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- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 12, 2007 09:53
And Sony. They made a console full of shit i dont need for $600 with no games. I swear, people fuss about paying $250 for a toy(wii) when people who bought a PS3 payed $600 for a DVD player Thems is fightin words there boy.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 12, 2007 10:14
Thems is fightin words there boy. What if they are boy?
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 12, 2007 12:11
And Sony. They made a console full of shit i dont need for $600 with no games. I swear, people fuss about paying $250 for a toy(wii) when people who bought a PS3 payed $600 for a DVD player Yah, who needs a good CPU and GPU. I guess the 360 must be full of stuff you don' t need either. What does your ideal console run on, sticks and leaves? I won' t even get started on the " no games" part of your post.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 13, 2007 04:23
Yah, who needs a good CPU and GPU. I guess the 360 must be full of stuff you don' t need either. What does your ideal console run on, sticks and leaves? No. sticks and rocks actually
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 13, 2007 06:03
If youre going to argue that the PS3 has games, or that it will have more and better games this gen, youre borderline retarded. As for his comment about things you dont need, hes refering to BluRay dumbass.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 13, 2007 06:48
If youre going to argue that the PS3 has games, or that it will have more and better games this gen, youre borderline retarded. I will copy Magiks post in another thread instead of writing out all the games. * Resistance: Fall of Man * MotorStorm * Genji: Days of the Blade * Formula One CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION * Ridge Racer 7 * Call of Duty 3 * Marvel: Ultimate Alliance * Tony Hawk' s Project 8 * Gundam - Target in Sight * Full Auto 2: Battle Lines * Sonic the Hedgehog * Virtua Fighter 5 * Virtua Tennis 3 * World Snooker Championship 2007 * NBA 2K7 * NHL 2K7 * Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWll * Enchanted Arms * Tom Clancy' s Splinter Cell: Double Agent * The Elder Scrolls lV: Oblivion * Def Jam: Icon * Fight Night Round 3 * NBA Street 4 Homecourt 2007 * Need for Speed Carbon * The Godfather: The Don' s Edition * Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 * Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom * F.E.A.R. ...and the following should be available for download via PSN: * Tekken: Dark Resurrection * Gran Turismo HD * Go! Sudoku * Go! Puzzle * Blast Factor * flOw * Lemmings * Super Rub' a' Dub * Gripshift So none of those are good games? As for his comment about things you dont need, hes refering to BluRay dumbass. Thats what I figured, but if you read his post he says - And Sony. They made a console full of shit i dont need for $600 with no games " Full of shit" would mean multiple things, not a single BluRay player. It also strikes me as quite funny that the person I directed my post to(Master), jokes around with me, like I was with him, and then you come and flame me............
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 13, 2007 06:55
Let me be the first to put this flamefire out. Nobody' s making anybody buy anything, so no more bitching from anyone okay? Let people do what they want.  Thanks in advance. Oh, and as long as we' re off topic, I' m buying Crackdown today!!!
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 12 Mar 07 22:56:47 >
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 13, 2007 07:09
That is one game you will not regret getting, I am shuffling between Crackdown and GRAW2.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 13, 2007 08:23
Alijay you can' t be serious, anyone who buys Crackdown before GRAW2 needs a beating. Crackdown is not a great game, and the Halo 3 beta is not worth the purchase of a mediocre game.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Halo 2 for PC
Mar 13, 2007 10:44
Let me be the first to put this flamefire out. Nobody' s making anybody buy anything, so no more bitching from anyone okay? Let people do what they want. Thanks in advance. Put the flame out
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