Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune

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Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 09, 2007 07:33
Just thought you should know!

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 09, 2007 14:29

Thats just awesome

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 09, 2007 18:05
I haven' t played a NaughtyDog game since the Genesis days.

Uhhh, where' s the link?

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 09, 2007 20:54
There were leaked ingame/inengine shots, but giveni was away for the days it happened didn' t get to see them as they have been taken down. :s Anyone got a link?

I for one am look forward to this game
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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 10, 2007 05:09

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 10, 2007 05:32
The game looks awesome in motion!
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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 10, 2007 08:03
I hate Naughty Dog and everything about them. They have never made a good game. Way of the Warrior for the 3DO was awful.

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 10, 2007 17:02
The original video looked good, and these screens are nice, i wonder what improvements they have made since these were taken.

I have faith the game will be good it on my watching list.. I just would like to know why Sony is keeping all developers so mum on everything... like with Heavenly Sword. Ninja theory said they can' t say anything about the game because of ndas and sony has plans for announcements... I just wonder with so much negative press for the past year or whatever, why they don' t throw these out there?

By the way, thanks for the pics
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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 10, 2007 21:23
No prob Uumai. It' s this kind of stuff that makes me drool a little about the PS3. If this hits at the same time as MGS 4, then I may just head out & get one.

I hate Naughty Dog and everything about them. They have never made a good game. Way of the Warrior for the 3DO was awful.
Crash Bandicoot & Jak & Daxter weren' t any good? How can you not like Naughty Dog?!

Joe Redifer
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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 11, 2007 09:44
Crash Bandicoot and Dax & Jaxter suck ass. I hate crappy games. And that is why I hate Naughty Dog. If you had ever played Way of the Warrior, you' d be wanting to set the designers on fire. Soon the word will rise up and rid the planet of Naughty Dog, and then all games will be good.

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 11, 2007 11:53
Those pics remind me of Just cause ... Hope this game is better than that piece of crap ...

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 12, 2007 03:50

Way of the Warrior for the 3DO was awful.

Thats unfair, Joe, all 3DO games were awful.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 12, 2007 05:08

ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx

Way of the Warrior for the 3DO was awful.

Thats unfair, Joe, all 3DO games were awful.

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 13, 2007 02:58
I saw the preview of this already. This game looks like tomb raider w/ a guy which isn' t that bad.

ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx


Way of the Warrior for the 3DO was awful.

Thats unfair, Joe, all 3DO games were awful.

Steps up for 3DO.PC games, Heroes of might and magic not the best turn based strategy for M&M but a good game. Also when the 1st army men game came out that game was fun every other army men game sucked.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 14, 2007 23:31
Yeah, I remember seeing video of this, but it' s been some time now. Hopefully we' ll get some vids/designer interviews sometime soon.

All truth be told though, I am a little disappointed they' re adding guns. Jak & Daxter wasn' t the same after 2, and I' m afraid they' re trying to toughen up too much. I actually stopped playing Prey right in the middle of a level just so I could get some (retro?) platforming action.

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 15, 2007 00:06
Game looks lame. Indiana Jones will own this.

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 15, 2007 01:43
Meh, Indiana Jones will rock, but when the developers mentioned that they were creating better destructable environments by using their molecular structure...

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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 15, 2007 02:25
I for one am really looking forward to this one. Indie too if they do a good job (same goes for drake)
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RE: Untitled NaughtyDog Project = Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune - Feb 17, 2007 23:00
I' m not sure how this will hold up to Indie' s physics dealie. It depends I guess on wether LucasArts delivers.

*Crosses Fingers*