GameCube R.I.P

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GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 05:34
GameCube is now officially dead.


Agent Ghost
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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 06:00
Good Riddance, a terrible console. Nintendo should never have made the GameCube, it sucked balls. They should have made something like the Wii instead.

Before people start to whine about the few great games it had. My response to this is, of course it had a few great games, it' s Nintendo. This still doesn' t change the fact that the console sucks. I mean shit, would it have been so hard to have DVD ROM? Or a controller that isn' t retarded? That' s right I said it, the GameCube controller is retarded. Even when the GameCube was the only console I owned I hated the thing. Now that I think about it, Nintendo is pretty incompetent when it comes to designing consoles, they always have one or two great advantages but a bunch of bottlenecks or gimped design flaws in the hardware itself. Their first party games are the only thing that saved them.

As for the Wii itself, its pretty obvious to me that the reason for its successful sales so far is simply due to it' s price advantage (look at the PS2). Because two years from now Nintendo is going to go back to it' s rightful place in third when the other two machines get blessed with a price drop and more games. By mid 2008 everyone will understand Nintendo' s failings in the hardware design department when everyone begin to understand (as some of us do) the extent to how far Wii is gimped spec wise. On the other hand maybe it won' t matter when Wii will cost 150$.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 22 Feb 07 22:20:51 >

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 06:10
Gamecube = SSBM, Mario kart DD, Megaman X collection (if you count that), .... im pretty sure im missing one more, but i cant think so. So anyway, it sucked

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 06:20

Gamecube = SSBM, Mario kart DD, Megaman X collection (if you count that), .... im pretty sure im missing one more, but i cant think so. So anyway, it sucked

You forgot resident evil 4, it came on the cube first

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 07:00
The GC was the best 59$ purchase I ever made. It was time to put it down anyway.

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 08:31
..And F-zero GX which still Pisses over Any wipeout, burnout or anyother Fast arcade-based racer to date.

Excite truck still shows to hold its own in some way tho.. the gameplay is unique.

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 08:40

ORIGINAL: f3hunter

..And F-zero GX which still Pisses over Any wipeout, burnout or anyother Fast arcade-based racer to date.


I love F-Zero too but Outrun owns it.

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 10:09
RESIDENT EVIL 4 (an exclusive, best looking version - yes, including the PC one)

Great console, great memories... AWESOME EXCLUSIVE GAMES!


No, wait..... I can still play all these games(and more) on the Wii

Joe Redifer
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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 10:13
Isn' t the Wii just a GameCube with a new controller? Sure seems like it.

Terry Bogard
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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 10:19

Isn' t the Wii just a GameCube with a new controller? Sure seems like it.

I always thought the Wii was an Xbox with the Nintendo logo slapped on it
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 23 Feb 07 2:19:30 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Agent Ghost
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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 10:20

Isn' t the Wii just a GameCube with a new controller? Sure seems like it.

Yes, yes it is.

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 11:21
Y' know what the difference is? No matter how many dumb remotes you buy for your Wii, you' re not getting DVD playback.

Joe Redifer
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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 15:33

ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard
I always thought the Wii was an Xbox with the Nintendo logo slapped on it

No, even the Xbox 1 can to high definition and Dolby Digital 5.1 sound.

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 23, 2007 19:23
Apart from the lack of third party support I think the Gamecube was awesome.
Here' s why:
Controller - Best analog controller I' ve ever used
Graphics - Not as good as Xbox but still very good
Price - Very nice price!
Design - Ok, colours sucked. Pink wtf? The rest looked kinda nice though. A white or silver GCN without the damn handle on the back would' ve been a winner!
First party titles - Undeniably Unbeatable!
DVD support - Why the hell would I need a DVD in my game console?
Online play Ok, this is were Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves. I personally don' t like online play that much, but looking at it from an objective point of view clearly makes me think that Nintendo failed with the online part. Even more than Sony.

For me the GCN was the best console last gen when it comes to hardware. It' s too bad Sony got all the 3rd party support.
But this is just my opinion, I' m not saying those are facts.

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 24, 2007 01:31

Apart from the lack of third party support I think the Gamecube was awesome.

