Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3

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Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3 - Mar 05, 2007 12:51
It' s called the Split Fish PS3 FragFX controller

It looks pretty interesting to me, as I have always desired a mouse for my consoles, especially for FPS titles. I like the idea of using the wii' s nunchuk since I thought it would be a nice piece for FPS games in particular. What I wonder though, is if you have to use those buttons on the side of the mouse, or if there are the traditional two mouse buttons to click on the top. They don' t mention that in the article, so I' m assuming there are.

I would prefer if Sony would just allow mouse/keyboard to work for their games with a firmware update, but if thats not going to happen, at least I will have this option. Correct me if I' m wrong, but MS is working on an update for the 360 so that it will allow future game titles to have the option of working with a mouse and keyboard right? Hopefully that comes to fruition and is supported by developers, as not only would it be awesome for the Xbox, but it could even push Sony to do the same.

I wonder though, how much this will imbalance people that use this over those with controllers.

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RE: Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3 - Mar 05, 2007 14:00
Haha is this a joke? It looks like a copy of the Wii' s nunchuck unit.
It does seem like a good idea for console FPS though. MS or Sony better buy the company who makes it.

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RE: Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3 - Mar 05, 2007 15:46
Cool. I' ve always thought something like this would be useful for PC FPS' s too. WASD is so dated and could easily become analog with a cheap USB thumbstick...

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RE: Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3 - Mar 06, 2007 07:10
Looks kinda funny. I would rather have a keyboard and mouse... not nunchuck and mouse

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RE: Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3 - Mar 06, 2007 07:53
I was just about to comment on the usual problems of porting thumbstick games to a " real mouse/keyboard" experience, but looking at the article it appears those have been fixed.

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RE: Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3 - Mar 06, 2007 10:24

I would rather have a keyboard and mouse... not nunchuck and mouse

I can understand preferring a mouse to aiming with a thumbstick. But why do you prefer WASD to an analog thumbstick? Just out of tradition?

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RE: Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3 - Mar 07, 2007 07:14

I can understand preferring a mouse to aiming with a thumbstick. But why do you prefer WASD to an analog thumbstick? Just out of tradition?

I just think it would feel funny to have a mouse, but not a keyboard

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RE: Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3 - Mar 07, 2007 07:49
Methinks you' d get used to it after a while.

Oh, and as a side note... what kind of a name is Split Fish FragFX?

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RE: Mouse Nunchuk Combo for PS3 - Mar 07, 2007 08:20
Sounds like a pretty EXTREME name to me, old man!