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New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 02:50
Adam Doree
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 02:51
It supports motion control... that' s not analogue!?
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 03:18
ORIGINAL: Adam Doree It supports motion control... that' s not analogue!? You know what i mean Analog sticks.
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 03:30
Wow. Um... go Factor Five!
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 06:10
I really hope SONY buys Factor 5, the bare idea of an engine developed by Naughty Dog, Factor 5 and Polyphony Digital makes me wanna... This is gonna be expensive tho, Lair+new1080p TV+new home theater=
< Message edited by fernandino -- 25 Feb 07 22:11:13 >
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 06:48
Wow.. if those are really all in game-play shots then i' m blown away by the improvement, the water in some shots looks miles better than what was shown before... Now I am even more anticipated for this game... When is the ETA for this game?
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 07:49
ORIGINAL: uumai When is the ETA for this game? Officially May 8th.
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 07:52
Of 2007?? BTW it can easily become a lipper app!!!
" One who knows nothing can understand nothing"
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 07:55
ORIGINAL: OneWingedAngel Of 2007?? BTW it can easily become a lipper app!!! Yes of 2007. Officially. And what' s a " lipper app" ???
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 08:37
I guess keyboards are to blame for having k, l and p close together ;)
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 10:57
Wow! And then again, to an extent, it doesn' t really surprise me. I mean, bascially, the Playstation 3 will have better graphics then the Xbox 360... even though the 360s graphics are prettyful enough. I' m willing to bet that Killzone 2 will probably have better graphics then Halo 3.
...Random Madness, Forward...
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 16:03
ORIGINAL: _Ninja_Protocol_ Wow! And then again, to an extent, it doesn' t really surprise me. I mean, bascially, the Playstation 3 will have better graphics then the Xbox 360... even though the 360s graphics are prettyful enough. I' m willing to bet that Killzone 2 will probably have better graphics then Halo 3. Post shit like this again and i' ll fucking stomp on you.
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 18:37
ORIGINAL: Nitro ORIGINAL: _Ninja_Protocol_ Wow! And then again, to an extent, it doesn' t really surprise me. I mean, bascially, the Playstation 3 will have better graphics then the Xbox 360... even though the 360s graphics are prettyful enough. I' m willing to bet that Killzone 2 will probably have better graphics then Halo 3. Post shit like this again and i' ll fucking stomp on you. I was lmao at ninja comment.... Well put Majik
Agent Ghost
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 18:42
" Post shit like this again and i' ll fucking stomp on you." LMAO! It' s amazing how much we care about this shit. Looking at the pics, obviously they look excellent but my gut tells me they are cinematics and not in game pics. Either that or the gameplay camera is worthless. If I' m wrong and these are ingame, my next assumption would be that the background is fixed much like Panzer Dragon on Xbox.
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 18:42
I think Sony is using vodoo or some other ancient black magic because they always manage to get super good looking stuff on " crappy" hardware.
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 19:24
They' re definitely doing some impressive looking things with the hardware. We just need to be worried about framerate at 1080p I guess. They' re still doing 1080p right?
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 19:56
Meh, his post was flamebait in it' s purest form. Shit like that starts retarded arguments and we haven' t had one for a while and we don' t need one now. The idiot fanboys are gone and everything has been going fine. Plus, ...his post is highly inaccurate Lair will be great. It certainly looks like it' ll be a visually impressive game and the art direction is very cool. I just hope they enable analog stick control because some of the motion controls look to be annoying. They' re definitely doing some impressive looking things with the hardware. We just need to be worried about framerate at 1080p I guess. They' re still doing 1080p right? Dunno. I thought they' d dropped it back to 720p and 30fps. I think Sony is using vodoo or some other ancient black magic because they always manage to get super good looking stuff on " crappy" hardware. PS3 games look super impressive because they' ve had an additional years development time.
< Message edited by NITRO -- 26 Feb 07 11:59:19 >
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 20:31
Wow if these are in game gfx i am very impressed. But like Agent Ghost i want to know why none of the screen shots are from a playable angle (i.e from directly behind the dragon/dragon rider)?
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 20:48
just for the record, Lair has a free camera sistem where u can move it to any angle in gameplay without the need to pause or do anything else, just saying
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 20:54
ORIGINAL: fernandino just for the record, Lair has a free camera sistem where u can move it to any angle in gameplay without the need to pause or do anything else, just saying Matters not, these still aren' t from " gameplay" That being said, the gameplay footage from earlier builds looked pretty good anyway, juts not as nice as the game appears to be now. What should be noted is that Factor 5 never release doctored screens.
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 20:55
WEEEEEEHHHH!!! Looks like Lair pulled through... I' ll be a happy PS3 owner soon! Yes! Of course graphics do not a game make, so I want to see how it plays, actually I wanna know how it plays, and I 100% agree with Agent, those aren' t gameplay angles, unless the camera is Welsh.... I' ll probably reserve greater judgement until the blasted game comes out... Come on March 23rd!!
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 21:56
Well at least it dosent look like a ps2 game anymore. Or at least, that what you guys thought of it a few months ago. While the Graphics look great, And I do believe the game is in 1080p, They want to Nail those motion controls as they could break a great game.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 26 Feb 07 17:18:26 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 22:07
I think it' ll be great, i' m glad though they switched analogue control to the on ground walking segments rather than motion control on the ground too. Can' t wait for this... but bah, both this game and spiderman 3 come out in close succession of each other in america (i assume the same will be true here) I guess spiderman 3 will have to wait...