Exactly. Gamecube was a great console. Metroid Prime 1 and 2, WindWaker, Mario Sunshine, Eternal Darkness (FANTASTIC GAME), Res Evil 4, Res Evil Remake, Mario Kart Double Dash, Pikmin, Tales Of Symphonia, Smash Bros etc. etc

Ok it didn' t get much 3rd party games compared to PS2 and Xbox but it did get some. All the Splinter Cell games, Burnout 1 and 2, Hitman 2, MGS Twin Snakes, All the Resi Evil games, TimeSplitters, All the FIFA' s, Most of the Tony Hawk games, Most of the EA games, Monkeyball 1 and 2, Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2. Killer 7, etc etc.
So it wasn' t as bad as some people think!!!!

Good Riddance, a terrible console. Nintendo should never have made the GameCube, it sucked balls.

Now I can understand if people prefer PS2 or Xbox over the Gamecube but to say that the console was a piece of shit and that it never should have been made is very harsh Agent!
< Message edited by Duffman -- 23 Feb 07 17:51:20 >

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 24, 2007 07:28
It was a great console, I liked the disc designs. It didn' t follow like sheeps in the DvD process which I liked, it hurt their third party I am sure, but the system for the price was an amazing buy.
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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 24, 2007 09:53
The controller always struck me as the disfigured runt child of the Virtual boys control.

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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 24, 2007 10:58
Wow, Hiroshi, did you like ALL those games? Some of them I' m not to sure about.

GEIST-Personally, I liked it, but a lot of people didn' t, and as a first person shooter, it could have been better. Multiplayer wasn' t that good.

SW REBEL STRIKE-Way too glitchy to be good, not nearly as fun as Rogue Leader.

FIRE EMBLEM-Was there anything that made this game different from the others?

WARIO WORLD & KIRBY AIR RIDE-Very simplistic. I' m not sure I' d classify these as great. They' re good, but not wonderful. People like some depth to the games they play for a while.

I agree with most of the other posters about this. The Gamecube was a good console. Not the best maybe (and that probably depends on perspective), but definitely worth buying. Lack of online play and third party games I think are the only drawbacks I can think of for it. As for the controller, the only complaint I had was the small d-pad, that thing was weird to use.

Joe Redifer
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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 24, 2007 11:42
I' m surprised that I don' t completely hate the Gamecube, but there are a lot of games on it that I love.

Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball 2 (the PS2 and Xbox " Deluxe" versions cannot compare when it comes to control)
F-Zero GX (Sega shows Nintendo how its games are supposed to be made)
Resident Evil 4

Probably a few more I can' t think of right now.

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Unccounterable arguement - Feb 24, 2007 16:19
Those who buy nintendo consoles should know that they arent buying the console because it has a DVD drive, or hundreds of useless hardware gadgets. They are buying it because nintendo has the best selection of exclusive, and unique games. Arent consoles about GAMES? I hope so! God forbid you buy a DVD player separate. Dont whine about the fact that its selling point isnt its beefed up hardware you should have known when you didnt shell out 2 months wages for it. After all, gaming dosent necesarily have to be exclusive to the rich.
Those who say the console sucked simply dont understand where nintendo is coming from. the reason ther didnt put much work into the graphics (theyr still adequette) is because it takes focus away from the fun factor. Gamecube obviously isnt used for hardcore or MLG gaming but that dosent mean its junk or that it isn' t fun. I for one appreciate that nintendo' s games are colorfull and fun and not dark, brutal, and depressing (gears of war cough cough)

The bottom line is, nintendo is and always has been a pioneer in the gaming industry. Gamecube is not bad, it is simply different, the only people who think otherwise are just afraid of variety. We can only hope that the Wii, given its uniqueness over all X-Gen consoles will pick up more 3rd party support (which would make the Wii dominant in every way.)

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one more thing - Feb 24, 2007 16:35

Isn' t the Wii just a GameCube with a new controller? Sure seems like it.

