Redifer
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How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 14, 2007 14:54
Achievements annoy me and do absolutely nothing to enhance gameplay or my life. They are worthless. I am sick of seeing things pop up on the screen telling me that I' ve achieved this or that. Like I give a rat' s ass! How can I turn these annoying pop-ups off? There HAS to be a way. Surely Microsoft wouldn' t force this annoying " feature" upon us.

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 14, 2007 22:13
Don' t do anything cool in games.

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 14, 2007 23:00
Don' t play any games.

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 14, 2007 23:27
Throw your 360 against the wall a few times and threaten it with death if it gives you another pop-up.

Agent Ghost
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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 14, 2007 23:53
Don' t sign in. Obviously this won' t help you online, but when you' re playing offline just don' t sign in. I' m not sure if you would be able to save your game though.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 14 Mar 07 15:54:44 >

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 01:50
At the dashboard push the big X button your controller. Then go to personal settings and from there go to notifications. You can turn it off there.

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 01:58
Spoil our fun.[:' (]

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 02:00
Why does someone always kill off a thread like this. I was just about to sugest that Joe go and buy a Wii or PS3 as they don' t have achievements do they. Or do they?

Agent Ghost
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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 02:41

At the dashboard push the big X button your controller. Then go to personal settings and from there go to notifications. You can turn it off there.

" notifications" also includes notifications of friend messages as well notifications of friends entering online. Which I think you might like even more but I just wanted to point that out anyways.

I didn' t even know it also turned off the gamer points pop ups, I only use it so I' m not bothered when playing Geometry Wars.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 14 Mar 07 23:20:57 >

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 04:32
Geometry wars my arse, your playing Root beer tapper aren' t you? C' mon admit it.

BTW TMNT is up and looks good and at a good price too for a change. 400mp' s.

Agent Ghost
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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 04:55
Ha ha, no actually I' m not even sure I' m familiar with that one. The only arcade games I' ve played seriously so far is GW and Texas Hold ' em to a lesser extent. My profile should reflect that. Recently I haven' t been playing much on 360 at all, but I did download a few arcade games to try out but none of them convinced me to actually buy them. I' m mostly playing PC games.

I traded all my 360 games that still worked and bought COD2 (again), so that and Geometry Wars is probably all I' ll be playing on 360 until I get Guitar Hero II in a few weeks. I think my record in GW is about 600 000 but if I get back into it, I' ll try for a million.

I have to admit I haven' t been drinking much either, since I' m trying to save money for my new videocard. I' m not buying alcohol at all, it' s too easy to buy a few bottles of Whisky within the next few months and blow my budget for the card.

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 05:25

I traded all my 360 games that still worked and bought COD2 (again)
Even CoD:3? Bummer, I never got around to owning your ass.

Why does someone always kill off a thread like this. I was just about to sugest that Joe go and buy a Wii or PS3 as they don' t have achievements do they. Or do they?
PS3 is supposed to have " entitlements" . No achievments for Nintendo though. Putting achievements on the Wii would alienate all the casual gamers just playing for fun.

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 05:32
I like achievements. I' ve found that they add to the replay value of a title. What annoys me is ranked game specific achievements because i don' t like ranked games, with the only exception being GRAW/2.

Agent Ghost
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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 07:13

Even CoD:3? Bummer, I never got around to owning your ass.

Yeah even COD3, you had your chance. I' m up for a COD2 match sometime if you have it. Although I' m only average at the game after COD3 and Gears fucked me up. I' m trying to get back into shape.

Joe Redifer
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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 07:13
Your fun would have been ruined anyway because someone else not from this forum told me how to turn them off this morning! And I already have a Wii. So far it' s.... OK. I would get a PS3, but there doesn' t happen to be any games I want to spend $600 just to have the system to play them, then $60 for the game. In other words, the PS3 just doesn' t make me hard yet.

" notifications" also includes notifications of friend messages as well notifications of friends entering online.

GOOD! This will be extra nice since I no longer have the GOLD version of LIVE. I was going to demand that my friends play their 360 less just so I wouldn' t be annoyed by those pop-ups (this requires less effort from me than disconnecting the ethernet cable). However it did say that some notifications would pop up no matter what. Which notifications are these? I would assume downloads and whatnot.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 14 Mar 07 23:16:03 >

Agent Ghost
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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 07:17

GOOD! This will be extra nice since I no longer have the GOLD version of LIVE. However it did say that some notifications would pop up no matter what. Which notifications are these? I would assume downloads and whatnot.

I' m not sure, probably not any you would get often. Like you said maybe downloads, I' m guessing they might also have been talking aobut notifications of game and Live updates.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 14 Mar 07 23:23:15 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 13:59

Geometry wars my arse, your playing Root beer tapper aren' t you? C' mon admit it.

Actually that' s ME
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 16:20
Oh well no accounting for taste I suppose

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 15, 2007 20:42
What about retardments!! Boxes that pop up telling you how sh*t you are, and generally verbally abuse you and knock your self esteem...

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 16, 2007 02:02
Yes, I think that feature has been implemented by the legions of smack-talking teenagers and passive-aggressive shut-ins that seem to comprise 90% of the Xbox Live population.

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 16, 2007 03:59

Yeah even COD3, you had your chance . I' m up for a COD2 match sometime if you have it. Although I' m only average at the game after COD3 and Gears fucked me up. I' m trying to get back into shape.

I' m gonna rebuy sometime soon I hope. Mine got cracked same as yours.

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RE: How do I turn off " achievements" on the 360? - Mar 16, 2007 06:36

What about retardments!! Boxes that pop up telling you how sh*t you are, and generally verbally abuse you and knock your self esteem...

You can play xbox live to get that. one time i was playing gears and we hadnt lost a round and i had like 24 kills, 18 downs, 2 revives, and no deaths, and the other team was all like " your garbage!!!! garbage!! garbage!!!" and their highest person had 5 kills and 1 down