Martha Stewart - 5 Months Prison Term

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Martha Stewart - 5 Months Prison Term - Jul 21, 2004 21:25
Soooo, I was checking out a news article on Martha' s 5 month sentencing (which she won' t be doing for a long time while she appeals) and saw the following.

Stewart, in a pre-recorded interview aired Friday night on ABC' s 20/20, was asked by Barbara Walters how she would cope with prison life, including strip searches, if she loses her appeal.

" I could do it," Stewart said. " I' m a really good camper. I can sleep on the ground. ... There are many, many good people who have gone to prison ... look at Nelson Mandela."

The only thing missing from Martha' s response is " It' s a good thing!"

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RE: Martha Stewart - 5 Months Prison Term - Aug 30, 2004 02:14
It' s kind of sad that she compares herself to Nelson Mandela, as he went to jail for a just cause. Martha Stewart is going to jail because she lied to government officials over insider stock trading.

Forgive me for being confused, but how are these two reasons for imprisonment even close to being similar? ...except that they both ended up in jail/prison.
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RE: Martha Stewart - 5 Months Prison Term - Aug 31, 2004 04:31
BLAH! Just face the music and get it over with. Five months.. that' s nothing. And you know it is not going to be on a " normal" prision, it will be in some cushy posh little place.