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 22:54
Hold the phone..... SpiderMan 3?? Ahhh... I' ll get both..
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 23:15
so will I but if i buy both one wont get played... so i' ll get lair and complete it then buy spiderman 3... or the otherway around. With my older systems i kept buying too many games and not playing them all... what a waste... but not this time around. Hell at least Sony' s launch games are going for £39.99 third party probably £49.99
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 23:18
Just get both and alternate between the two... If need be throw Lair out the window. Hehe.. Ah... 2007: a gamers paradise.
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 26, 2007 23:50
ORIGINAL: uumai Can' t wait for this... but bah, both this game and spiderman 3 come out in close succession of each other in america (i assume the same will be true here) I guess spiderman 3 will have to wait... Uh huh...
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 27, 2007 01:18
I dont know about you guys but I enjoyed Spiderman 2. I would pick Lair over Spiderman 3 though.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 27, 2007 04:24
PS3 is gonna have a decent visual curve on it. I' ve said it many times before, from a technical standpoint they' re 3 separate beasts, but Sony consoles and their graphics do tend to have a certain trend to them. We get Crash Bandicoot: Suckarama, and other shoddy games, then 2005 (?) hits & we get gorgeous stuff like Black. I' d definately have to demo this game before I picked it up. I remember reading a preview somewhere that said the ground combat felt very half-arsed, and that it was broken at its core. While I really don' t want to belive that about Factor 5, there' s no good reason somebody would write that if it weren' t based in some fact. It' s common knowlege that previewers have some of the most optimistic looks on games in the industry. (Anybody remember the Killzone previews?  ) Dunno, hopefully a PS3 will drift my way before this comes out. *Waits for late paycheck*
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 27, 2007 04:54
Eddie the previous buld reviewsed in that case i take it is the E3/tgs one? because F5 have settled on analogue control for on ground bits where before they showed it as motion control... According to the F5 interview on ign it was something they switched between a lot in developement, but now its definately analogue.. so it should be fine. And yes I would buy lair before Spiderman 3, I' ve been waiting for lair since the first video. As for Lair, the screen give me a very much SotC vibe, at least in the image shown thus far. EDIT: D' you suppose that once this game is out the door we will start getting some decent information on Heavenly Sword? Or perhaps as soon as GDC? Sony seem to be keeping tight lipped on their titles at this point i guess so the few games they have aren' t getting over shadowed by future ones?
< Message edited by uumai -- 26 Feb 07 20:57:26 >
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 27, 2007 05:19
I' d probably expect some interesting stuff from both Sony and Microsoft at GDC. Especially Microsoft... Less than two weeks away too.
Agent Ghost
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 27, 2007 06:09
GDC, eh? *looks at site* The games I' m interested in during GDC are Fable 2,Star wars Next, Spore and Crysis.
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 27, 2007 10:28
Has anyone heard about the new Ratchet and Clank game on the ps3 I just picked it up for psp and man this game is addictive I love this game. But the screen shots of liar look great. It would be stupid to release it with out analog its like forceing people to play the wii.
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 27 Feb 07 2:31:32 >
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 27, 2007 13:07
I would really like it if you had the option of both motion control and analog stick control. Sometimes I would enjoy the dynamic and involving aspect of moving the controller to fly, and at other times I would prefer the ease of use(I get lazy), and precision of joysticks. I think some of you would be a bit less worried about motion control if you played flOw. I never really believed the sixaxis could make an enjoyable and easy to use control for movement, but it actually does a good job. It works just fine, and definitely adds a new element. If you had asked me if Lair having only motion control for flying was stupid before I played flOw, I would have said yes, and gotten all pissed off at their decision. But now after using it in a game that implemented it properly, I can say that it shouldn' t be a problem at all. The thing is, I get tired of motion control. I got tired of moving my hands in Flow, and I get tired of playing Wii when I' m at my buddy' s. I like sports, and I like pool etc. However, I just get tired of moving around in front of a screen at a certain point. For this reason, and to make it accessible to those who don' t like motion control, I think both controls should be used. It' s not like making joysticks work would be hard.
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 27, 2007 17:13
I' m so hyped up for this game, I cannot wait. I was checking out some other foums who seem to believe these screens are at least a few months old. I wonder how the game will look when it launches. Been a long time since playing a good dragon game, hope this lives up to expectation. And hearing you say that Averice gives me hope that it' ll play wonderfully... I hope i don' t keep lazy though >_<
< Message edited by uumai -- 27 Feb 07 9:14:09 >
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RE: New Lair screens
Feb 27, 2007 17:33
I' m still sore that there isn' t multiplayer online  Leading a battalion of buddies on huge dragons and meeting in mid-air clawing biting and firing fireballs until the skies alight... Sigh. Nope, you only get armies and ARMIES of AI enemies. No biggie, but if what I read is right, you do alot of swooping down on ground enemies and there' s still the scripted jacking of dragons. I can imagine, sweeping across the plains, looking for that one last surviving soldier, in gray, on a background of brown and gray; and everything looking so pebbly and detailed YOU CAN' T FUCKING SEE HIM. Sorry, I love Lair because I love dragons, but like I said, the lack of actual freedom with the flying and battling is a sore point...