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PS3 EU Launch
Feb 21, 2007 22:07
After getting excited about the damn thing and pre-ordering i decided that i' d skip the EU launch, but then i remembered that VF5 will be a launch title and so now i have to have one again. So, come March 23rd, a 60GB PS3, VF5, MotorStorm, Resistance and Genji will be mine. Now i just need to order my High Grade stick and pray that there are no problems with it Meh, March is going to be a seriously expensive month for me. £600-ish on PS3, £250-ish on 360, £200-ish on PSP, £250-ish on DS  But hey, the summer drought will be here before we know it and then i' ll spend much less per month. Sooooooooo, who else is buying a launch unit???
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 02:45
Well I have my name down, but I dont think I will get a unit at launch unless I am lucky, AS I am number 22 in one of the smaller gamestop stores. I will be getting Motorstorm [looking forward to] and Resistance [not expecting much, but hey its meant to be decent]. I guess I can look forward to play you Nitro online right? Team Kikizo Ps3 eh?
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 21 Feb 07 18:46:27 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 02:56
For all the hype around MotorStorm I saw it being played in a store the other day... Talk about jagilicious.. Anyway, Yes, I am purchasing a launch unit..
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 03:14
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber I guess I can look forward to play you Nitro online right? Team Kikizo Ps3 eh? MotorStorm will make a nice change from shooters.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 03:23
Talk about jagilicious.. Demo Demo Demo! The video' s of actual gameplay look far nicer than the demo. Resistance (not expecting much) So long as you still get it thats fine. That way you will enjoy it that much more. As I' ve said before, I think if their were more ps3 owners with this game, it would have gotten a lot more hype. It is thoroughly enjoyable and rates right up near Halflife 2 for me.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 11:14
ORIGINAL: Tiz For all the hype around MotorStorm I saw it being played in a store the other day... Talk about jagilicious.. Anyway, Yes, I am purchasing a launch unit.. Erm Avarice, so when a game is pretty much being played in front of me... Do I still have to wait for it to be released? ORIGINAL: Avarice Demo Demo Demo! The video' s of actual gameplay look far nicer than the demo. Of course, but my original post states I was looking at the game, I wouldn' t make fuss about a demo.. It seems you only read " Talk about jagilicious" and went off on that.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 22 Feb 07 3:15:19 >
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 11:21
Well, for the last few months people have been posting their comments on motorstorm after seeing the demo on the units in stores, and they were acting like it was going to be the exact same as the game. I was not aware they had the full game in stores, and I' m pretty sure they still don' t, as its weeks away from even the US launch. As far as I know, Japan is the only country with a working title. So, was the game you watched the actual retail version? or the demo you can get either with the demo units or on the PSN. By friend at EB says he hasn' t recieved any version of Motorstorm, and that all the demo units they have are still using the original demo from November. So, I apologize if it really was the retail game in the system. I assumed you were talking about the demo like everyone else has for the last few months, seeing as the retail version is weeks away from launch.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 11:37
I still say motorstorm is ' ' gabage' '
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 11:40
I still say motorstorm is ' ' gabage' ' Is that a new strain of cabage?
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 11:45
Is that a new strain of cabage? no its garbage with a new york accent
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 11:54
That accent is.................horrid. In all honesty, I would have an extremely hard time dating any girl, no matter how hot or interesting she was if she had a thick Boston/Jersey/NY accent. Call me shallow, but something about it gets to me.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 11:58
Boston/Jersey/NY accent you mean Bwostinnnn/Joisey/New Owrk
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 17:01
Avarice dude the game and console are completely region free and MotorStorm is out in Japan. The demo sucked and the retail version does suffer from jaggies, but no more so than Project Gotham 3. Everything else looks great.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 18:10
I' ve secured myself a PS3 from and I' m also getting a couple of games, one of which is Motorstorm. I' m undecided on the other though, I don’t know whether I' m getting Resistance or Genji 2, decisions...decisions.
< Message edited by Calintz -- 22 Feb 07 10:12:33 >
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 18:20
I am actaully writing this with a heavy heart, I have had one on pre order since pre orders were taken, however due to forthcoming nuptuals in May I have had to cancel it, unless I can of course sneak it onto the present list...of course not, so it will be a unit later in the year, look forward to hearing you all gloat about how good it is compared to the 360 though.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 18:57
ORIGINAL: alijay034 look forward to hearing you all gloat about how good it is compared to the 360 though. Ain' t gonna happen If PS3 wasn' t getting VF5 before 360 then i' d be waiting longer to get one as Resistance and MotorStorm don' t warrant the purchase and they' re the only decent games available at launch. It' s a terrible shame that Lair and Ninja Gaiden Sigma were delayed as they would have been awesome launch titles, but unfortunately out of 30-ish games there are like 3 " good" " exclusive" games and a ton of multi-platform games that are sub-par compared to the 360 versions. The ironic thing is that i' ll spend more time playing HD Tekken: Dark Resurrection than all PS3 games but VF5. I' m sure the console will impress me, but online is a big thing for me and so far i' ve found their online service underwhelming. As for Genji, i' ve played it and while gameplay-wise it' s nothing great the game looks better than the majority of game on 360 and some parts of it look even better than Gears of War. I' m buying it purely as a graphical showcase, ...well i' ll hopefully be able to get into it too but it' s no Ninja Gaiden.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 20:03
Meh, March is going to be a seriously expensive month for me. £600-ish on PS3, £250-ish on 360, £200-ish on PSP, £250-ish on DS Wow dude, that' s a lot of money! What do you do for a living again?
