Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 14, 2007 22:59
Elequently put Mr The_Hated, if a little dumbed down for my liking, I like your description of an HDD, do you mind if I use that, to explain things to thick customers?

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 00:05

Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 00:52
LOL isn' t this great? I' m doing a big research project on aggression and I' m focusing on forums (not looking at Kikizo) for one of my classes. It' s amazing how people will always find ways to divide eachother.

Think about Prisons, they' re all convicts, all people who can' t live in the constrains of society and even they can' t unite. If they were able to do so, they could easily over power the prison guards and even escape. Instead the system has them pitted against eachother (racially) so the guards can overpower and control them.

There was a Stanford prison experiment called the Zimbardo' s experiment. Where they constructed a Prison and found paid volenteers to either act as the guards or prisoners. The guards were not trained. The prisoners were treated like shit, in many ways treated worse then real prisoners. At one point the Prisoners revolted together and almost overtook control. When the guards decided to label and separate the prisoners between the good and bad behavors. Treating the prisoners with good behaviour much better then the others. After which the guards tested them by mixing a few of the good tempered prisoners with the more difficult ones. Their plan worked, the prisoners were too occupied fighting with eachother to gang up on the guards. This is how real prisons work. Even when they weren' t allowed to go to the bathroom and had to shit in buckets and some were placed in the hole for going on hunger strikes, they still were too busy fighting against eachother to fight the real enemy.

I reccommend watching the whole video if you can find it.

My point is we' re all gamers, that' s how society label us, and to everyone else there is no difference between a Sony fan or an Xbox fan. Even to corporations that sell us the games we' re all just gamers. Yet we still find ways to divide eachother, which doesn' t benefit us.

I fucking love it. Human behaviour is fascinating, isn' t it?

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 02:08
Ghost, I don' t think it always is fanboyism or we are divided by a particular brand, I think (On here especially,) it comes down to a level of knowledge and competency, they will make claims that cannot be backed up, or they comment without having a basic let alone an advanced understanding of the thread at hand. You do get the odd fanboy here and there, but I feel this is a more balanced forum than some I have used,(Lik-sang was one of the worst.)

Anyway did we decide is the Wii shit or just lacking some killer apps?

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 02:20
I have to agree with what Alijay was saying about Kikizo being a good forum.

Since I have joined this forum, I have noticed that the messages posted by the members who have the knowledge, and have been here for a while now, are informative in my opinion.

When a new game is released, somebody here always writes up a better review than what you can read on 1up or IGN, again in my opinion. And I think the reason for that being, is that on Kikizo, you are going to get a review of a game, or console from a true gamer, and not just a reporter.

Anyway, to answer your question Alijay, I think it was settled that the Wii is just lacking the killer apps right now.

But, that will change.

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 02:23

Elequently put Mr The_Hated, if a little dumbed down for my liking, I like your description of an HDD, do you mind if I use that, to explain things to thick customers?

Might I suggest the " customer appreciation bat" ?

ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated



Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 02:35
I like Kikizo too, I was speaking about gamers in general.

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 03:28

ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated



If NeoGAF is good for one thing it' s gifs and photoshop' d gaming related images.

LOL isn' t this great? I' m doing a big research project on aggression and I' m focusing on forums (not looking at Kikizo) for one of my classes. It' s amazing how people will always find ways to divide eachother.

An interesting topic.

It' s not much aggression here. You have guys like f3 who believes the sun shines out of Miyamoto' s [Nintendo' s] ass and takes every opportunity to slate what he perceives to be the " opposition" , and people like Mastachef who feverently defend the opposition and slate Nintendo. Then you have people like me who ridicule the idiots who post dumb things like " i' m a practicing games designer"

Videogame company' s could be likened to something like football teams with their own supporters, exclusive titles and royalty deals etc. It doesn' t help when the gaming media constantly refer to the 3 way split as a " war" . It encourages fanboyism, a word that is uses in excess on gaming forums, often incorrectly and as an insult.

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 04:30
I guessed as much I was just specifying on Kikizo.

Hmmm " The customer appriciation bat." Me thinks I would start losing customers if I started using that.

I am a practising, trainee, learner, Graw2 player does that count for anything?

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 05:12
Ehhh... why not?

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 05:28
I watched a program about how 1 in 10 Black Bears turn white (not albino) in some rain forest in North America. The look like Polar Bears to the untrained eye. It was fascinating.

North America is an amazing place. There are wolves that fish, and wolves that hunt and eat bears, even Grizzly' s. And they' ve found Salmon DNA is the oldest trees because when they mate they die and then decompose and their whatever ends up in the roots and eventually the leaves. Like i said, it' s fascinating.

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 06:05

North America is an amazing place. There are wolves that fish, and wolves that hunt and eat bears, even Grizzly' s. And they' ve found Salmon DNA is the oldest trees because when they mate they die and then decompose and their whatever ends up in the roots and eventually the leaves. Like i said, it' s fascinating.

