Your acheivements might be worth something

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Vx Chemical
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Your acheivements might be worth something - Jan 31, 2007 02:31

Those hard hours logged into the 360 to unlock a perfect 1,000 gamerscore for each game could finally begin to pay off. According to, Microsoft is planning to introduce a rewards program along with the achievements that is said to be targeted to both the hardcore, red-eye gamer, and the casual players alike.

The report claims that the rewards program will be free and that rewards will be tied to specific achievements. Other than this insight, no other details have been released but if this is true it is likely to sky-rocket Microsoft' s LIVE! service even further beyond Sony' s already struggling PSN.

Microsoft has yet to confirm or deny these reports, but have said in a response with,

" What we can tell you is that Xbox is always exploring ideas for how we can reward our loyal customers. As soon as we have anything new to share, we will definitely let you know."

It is not strange for the house that Gates built to reward its community. Some bloggers have been rewarded with " MVP" privilege that allowed insider status, sneak peaks at early releases of games and news. This reported news actually comes from the site of one such MVP, DeaconBlade 360.

Time will tell if these reports are true, but if so then we can finally prove false to those who say, " achievements are worthless" .

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RE: Your acheivements might be worth something - Jan 31, 2007 03:05
If this is true, I hope they go down the road of free map packs or expansions for completing so many achievements. This could really kick Sony in the nuts, seeing as their online system is supposed to be not all that.

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RE: Your acheivements might be worth something - Jan 31, 2007 05:22
I was hopping they would finally do something about getting a perfect 1,000pts or 200pts in the games. Something like, exclusive gamer pics, themes or something small like that would be cool. That or like a discount on your next purchased downloaded content that is related to that game.
...Random Madness, Forward...

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RE: Your acheivements might be worth something - Jan 31, 2007 06:40
It would be cool to get stuff in the game for free, but i think it would be really cool if it gave you MS points, but than again it is M$

Chee Saw
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RE: Your acheivements might be worth something - Feb 01, 2007 02:25
Well, I haven' t got all of the gamerpoints for any game yet, so I hope it' s more of a, " get this achievement, and win" , or " you have X overall points, you get this" .

MS points would be best, but it should at least be free movies or something! I need Clash of the Titans in HD, baby!!

Mass X
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RE: Your acheivements might be worth something - Feb 08, 2007 15:47

Agent Ghost
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RE: Your acheivements might be worth something - Feb 08, 2007 19:19
It' s only open to the US.