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 22, 2007 20:45
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Wow dude, that' s a lot of money! What do you do for a living again? Well it' s a lot of money to spend in one month on games, but like i said i' m considering it a seriously expensive month. March is always expensive though being the most important month after November and December. I' m currently working as an IT coordinator. It' s sucky but it pays well. I miss uni though
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 23, 2007 04:09
Avarice dude the game and console are completely region free and MotorStorm is out in Japan. The demo sucked and the retail version does suffer from jaggies, but no more so than Project Gotham 3. Everything else looks great. I see. I have yet to play the retail version, I' ve only seen HD video' s. I' m still wondering if what Tiz saw was the game or just the demo though. I' m undecided on the other though, I don’t know whether I' m getting Resistance or Genji 2 Well Calintz, listen to Nitro when he says he will get Genji as a graphical showcase. Because it really is lacking IMO. I own it, and I just can' t get into it. It' s fun for a while, but I always end up switching games and playing Resistance, NHK 2k7, Fight Night, or VF5. If you have a lot of spare cash go ahead and grab it, if not, go with Resistance: FoM. It got great reviews, its a lot of fun both online and off, and has a lot of replayability. Of all the games I have for ps3(basically all of them) it gets the most use, other than hockey, but I' m canadian and play with friends, so that explains that. I' m sure VF5 will take its place soon enough though(just got it today  ).
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 23, 2007 06:43
here here, one at launch, motorsotrm is a cert. dunno about anything else though
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 23, 2007 07:40
For all the hype around MotorStorm I saw it being played in a store the other day... Talk about jagilicious.. As far as I know, Japan is the only country with a working title. Avarice dude the game and console are completely region free and MotorStorm is out in Japan. The demo sucked and the retail version does suffer from jaggies, but no more so than Project Gotham 3. I still say motorstorm is ' ' gabage' ' Am I really the only one that knows this? God, is this what some of you guys feel all the time? Motorstorm JP and the Motorstorm Demo are based on outdated code. Almost all the framerate issues you see in the demo are nonexistent in the final version. And while I can' t say that all the jaggies are gone, they' re apparently much less evident.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 23, 2007 07:45
Yeah, no more so than Project Gotham 3. Oh wait...
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 23, 2007 08:00
Am I really the only one that knows this? God, is this what some of you guys feel all the time? Motorstorm JP and the Motorstorm Demo are based on outdated code. Almost all the framerate issues you see in the demo are nonexistent in the final version. And while I can' t say that all the jaggies are gone, they' re apparently much less evident. Thank you for clearing this up. I' m not as knowledgeable as a few of you guys on this board. I don' t usually end up finding all the tidbits of info that I' m looking for when it comes to games.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 23, 2007 09:00
Well Calintz, listen to Nitro when he says he will get Genji as a graphical showcase. Because it really is lacking IMO I really enjoyed the first game, so if it' s anything like that, I' ll be happy  I will probably end up getting Resistance at launch though and get or rent Genji sometime in the near future instead.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 23, 2007 09:26
I really enjoyed the first game, so if it' s anything like that, I' ll be happy I will probably end up getting Resistance at launch though and get or rent Genji sometime in the near future instead. Well, sadly I never played the first so I can' t compare the two  . However, it seems like renting like you suggest would be a good idea. That way you can have your fun with it, and if you get bored like I did, you aren' t out $60. I just took a look at the reviews of both games, and the Genji for ps2 got mid 70' s and the ps3 version got mid 50' s . At least according to metacritic , and it compiles all sorts of reviews. Some of the reviews are poorly done, but it gives a good idea of what most sites/mags thought.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 26, 2007 04:10
Am I really the only one that knows this? God, is this what some of you guys feel all the time? Motorstorm JP and the Motorstorm Demo are based on outdated code. Almost all the framerate issues you see in the demo are nonexistent in the final version. And while I can' t say that all the jaggies are gone, they' re apparently much less evident. Thank you for clearing this up. I' m not as knowledgeable as a few of you guys on this board. I don' t usually end up finding all the tidbits of info that I' m looking for when it comes to games.