Isnt the 360 an xbox with better graphics? Isnt the PS3 a playstation with six-axis controlls?
You can' t honestly say nothing happened in the Gamecube-->Wii progression.... oh- youre serious? All those channels, virtual console, unique controller, improved graphics, improved alltogether performance! unless all that falls under the category of a " different controller" i' d say you were mistaken

Agent Ghost
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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 24, 2007 16:45
I wasn' t talking about the games, because we all know Nintendo will save its shitty hardware with a few brilliant games. However if you take away Nintendo' s games (which will always exist regardless) as well as multiplatform games you aren' t left with much. Nintendo is notorious for making really stupid decisions with console design. The result is that game developers shy away from Nintendo. Look at the success Sony has achieved with the PS1 and PS2. It isn' t a matter of Sony making all the right moves it was a matter of Nintendo making all the wrong moves.

That' s why we' re seeing such a shake up this gen, Sony is still making dumb decisions while Nintendo is saving itself by giving grabbing the price advantage while MS seems to be doing much better then with Xbox (although they have a lot of problems with the 360).

Taking everything into consideration I' m left with the distinct feeling that you get what you pay for, and if you want to experience unadaltered gaming the only safe platform is PC. I just can' t believe it took me 10 years to finally admit that.

" Isnt the 360 an xbox with better graphics? Isnt the PS3 a playstation with six-axis controlls?
You can' t honestly say nothing happened in the Gamecube-->Wii progression.... oh- youre serious? All those channels, virtual console, unique controller, improved graphics, improved alltogether performance! unless all that falls under the category of a " different controller" i' d say you were mistaken"

Wii is literally an overclocked Gamecube, Wii has the same GPU and CPU with different RAM configuration over GC, even when Wii is the cheapest out of the three it' s still overpriced for what you actually get. Look at consoles as stipped down PC' s because that' s what they are. No one in their right mind would replace their computer with one that has the same components only clocked higher. PS3 and the 360 has completely new chips, you know, it' s a step up, not a side step. Wii has 88mb of RAM while the other two have 512mb. That alone will make a huge difference with what is possible in games. I feel like Nintendo is trying to con people who don' t know anything about computer hardware.

I like the idea of the Wiimote, but without the proccessing power to make compelling games it' s a moot point. Maybe the consoles haven' t been around long enough for some of you guys to understand the extent of how much more capable the PS3/360 is over Wii. So look at it this way. How would you have felt if instead of GameCube Nintendo released a slightly stronger N64 with the Nunchucks?

Don' t get me wrong I' m interested in the Wii, when it drops in price and they have a black model I' ll pick it up but at $280cnd+15% tax it feels like a rip off.

< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 24 Feb 07 9:07:44 >

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RE: one more thing - Feb 24, 2007 16:59
They are not dumb decisions, they are just sacrifices made to attract a " different breed of gamers" had it made the desicions of microsoft and sony, where would the variety lie?

The price advantage only lies in the fact that nintendo doesent need expensive hardware to be great, it simply is. Its marketing success lies in its unique appeal and design aka more people are interested or curious about a " fun" system rather than a " beefy" system with hardware added beyond the point of necesity

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RE: one more thing - Feb 24, 2007 17:01

if you want to experience unadaltered gaming the only safe platform is PC. I just can' t believe it took me 10 years to finally admit that

I agree, PC is a " play it safe" platform but while playing it safe you can miss great things I admit i was taking a gamble by getting a Wii but it was a good desicion

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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 01:47
What the fuck, are you Reggie Fils-Amie or whatever? Get the italian plumber dick out of your ass for a minute and have a real opinion instead of using marketing lines.

And yes dumbass, GC was used in MLG. Super Smash Bros sure wasnt played on a PC in the tournament dumbfuck.
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RE: GameCube R.I.P - Feb 25, 2007 03:01
Hve to say it was the worst console ive ever owned, bought it for £40 with Resident Evil 4.

Bought around another 10 games, mario,zelda and other ' ' big hitters' ' all sucked complete monkey balls.

F-Zero was funish but not as good as the snes version for me.

Terry Bogard
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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 03:14
I think my worst console purchase had to be the original Xbox..

Whereas the Xbox 360 remains one of my best purchases..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 05:43

Wii has 88mb of RAM
Seriously? Wow... How did I miss that one.

Agent Ghost
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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 07:34

Seriously? Wow... How did I miss that one.

