I have 12 VC games, 3 friends i know own some too. I have not ever experienced ' freezing' , nor have any of my freinds.
Eghit out of the 12 VC games i own, i have either, not played before or always wanted to complete / get into. The latest being the superb Excite bike.
VC is a ' bonus' which no gamer should be moaning about apart from being over-priced. Nintendo being just like any other games company, are not gona all of a sudden makes things cheaper if people out there are buying them.
With Neo Geo (and hopefully other independent Arcade games on the way, Namco, capcom, Konami?). VC is becoming more and more impressive.
When i play Live arcade games its games that are made to use the analogue stick as opposed to games such as paperboy, MK, street fighter, contra which play really, really poor on the 360 pad. Especially when compared with the ‘excellent’ Nintendo VC pad or even the wiimote on its side.
It' s quite clear which company really cares about retaining the greatness of the original game / which company was prepared. I still can’t believe MS still has not a decent retro Pad to play it games on?? and still releases games with no control options?? WTF? That is just absurd.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 27 Feb 07 21:27:39 >