I don' t live in the woods or anything but I' ve actually seen a young black Bear run around the city. It was hanging out near the Library along the main road. I have no idea how it got there and don' t know what happened with that, I only saw it for a few seconds as I was in the bus going to school.
Close to the street where I used to live, there is a patch of tall grass next to the highway and it was common to see a few Deer. They never bother anyone though.
The scariest animal in the town where I live are the raccoons. Those little fuckers are vicious, clever too. They' re like giant rats with a bad attitiude. Trust me, they' re not as cute and innocent as they look. They are capable of killing and sometimes eating cats and/or small dogs. In North America, they' re considered pests because they will go through your garbage. At my old place, every week, they would open the garbage can (which we tied with rope) and spread the garbage all over our lawn. Even putting our garbage cans in our shed didn' t help. They actually destroyed the shed to get to the garbage cans to rip the bags open and spread garbage all over our lawn. Little bastards.
Of course they did this at like 3:00 am when we were all sleeping. One night I actually caught them in the act. There must have been five of them. I grabbed my baseball bat with a twisted grin on my face. I ran to the glass Porch Door, where the Raccoons where only a few feet away outside. I held up the bat so they could see it and as I was about to open the slidding door the largest Raccon jumped at the door scratching it profusely and growling. That scared the shit out of me! I swear if it wasn' t for the glass door, the Raccoon would have gone straight for my nuts. Fuck it, I told myself they can have my garbage, I don' t want rabies. I' ll get them next week.

I bought a pellet gun the day after that incident. The next week I stayed up all night in the dark holding my new toy after I placed the garbage outside. After waiting about four hours in front of my porch door holding my pellet gun like a mad man, they finally came. I quickly opened the screen door before they could get too close and shot one of them square on its fucking forehead. That' s all it took, they all ran in the opposite direction and I never saw them on my property again.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 16 Mar 07 16:02:17 >