Yeah and that info was hard to come by, Nintendo wanted to keep the specs secret but a developer must have leaked this information. To put things into perspective:

PS2 has 32mb,
GameCube has 40mb (+3mb of embeded),
Xbox has 64mb,
Wii has 88mb
PS3 and 360 has 512mb

If this looks like a shocking difference, there is even a greater gap with the CPUs and GPUs of Wii Vs. PS3 or 360.

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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 07:38

What the fuck, are you Reggie Fils-Amie or whatever? Get the italian plumber dick out of your ass for a minute and have a real opinion instead of using marketing lines.

And yes dumbass, GC was used in MLG. Super Smash Bros sure wasnt played on a PC in the tournament dumbfuck.

Wow your not very smart. i had a gamecube since it came out, and liked it so much i bought a replacement for when it broke. These are all my own opinions im not getting paid to say any of this, or whatever you think. Its also all true

I know SSBM was used in MLG i saw that show on MTV too, but in comparison to other consoles, the GC was a very small blip on the MLG radar, which is what i meant when i said that (stupid ppl... aye)

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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 07:44

Wii has 88mb
PS3 and 360 has 512mb

So what? what are you going to do with a rediculously big harddrive? let me know when you fill it up COMEPLETELY with USEFUL things (wont hear back from him) and another thing.... uh... yea.... memory cards exist! oh yea instead of being forced to pay for tons of RAM you can just buy the amount you need and save money...... weird......

Another " dumb desicion" by nintendo, or a good idea to save your money for important things. my opinion still stands. You cant rag on nintendo untill you actually think about why they would do that

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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 08:04


Wii has 88mb
PS3 and 360 has 512mb

So what? what are you going to do with a rediculously big harddrive? let me know when you fill it up COMEPLETELY with USEFUL things (wont hear back from him) and another thing.... uh... yea.... memory cards exist! oh yea instead of being forced to pay for tons of RAM you can just buy the amount you need and save money...... weird......

Another " dumb desicion" by nintendo, or a good idea to save your money for important things. my opinion still stands. You cant rag on nintendo untill you actually think about why they would do that

Erm, RAM is different to a Hard drive or memory card. It is volatile memory, meaning when you power down the system, all of the data stored on there is lost. HDD' s/Memory Cards are non volatile.

RAM is not used for saving games or downloading programs. In a very basic sense, RAM is a place used to store data that programs need while running. From RAM, the data can be accessed, manipulated, processed, etc by the GPU/CPU/other parts of the system. For games, this involves many different things. One good example is textures. The more RAM you have, the larger more detailed textures you can have and hence you can end up with better visuals.

The bigger the work area, the more stuff you can do.
< Message edited by unluckyone -- 25 Feb 07 0:05:37 >

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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 08:43

A_Wiiner should be a kikizo wiiner just your name man :D
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Agent Ghost
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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 08:50

So what? what are you going to do with a rediculously big harddrive? let me know when you fill it up COMEPLETELY with USEFUL things (wont hear back from him) and another thing.... uh... yea.... memory cards exist! oh yea instead of being forced to pay for tons of RAM you can just buy the amount you need and save money...... weird......

Another " dumb desicion" by nintendo, or a good idea to save your money for important things. my opinion still stands. You cant rag on nintendo untill you actually think about why they would do that

LOL, well UnluckyOne pretty much explained the difference between RAM and a HDD. Just incase you might still be confused I' ll put it in very simple terms. Everything you see and everything you are doing at any given time has to fit in the RAM. That' s what it' s doing when it' s loading, data is being moved from the disc or HDD to the RAM. Levels, characters, sound effects, music, A.I., game engine...everything has to fit in the RAM unless it is being streamed from the disc.

RAM happens to be expensive so they wouldn' t put more then needed in relation to the CPU and GPU. In other words the RAM placed in a console is relatively proportional to everything else. As such, when looking at consoles, RAM is actually a very good indicator of approximately what a console is capable of.

Furthermore, you have no reason to be confrontational with what I said. I wasn' t even talking about Nintendo as a platform. I was talking about the physical hardware. Something you clearly know very little about. I love Nintendo, infact I was raised by Nintendo. That' s why I hate to see them make such a disgraceful effort.

