What game console are you buying with your tax returns?

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What game console are you buying with your tax returns? - Feb 14, 2007 10:48
Yep, it' s tax season again. If somehow the PS3 is half off, I may get that and purchase virtua fighter 5. What are you guys gonna get?
< Message edited by MIC -- 14 Feb 07 2:49:15 >

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RE: What game console are you buying with your tax returns? - Feb 14, 2007 11:44
I would get the PSP, but as I' ve said before, I never have the time to use it, except at home, and then I may as well play PC or console. I might buy an Xbox, but I would like to wait for the next batch of good games. As for the Wii, I have an emulator on my PC to play any old games, and I can just buy Zelda for a Gamecube, so that leaves pretty much no reason to get one other than Wario Wares. Now that I think about it, maybe I will just buy a ton of games for ps2/ps3, and PC.

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RE: What game console are you buying with your tax returns? - Feb 14, 2007 22:21
Id probably buy a new tv/computer/something else i dont necessarily need, but want really bad. Or i might just save it just in case something happens throughout the year

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RE: What game console are you buying with your tax returns? - Feb 14, 2007 22:27

Portable Ops
Ratchet & Clank
Me & MY Katamari

That' s of course assuming that I didn' already owe people money.