Yeah, me either. I' m suprised nobody pulled out that little nugget earlier. I really enjoyed the first Genji, but it was waaaaay too short. That' s the reason it got 7' s on most of the sites/mags. It was beatable in one decent session if you were good. The second one totally dropped the ball though, no excuse for that junk.[:' (]
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 26, 2007 06:46
The only reason to guy Genji 2 woulod be the aye candy, tha graphics are great and the cut scenes are so beautiful, still a blu ray movie would be much better choise, maybe casino royale
< Message edited by fernandino -- 25 Feb 07 22:47:55 >
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 26, 2007 22:15
Lol I really didnt think we would see a true cross over to discussion of dvd selection instead of games - if this is what Sony wanted for their console it seems they may well be getting their way. No great eye candy games out? Buy a BR disk instead! Nitro - I started as an IT Network administrator after I fell out of love with the concept of the UK games industry, almost 8 years ago now. Just make sure you crack into it before too long. (Although now I' m setting up my own company so I guess its never too late!)
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 26, 2007 23:53
ORIGINAL: musashi Nitro - I started as an IT Network administrator after I fell out of love with the concept of the UK games industry, almost 8 years ago now. Just make sure you crack into it before too long. (Although now I' m setting up my own company so I guess its never too late!) Meh, it' s not that i' ve gone against the industry, i just got ridiculously behind with my work and i' d never have passed the year. Y' know, kinda like my first year at uni... I' m not academic. Anyways, i' ll be moving within 6 months so i' ll be starting over in Canada anyway. I wonder what Canadian unis are like... EDIT: I forgot,' s good to see you back here Andy. You been too busy to visit me?
< Message edited by NITRO -- 26 Feb 07 15:54:17 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 27, 2007 00:24
Anyways, i' ll be moving within 6 months so i' ll be starting over in Canada anyway. I wonder what Canadian unis are like... Majik, if you' re a procrastinator like I am (and I bet you are), Canadian Universities aren' t any more forgiving to people like us as they are in England. On the other hand tuition might be cheaper. I can get 80-100% on any test, but I' m terrible with assignments, especially essays. I hate meaningless structure, and detest having to display my knowledge under confined and strict rules. The thing I hate more then anything though is deadlines. Considering these things, I' m utterly terrible at handing in assignments on time, if at all. Infact I just missed a 20% Essay that was due last week for one of my classes, so now I need a 75% average with everything else to pass (60% is a passing grade). Sometimes I really hate myself.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 27, 2007 01:05
ORIGINAL: Nitro EDIT: I forgot,' s good to see you back here Andy. You been too busy to visit me? It' s been so mental here since I pushed intake up by 290% for the course since I started here, various things, the company, new labs etc..but I am DETERMINED to make a fresh start here again.. just watch this space! **seriously** Perhaps you want to contribute stuff to the bigger projects when they kick off in future?
< Message edited by musashi -- 26 Feb 07 17:23:46 >
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 27, 2007 04:37
I' m pretending to understand all of that.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 27, 2007 06:48
ORIGINAL: musashi ORIGINAL: Nitro EDIT: I forgot,' s good to see you back here Andy. You been too busy to visit me? It' s been so mental here since I pushed intake up by 290% for the course since I started here, various things, the company, new labs etc..but I am DETERMINED to make a fresh start here again.. just watch this space! **seriously** Perhaps you want to contribute stuff to the bigger projects when they kick off in future? You know me, i' m always interested.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 27, 2007 20:39
Good good! I was thinking about waiting a while to pick a PS3 up, although i will be getting one for the studio as well as a 360. As the students are moving on to XNA there isnt so much potential use for it, especially when it comes to ease of use. I was getting one on launch myself, but pending the recent specification change I have cancelled it and decided to wait a couple months. Who here is getting one on EURO / UK launch, when what bundle have you gone for?
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 27, 2007 20:55
*I* am going halves on it with a friend, but still getting a launch unit. I can' t wait to unwrap it and then get all my fingerprints on it, I hope the PS3 isn' t afraid of getting a little dirty, I' ll touch it! That being said.... I don' t know what games to get, I don' t even know if there' s a bundle as I didn' t pre-order it, my friend did, but I don' t know the details, and he doesn' t really understand the concept of pre-ordering.
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
Agent Ghost
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 27, 2007 21:25
*I* am going halves on it with a friend, but still getting a launch unit. I can' t wait to unwrap it and then get all my fingerprints on it, I hope the PS3 isn' t afraid of getting a little dirty, I' ll touch it! Tix I think that makes you a technophile.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 27, 2007 21:30
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 28, 2007 08:12
Well, my 360 didn' t break on it' s own. You left your 360 with an uncomfortably irritating red ring whenever it gets turned on. Typical .
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Feb 28, 2007 09:38
You left your 360 with an uncomfortably irritating red ring whenever it gets turned on. Speaking of the Red light of doom  I took my 360 out of town for the weekend and when i got back i plugged in the power cord first, then turned it on without plugging in the AV cables and the ring came on red and i swear my heart stopped
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 01, 2007 05:00
Yeah, done that a couple of times myself. Only mine was for substantially longer. I powered it up & down twice.  It' s amazing what parts of your brain don' t work when you' re panicked.