I' ve had some pretty crazy experiences camping in BC. I went on a canoe camping trip once, where we would pack up our gear, paddle for 3 or 4 hours to a different part of a lake and set up camp wherever it looked like there was a decent clearing. On the third night we were at the furthest point away from the road to the lake and camped right in the forest. Anyhow, while I was sleeping that night I woke up when I felt something heavy on my hand which happened to be out of the sleeping bag and at the edge of the tent. As I instinctively went to move my hand, I heard the animal sniffing. So I just lay there for what felt like forever, but was probably more like 15seconds. Eventually it stepped off my hand and wandered about our tents for 5 min and left. I went back to sleep since I have had bears near my tents before, and when I woke up I checked for tracks. Sure enough, it was a black bear, most likely male by the size of the print. Funniest thing is, I had my dog with me, and I' m still thankful to this day that he didn' t wake up that night and start barking. He might have been a big dog, but not compared to a bear.

I' ve also pissed on a porcupine while getting up in the middle of the night in the woods. That scared the shit out of me because it didn' t start moving till I was about 10seconds in. I' m guessing it was probably sleeping.

I have a few more, but those are the funniest.

Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 07:06

It' s not much aggression here.

That depends on how you define aggression. It could mean violent behaviour but it could also mean hostile behaviour. Which might simply mean being unfriendly. At times we are most certainly unfriendly. F3 in this very thread described some of us as " the wolves" . How many times have we cursed at other members and called them names? Trust me, like most anywhere these forums are aggressive. I' m no exception.

Obviously not the same way as in the prisons I was talking about. I doubt anyone here wishes anyone else here serious harm. Still most of us are guys and we do display forms of aggression not always directed towards other members, even if it' s mearly a sarcastic remark.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 15 Mar 07 0:25:02 >

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 07:52
Well in f3' s case, if he didn' t talk shit then nobody would be on his case. As it is he makes stupid claims and makes redundant comments about 360 for no obvious reason and then plays the victim when people tell him he' s being a dick.

But meh, i' m probably overly hostile in many of my posts. I don' t care though. It;s only the intertubes afterall.

Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 08:28
I wasn' t trying to single anyone out, it was just an observation. Actually the most aggressive members here are probably the more interesting ones.

Evil Man
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 15, 2007 09:28
Wii sux.

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 16, 2007 04:22

Videogame company' s could be likened to something like football teams with their own supporters, exclusive titles and royalty deals etc. It doesn' t help when the gaming media constantly refer to the 3 way split as a " war" .
I don' t care what system they become. I call Manchester United just for the bloodthirsty fans! Now that' s commitment!!!

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 16, 2007 06:38

Wii sux.

wow. The one time everyone else goes off topic, its evilman that stays on topic

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 16, 2007 06:46

I' ve also pissed on a porcupine while getting up in the middle of the night in the woods. That scared the shit out of me because it didn' t start moving till I was about 10seconds in. I' m guessing it was probably sleeping.


wii sux

Verbally bashing things wasn' t getting enough attention. He just needs a little bit of love & care. Don' t worry Evil Man...


feel better? I sure do.

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 16, 2007 06:57

Verbally bashing things wasn' t getting enough attention. He just needs a little bit of love & care. Don' t worry Evil Man...


feel better? I sure do.

I didnt get a hug

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 16, 2007 07:02

ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw

Verbally bashing things wasn' t getting enough attention. He just needs a little bit of love & care. Don' t worry Evil Man...


feel better? I sure do.

I didnt get a hug

*Kicks mastachef in the nuts*

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 16, 2007 07:45


Verbally bashing things wasn' t getting enough attention. He just needs a little bit of love & care. Don' t worry Evil Man...


feel better? I sure do.

I didnt get a hug

*Kicks mastachef in the nuts*

*masterchef cries*

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 16, 2007 21:32

Sure enough, it was a black bear, most likely male by the size of the print. Funniest thing is, I had my dog with me, and I' m still thankful to this day that he didn' t wake up that night and start barking. He might have been a big dog, but not compared to a bear.

That would take me off camping for my Life.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 17, 2007 00:00
I don' t live in the woods or anything but I' ve actually seen a young black Bear run around the city. It was hanging out near the Library along the main road. I have no idea how it got there and don' t know what happened with that, I only saw it for a few seconds as I was in the bus going to school.

Close to the street where I used to live, there is a patch of tall grass next to the highway and it was common to see a few Deer. They never bother anyone though.

The scariest animal in the town where I live are the raccoons. Those little fuckers are vicious, clever too. They' re like giant rats with a bad attitiude. Trust me, they' re not as cute and innocent as they look. They are capable of killing and sometimes eating cats and/or small dogs. In North America, they' re considered pests because they will go through your garbage. At my old place, every week, they would open the garbage can (which we tied with rope) and spread the garbage all over our lawn. Even putting our garbage cans in our shed didn' t help. They actually destroyed the shed to get to the garbage cans to rip the bags open and spread garbage all over our lawn. Little bastards.

