Crashday puts you in the world of stunts, dents and adrenaline: whether you prefer to smash your vehicle into pieces with breath-taking stunts or better still prefer to race against your enemies in on custom highspeed race tracks - maybe you also just want to show your fellow man what a serious head-on collision can be like!?
Today there are no rules -
it' s crash day!
Fact sheet Genre: Stunt racing game
Comparable with:
Stunts, Carmageddon
Developer: Moon Byte Studios
Publisher: t.b.a.
Release (PC): Q4 2004 / Q1 2005
Release (XBox/PS2): t.b.a.
Crashday main features Stunt racing game with convincing stunt physics
Absolute freedom of movement
Powerful, easy-to-use track editor
(containing sets for country side environments, race tracks, highways, towns & cities,
offroad tracks, stunt pieces and much more)
Numerous game modes (+ team-based modes)
Full multiplayer support via Internet and LAN
Career mode
20 varietal, detailed vehicles
Detailed damage model including real-time dents,
detachable car parts and breakable headlights and car windows
Numerous tuning possibilities
(wings, rims, engine, decals/airbrush, performance exhausts...)
Car accessories and weapons optionally available
Support for savable replays files
For More info and more pics. OR
Official Website. (2 Trailers are in Downloads)
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster
XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.