Mind Control for Games?

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Mind Control for Games? - Mar 14, 2007 02:35

Emotive' s technology is based upon a new manner of interpreting the electrical activity in the human brain via EEG that looks below the individually unique (and thus difficult to accurately analyze) outer cortex to deeper regions of the brain...

...The first aspect demonstrated was facial recognition...

...The second aspect we saw was the headset' s ability to judge states of excitement or calm...

...The final aspect of the Emotive technology was even more impressive. By focusing upon physical movements, users are able to translate their thoughts into movement in a 3D virtual environment. Push, pull, slide, rotate, lift, drop, and six other motions can currently be detected by the Emotive tech.


That' s so cool. ' Wii II' anyone?

Combine this with a virtual reality headset, and we could have the first console you just have to wear! Rumble would get a bit annoying though...

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RE: Mind Control for Games? - Mar 14, 2007 02:39
I saw thm actually playing a game at GDC with that thing. It was crazy!
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RE: Mind Control for Games? - Mar 14, 2007 04:35
If its mind control the only way you can loose is if your retarded, wheres the fun in that?