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Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 03, 2007 23:55 Some bored people from Squeenix used the leftover Spirit' s Within models to make a MJ Thriller parody And wouldn' t you know it! It' s at least TWO TIMES better than the actual movie!
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 04, 2007 03:40
Wow! So those characters can actually display some personality after all!
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 04, 2007 05:38
Dear me! Didn' t that come wih the special edition of Spirits Within??? That clip is tres wrinkley... Stil funny though.
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 04, 2007 05:39
It' s at least TWO TIMES better than the actual movie! I loved Spirit' s Within. Though I did love this Thriller video they made.
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 04, 2007 23:35
" Spirits Within" was an excellent movie if you weren' t expecting Final Fantasy. Which, really isn' t fair given the title, but I liked it.
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 05, 2007 09:05
" Spirits Within" was an excellent movie if you weren' t expecting Final Fantasy. Which, really isn' t fair given the title, but I liked it. Far enough, but then, yeah, they should have just called it ' Spirit' s Within' =/ All things considered, those character models aren' t as creepy NOW, considering what we see in the Mass Effect videos and GoW...
Terry Bogard
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 05, 2007 09:11
Far enough, but then, yeah, they should have just called it ' Spirit' s Within' =/ All things considered, I always referred to the movie as Battlefield Earth 2
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 05, 2007 10:10
..Sprits Within was pretty revolutionary in being the first proper all CG feature film (disregarding kiddie movies like Toy Story ofc) and without it, i doubt Advent Children would of ever seen the light of day.... ...technologically, it' s still VERY impressive visually... ...especially the opening sequence... might wanna rent the DVD if you don' t own it, cause it' s about 1,000,000 times better looking than either Mass Effect or Gears of War... ...too bad the story was disappointing... ...but i guess that' s what you get when the bulk of the material was a sub videogame cast off (Sakaguchi over rated? ..surely not  ) ...despite all that i also think Sprits Within is a decent move, i just wish they hada got in a real director like a Mamoru Oshi...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 5 Feb 07 2:17:51 >
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 05, 2007 21:38
Japanese post-apocalyptic/apocalyptic science fiction rarely makes sense once translated. Thank the guys who piloted the Enola Gay and Necessary Evil for that.
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 07, 2007 01:43
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ...i just wish they hada got in a real director like a Mamoru Oshi... I second that. Ghost in the Shell is one of my favorite anime movies. Still haven' t seen Innocence yet! I liked Spirits Within. Yeah, it had a lot of wasted potential, but it was visually stunning. Oh. And the main character should' ve been voiced by Ben Affleck. It looked just like him, anyway!
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 09, 2007 04:20
Spirits within was a coo concept and at that tie animation was never as good as that for human characters. Looking forward to this " thriller"
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 10, 2007 02:27
I had never seen this before, Byakko. Thank you.
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 11, 2007 07:18
I second that. Ghost in the Shell is one of my favorite anime movies. Still haven' t seen Innocence yet! ! ...shame on you, Innocence is actually better than the original... Oh. And the main character should' ve been voiced by Ben Affleck. It looked just like him, anyway! know, i always thought that the cast should of been unknowns (apart from Ming-Na) ...half the Hollywood voices don' t really seem to work... ...apart from Donald Sutherland maybe...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 10 Feb 07 23:18:48 >
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 11, 2007 07:53
..Sprits Within was pretty revolutionary in being the first proper all CG feature film (disregarding kiddie movies like Toy Story ofc) and without it, i doubt Advent Children would of ever seen the light of day.... Umm... I think grown-ups prefer movies like Toy Story before Spirits Within so calling it a kiddie movie is kinda weird. Spirits Within was a decent sci-fi action movie, aimed at teenage kids. The greatest thing with it was that it was CGI. Otherwise, as a movie, it was mediocre. Toy Story contains some really fantastic character designs and the humour is great in multiple levels. Everyone, from kids to adults can enjoy the movie. It seems I never stop getting surprised by how many people concider products to be " kiddie" just because it has a cute surface or lack violence.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 11, 2007 09:36
Not a Final Fantasy fan at all but I really liked/loved Advent Children and hated almost everything about Spirits Within..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 11 Feb 07 1:38:14 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 12, 2007 21:15
It seems I never stop getting surprised by how many people concider products to be " kiddie" just because it has a cute surface or lack violence. I second that! I' d laugh at the person who believes the Fantastic Four movie was better than The Incredibles; in terms of storytelling, writing, and visual style, the animated movie is hands-down the winner, and it got its own nomination. Edna Mode pretty much pwns the FF movie all by herself. Plus, you' d think GAMERS would know better than anyone that just because something chooses a ' kiddie' visual style means it' s meant for kids. Invader Zim had a cult following bigger and beyond its 10-12 demographic, and who can forgot Psychonauts! Oh, and about the visuals of the movie. They' re still stunning now, but something about the overall art direction and presentation now seems ' dated' compared to GoW or the Advent Children movie. I didn' t mean in terms of polygons or lighting techniques...the whole movie just didn' t ' gel' visually even though the individual parts looked fantastic. Anyone watch the 3D animated segment in the Animatrix compilation? They reused some of the character models and stuff for it. Personally, I thought it was more impressive than the movie in that short alone...
Terry Bogard
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RE: Final Fantasy ' Thriller'
Feb 13, 2007 02:48
Oh, and about the visuals of the movie. They' re still stunning now, but something about the overall art direction and presentation now seems ' dated' compared to GoW or the Advent Children movie. I didn' t mean in terms of polygons or lighting techniques...the whole movie just didn' t ' gel' visually even though the individual parts looked fantastic. I think Advent Children' s animation was clearly superior over the animation of the Spirits Within, don' t know if that' s what you mean.. In terms of individual frames, Spirits Within looks stunning no doubt, but it kinda falls apart when in motion..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.