I remember a certain person saying that Graw2, Heavenly Sword and Lair, Ninja Gaiden Sigma would not make the Euro Launch. [that right Nitro?]
I was hoping for them though!
I have preordered the Ps3, and with 1 million headed to the Eu, I should get a unit. Thankfully I have bragging rights about paying the most for the ps3 since I live in Ireland.
Motorstorm Is one title I really want, but apart from that and no Graw2, I dont know what else to get. I' ll pick up most of those titles later on in the ps3' s life when they are cheaper but still. Resistance? not mad about it, Vitura fighter 5? never got into it [i have Vf4], Fight night? thats the title That i' ll get for cheap. I have oblivion and Fear.
Ah heck I' ll get Resistance.
Surprized to see Def Jam:Icon there..
Dont forget that Casino Royal Launchs on the 23rd too, If I am right on Blue ray, I guess people will pick that up with the ps3.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 25 Jan 07 17:42:06 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.
Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!