Fanboy Battle Royal!

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Agent Ghost
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Fanboy Battle Royal! - Feb 27, 2007 10:27
I saw this crazy thing on some site where this guy makes a replica of an MA5C Assault Rifle (Assult Rifle from Halo). If I had a soul, I' d sell it for one of these.

I think it' d be interesting if we used this thread to display acts of extreme fanboyism. Or not even neccessarily the work of a fanboy but just anything extreme a fan has done. Something none of use would do. It could be for a game,franchise or a platform, anything related to videogames. It doesn' t matter if it' s a fabrication, a video or body mutilation. Any act or display that shows a devotion to one videogame brand.

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RE: Fanboy Battle Royal! - Feb 27, 2007 10:29
Teh fanboyzerz assemblezerzzzzzz. We will talk about our teh greatnesszzerzz, Flamezorz anyone who doesnt agreezerz, and call them teh fanboy nubzerzzzzz

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RE: Fanboy Battle Royal! - Feb 27, 2007 13:38
Well, this topic is perfect for what I am about to show you. I imagine a few of you have already seen this, as its at least 6 years old, probably more like 8.

It' s a bunch of guys dressed up as their EQ characters and NPC' s from the game.

There is an extend version of the above clip, but I cannot find it.

I' m not sure if these guys are EQ nerds, or just D & D nerds. But a few of the costumes and the guy who dresses up like an elf druid lead me to believe its supposed to be EQ

I saw this, way back when I was 15 or so, playing EQ not long after it came out. Back then I made a pvp Shadowknight and used to go hunting for people in my level range. In it, unlike WoW, you could text opposing factions. I don' t think you can realise how serious people take MMO' s until you hear the things they say to you after you kill them in a game that was as hard as it was. I had people threaten bodily harm, cry, plead, beg, create such vulgar insults that I still have not heard the like today, and even pay huge sums of in game money to be left alone. Now, I must add that I was the biggest pvper out there, and had the highest number of pvp kills even 2 years after I had quit, so my encounters were most likely very out of the ordinary. I figured I would share this story, as it somewhat relates to how crazy the nerds in the video are.

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RE: Fanboy Battle Royal! - Mar 08, 2007 02:32 a wonderful story Dagashi. Thank you. I really enjoyed that.

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RE: Fanboy Battle Royal! - Mar 08, 2007 02:54 a wonderful story Dagashi. Thank you. I really enjoyed that.

lol, I just realised how that post makes it look like I' m trying to boast about my pvp prowess. I guess I should have worded it differently. I should add that my friend also used my character to pvp with a couple days a week. Regardless, it still sticks with me today how angry grown men and women can get over an MMO.