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RE: Xbox Repair Time
Mar 15, 2007 05:02
COUSINS!!! That' s how you guys are related! ... Sorry, just been bugging me. Haha. Dude i told you that like a month ago
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RE: Xbox Repair Time
Mar 15, 2007 05:17
I must have missed it completely then.  I blame violent videogames for my memory loss.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Xbox Repair Time
Mar 15, 2007 09:47
ORIGINAL: alijay034 Wasn' t it sony with the exploding laptops though? Terrak you have a filthy mind   Sorry couldn' t help myself there But i' m in the same boat as you, never had a console ' die on me' . But i' ve only ever owned Nintendo consoles so that might explain things.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 15 Mar 07 1:47:31 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Xbox Repair Time
Mar 15, 2007 10:28
But i' m in the same boat as you, never had a console ' die on me' . But i' ve only ever owned Nintendo consoles so that might explain things. My NES, and SNES both died. My Nintendo 64 gimped up for a month until I cleaned it a bunch. My gameboy color broke too, never had a GC. My turbo-graffix works still. My Sega genesis works, and my Sega Saturn with a big crack in it still works, and my GameGear still works as well, wherever it is. My PS1 still works, my ps2 broke when I tried to mod it, one friend had a disc read error for a while, while another friends launch unit still works. My xbox broke once, but I think it was because my brother left it running on the carpet which I' ve heard really screws with em(my cousin;s friend wrecked 3 this way). Never had a 360, but my roomates got the ring of death, under warranty at least. So far the ps3 is fine, only time will tell how it holds up. Now that I write all that out, I realise how much these things can go wrong. Still, I' ve had comps do a lot worse. So far my Sega and Sony products have worked out best, and the first Xbox probably woulda kept on going if it hadn' t been left on the carpet.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Xbox Repair Time
Mar 17, 2007 04:18
never had a GC... ...and my GameGear still works as well, wherever it is.
GameCubes are amazingly tough, and the GameGear? (AKA. One heavy frigger) That thing had more lead in it than a dentist' s apron. It' s not going anywhere for years.