Of course they did this at like 3:00 am when we were all sleeping. One night I actually caught them in the act. There must have been five of them. I grabbed my baseball bat with a twisted grin on my face. I ran to the glass Porch Door, where the Raccoons where only a few feet away outside. I held up the bat so they could see it and as I was about to open the slidding door the largest Raccon jumped at the door scratching it profusely and growling. That scared the shit out of me! I swear if it wasn' t for the glass door, the Raccoon would have gone straight for my nuts. Fuck it, I told myself they can have my garbage, I don' t want rabies. I' ll get them next week.

I bought a pellet gun the day after that incident. The next week I stayed up all night in the dark holding my new toy after I placed the garbage outside. After waiting about four hours in front of my porch door holding my pellet gun like a mad man, they finally came. I quickly opened the screen door before they could get too close and shot one of them square on its fucking forehead. That' s all it took, they all ran in the opposite direction and I never saw them on my property again.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 16 Mar 07 16:02:17 >

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 17, 2007 00:46

I bought a pellet gun the day after that incident. The next week I stayed up all night in the dark holding my new toy after I placed the garbage outside. After waiting about four hours in front of my porch door holding my pellet gun like a mad man, they finally came. I quickly opened the screen door before they could get too close and shot one of them square on its fucking forehead.

Haha, you' re f***ing crazy. But I guess that' s why we all love you

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 17, 2007 02:32

I bought a pellet gun the day after that incident. The next week I stayed up all night in the dark holding my new toy after I placed the garbage outside. After waiting about four hours in front of my porch door holding my pellet gun like a mad man, they finally came. I quickly opened the screen door before they could get too close and shot one of them square on its fucking forehead. That' s all it took, they all ran in the opposite direction and I never saw them on my property again.

HA HAHAHAAH LOL Fucking Hilarious!! Agent if you are ever in Ireland we should go out on the piss, I bet you are class craic with a few drinks in ya!

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 17, 2007 04:12

I didnt get a hug

***hugs Mastachef***

Kicks mastachef in the nuts*

***collapses as Majik overshoots Master' s nuts just a little too far as we' re hugging. ***

***coughs up testicle, moves on***

The scariest animal in the town where I live are the raccoons. Those little fuckers are vicious, clever too. They' re like giant rats with a bad attitiude. Trust me, they' re not as cute and innocent as they look. They are capable of killing and sometimes eating cats and/or small dogs. In North America, they' re considered pests because they will go through your garbage.
Dude, they' re friggin insane. Way worse than any bear. I' ve seen docile bears, no such luck with raccoons.

I bought a pellet gun the day after that incident. The next week I stayed up all night in the dark holding my new toy after I placed the garbage outside. After waiting about four hours in front of my porch door holding my pellet gun like a mad man, they finally came. I quickly opened the screen door before they could get too close and shot one of them square on its fucking forehead.
Vindicating wasn' t it?

Best time I think I ever had was fending off raccoons with an M1 Carbine lookalike pellet gun. I was about 13, & I was over my uncles house. Raccoons loved the place, & we sat upstairs looking outside the windows for the (aptly named) little f******.

We had his brand new low-light camping goggles (not as cool, and way heavier than Sam Fisher' s) and had painted the sight white on the pellet gun. It was the most enjoyable northern redneck moment I think I' ve ever had.

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 17, 2007 06:01

I bought a pellet gun the day after that incident. The next week I stayed up all night in the dark holding my new toy after I placed the garbage outside. After waiting about four hours in front of my porch door holding my pellet gun like a mad man, they finally came. I quickly opened the screen door before they could get too close and shot one of them square on its fucking forehead. That' s all it took, they all ran in the opposite direction and I never saw them on my property again.

Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 17, 2007 06:04

...shot one of them square on its fucking forehead

Hahaha, dude you fucking kill me!

Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 17, 2007 06:22
" Haha, you' re f***ing crazy. But I guess that' s why we all love you"

LOL that' s what my mom said to me the other day.

" HA HAHAHAAH LOL Fucking Hilarious!! Agent if you are ever in Ireland we should go out on the piss, I bet you are class craic with a few drinks in ya!"

Yeah, I don' t have much desire to leave the country anytime soon. But if ever I do leave for a trip, Ireland is at the top of my list of places I want to see. In a few years I can see myself making the trip. If ever I do, I' ll let you know. We' d have a blast, I' m sure of it.

" Dude, they' re friggin insane. Way worse than any bear. I' ve seen docile bears, no such luck with raccoons."

Yeah I' ve been close to a lot of animals in person. All these animals will leave us alone as long as we respect their territory and give them space. A bear won' t wake up looking for a human so it can rip his face off. Raccoons' aren' t like that, they will invade our space just to fuck with us. The thing with Raccoons is that they bring the whole family, so whenever the offspring get close to you the parents automatically perceive you as a threat. It' s a real bitch to have them going in your garbage.

So yeah it was pretty vindicating to get rid of them.

< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 16 Mar 07 22:26:08 >

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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S*** - Mar 17, 2007 11:37
Possums are the worst! i swear one tried to attack me. It thought it was a cat and hung around with like 20 cats and out of nowhere it comes up and attacks my leg and runs off. I hate those bastards!

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