PS. your user name doesn' t sound like " A_winner" , it sounds like " A_weiner" .
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 25 Feb 07 0:51:22 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 08:50


You can' t honestly say nothing happened in the Gamecube-->Wii progression.... oh- youre serious? All those channels, virtual console, unique controller, improved graphics, improved alltogether performance! unless all that falls under the category of a " different controller" i' d say you were mistaken

Channels and VC mean nothing to me. All I care about are the games... the REAL games, not the 1990' s games that I already own. I haven' t really seen any " improved" graphics. What game shows visuals that the Gamecube itself couldn' t do?

The Xbox360 is a little bit more than just better graphics. Although I admit they did break the custom soundtrack feature into an unusable mess on the 360. Basically my point is that they could have released the Wii Remote for the Gamecube and the games would look the same as Wii games do today.

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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 10:33
C' mon people, let' s just turn are attention to the real assbags of the industry, Sony. They may be going down like the hindenburg, but c' mon don' t detract your flames to Nintendo or Microsoft' s consoles, all about the PS3.

To add to all this, I still hold by Gamecube being the best console of last generation, the games were great. PS2 was a worthy...but shitty buy. Xbox was only worth it for Halo. And if you toss Dreamcast into the fray...well, then it beats Gamecube :P.
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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 10:44

C' mon people, let' s just turn are attention to the real assbags of the industry, Sony. They may be going down like the hindenburg, but c' mon don' t detract your flames to Nintendo or Microsoft' s consoles, all about the PS3.

To add to all this, I still hold by Gamecube being the best console of last generation, the games were great. PS2 was a worthy...but shitty buy. Xbox was only worth it for Halo. And if you toss Dreamcast into the fray...well, then it beats Gamecube :P

I can' t tell if you are joking, so I will hold my response until I find out. You should make it clear though, because this could be the start of a huge rebuttal from a lot of people on this forum.

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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 11:00
A_Wiiner... just read the avatar

So what? what are you going to do with a rediculously big harddrive? let me know when you fill it up COMEPLETELY with USEFUL things (wont hear back from him) and another thing.... uh... yea.... memory cards exist! oh yea instead of being forced to pay for tons of RAM you can just buy the amount you need and save money...... weird......

Another " dumb desicion" by nintendo, or a good idea to save your money for important things. my opinion still stands. You cant rag on nintendo untill you actually think about why they would do that

Umm... what exactly are you gonna do when you run out of money constantly buying memory cards? Um yeah actually that is a pretty dumb decision on nintendos behalf. When you think about it, (quote from AVP) Id rather have space on my HD and not need it, than need it and not have it

Agent Ghost
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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 11:07

I can' t tell if you are joking, so I will hold my response until I find out. You should make it clear though, because this could be the start of a huge rebuttal from a lot of people on this forum.

Since Evil Man has more or less stopped posting I think it' s fair to say that Avarice is now the most entertaining forum member here. Or at least close to the top.

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RE: one more thing - Feb 25, 2007 11:14

Umm... what exactly are you gonna do when you run out of money constantly buying memory cards? Um yeah actually that is a pretty dumb decision on nintendos behalf. When you think about it, (quote from AVP) Id rather have space on my HD and not need it, than need it and not have it

Indeed. I mean, I used to think my 80gig HD on my comp would be big enough. However, in the last 2 months I' ve downloaded that much, and now I have over 600gigs in HD' s hooked up to the comp. Besides that, on my ps3, I' ve filled up a lot with HD movie trailers, demo' s, pictures, music etc. It is never a bad thing to have a lot of storage space, regardless of what product it is on.

Another quote much like yours is one in D12' s first album - For all of you who don' t like rap, or D12, ignore this -

That' s why I' m heated, you never know who starts creepin
waking you up with AKs while you lie sleeping

I' d rather pack the heat and not need it
rather than need one and not have it
I' m married to this Glock-matic

edit: I should add that it was over 3 years ago when I though an 80gig HD would be enough.

< Message edited by Avarice -- 25 Feb 07 9:59:07 >

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