Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter

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Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 24, 2007 01:43
According to a report on, Nintendo has decided to push the release of Mario Galaxy on the Wii back from its spring release to some time in the winter. The information is said to come from an anonymous Nintendo rep.

The same rep also revealed that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will be released between April and June and will be playable over the internet.

The delay of Nintendo' s biggest titles is a rumour that won' t go away and it seems entirely possible for Super Mario Galaxy to slip to a winter release. Late last year another anonymous source claimed that three of Nintendo' s biggest titles - Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - would not be released until Christmas 2007.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 24, 2007 03:29

According to a report on, Nintendo has decided to push the release of Mario Galaxy on the Wii back from its spring release to some time in the winter. The information is said to come from an anonymous Nintendo rep.

I hope it' s for a good reason. It better be the best plattformer ever. It should be 10 times better than Mario64 and Sonic Adventure put together!

The same rep also revealed that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will be released between April and June and will be playable over the internet.

Cool, still on track. Internet gameplay sounds fun. I don' t like the competitive shotting parts of Metroid Prime though. I' d rather see a co-op in the adventure, like in Gears of War. That' d be sooooooooooo cool!

Anyway, just rumours so far. Might be false. Let' s pray it is.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 24, 2007 09:35
Doesn' t adding Sonic Adventure sort of detract from Mario 64' s score?

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 24, 2007 11:26
Wow, Im losing all faith in the wii. If they cant get more than one good game out soon, its going to flop. Zelda, a great game, alone cannot keep a system selling.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 24, 2007 18:46


Doesn' t adding Sonic Adventure sort of detract from Mario 64' s score?

No, it' s the opposite.
Sonic Adventue was much more fun to play than Mario 64. If they would' ve fixed the camera problems and some other small problems then Sonic Adventure would' ve been the perfect Sonic game

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 24, 2007 19:00

If they cant get more than one good game out soon,

IT funny cos certain gamers ignore games like:

Wario Ware , Wii Sports, MonkeyBall, Excite truck..

Yet if you Go on any video Website and you' ll see these games dominating them showing people having an absolute blast playing these games..

Im one of them, infact i cant get into lengthy games as much anymore, the quick, clever fun games best suite my lifestyle..

Come to think of it, as people seem to be getting increasingly busier lifestyles, these type of games are really taking over and becoming the norm.. Hence DS doing soo well.. They really do reflect todays society.

In alot of peoples eyes, Wii already has atleast 3 great games.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 24 Jan 07 11:03:59 >

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 24, 2007 20:51

Come to think of it, as people seem to be getting increasingly busier lifestyles, these type of games are really taking over and becoming the norm.. Hence DS doing soo well.. They really do reflect todays society.

I think it' s sad that we get busier and busier. Some people don' t even time to have fun anymore. I' m always going to make sure that I have the time to enjoy a lengthy deep game.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 24, 2007 21:40

Sonic Adventue was much more fun to play than Mario 64.

I' m speechless Ginjirou.........

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 24, 2007 21:47
Yeah I know what you mean, I misspelt " adventure" , that' s not like me...
Or did you mean something else? Nah, probably not.
All is well in the mushroom kingdom

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 25, 2007 05:49

Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter

It' s winter right now. So the game should be available as we speak.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 25, 2007 09:00

MonkeyBall, Excite truck

Thats why they got amazing reviews and I wont say which, but 1 of these 2 looks like a N64 game
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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 25, 2007 21:40

Wario Ware , Wii Sports, MonkeyBall, Excite truck..??????

I' ll agree with the first three, but come on... Excite Truck???

That game is unfair on the public.
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 25, 2007 21:44
Hey i really dig excite truck, Its a fun game.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 04:17
Excite truck is the biggest victim of slander ever. People hear from someone that it sucks. " I heard it' s not that good" ...." Somebody told me that it' s awful" ...." I had a brother, he owned it, sold it for a box of candy cigarettes it was so bad" ... and so on. NOt trying to be rude Imortal, but I' m assuming that you are saying that excite truck looks like an N64 game, and no way is that true. I was actually pleased by the visuals. I play it with the component cables on a widescreen tv, and it is better looking than any racer for the gamecube without a doubt. It' s nothing amazing, but certainly nothing to complain about. In 2 player some effects definetly go missing, but past that it' s good. Now to the fun part, I' ve NEVER had a game be this much fun to pick up and race. 15 to 20 people have played it at my house and all agreed how much fun they' ve had. ZERO bad reviews from people who have actually played it. But remember, ti' s an arcade game. As a pick up and play, it' s fantastic. As a deep game with tonnes of options, not so much, but I will say that the customizable soundtrack sure is nice, cause the in game is awful. Honestly give it a play and tell me it' s not a blast. Monkey ball to me is the game that collects dust now. It' s fun, but not so much more than regular monkey ball, and the mini games wear thin unless you have the exact right group of people.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 25 Jan 07 20:18:05 >

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 04:25

but I' m assuming that you are saying that excite truck looks like an N64 game

I thought he meant Super Monkey Ball. I mean Excite Truck looks kinda good. But Super Monkey Ball... meh.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 25 Jan 07 20:26:13 >

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 04:41
Ok, well if that' s the case then I have less to argue about, but really, graphics in monkey ball? I' ll say it looks like a cube game. But there' s no point. It' d be like wanting fantastic graphics in a bomberman game. Who cares about graphics in a bomberman game? Looking at the sales of the new one I' d have to say nobody.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 05:29

I thought he meant Super Monkey Ball. I mean Excite Truck looks kinda good. But Super Monkey Ball... meh.


We know he ment Excite truck, he thinks any thing that shows abit of Pixels has shit graphics.. Ignoring the Fact that It has an extremely impressive draw distance/drawing and runs at mostly 60fps.. Its technically impressive for Wii standards.

Excite truck is the biggest victim of slander ever. People hear from someone that it sucks. " I heard it' s not that good" ...." Somebody told me that it' s awful" ...." I had a brother, he owned it, sold it for a box of candy cigarettes it was so bad" ... and so on. NOt trying to be rude Imortal, but I' m assuming that you are saying that excite truck looks like an N64 game, and no way is that true. I was actually pleased by the visuals. I play it with the component cables on a widescreen tv, and it is better looking than any racer for the gamecube without a doubt. It' s nothing amazing, but certainly nothing to complain about. In 2 player some effects definetly go missing, but past that it' s good. Now to the fun part, I' ve NEVER had a game be this much fun to pick up and race. 15 to 20 people have played it at my house and all agreed how much fun they' ve had. ZERO bad reviews from people who have actually played it. But remember, ti' s an arcade game. As a pick up and play, it' s fantastic. As a deep game with tonnes of options, not so much, but I will say that the customizable soundtrack sure is nice, cause the in game is awful. Honestly give it a play and tell me it' s not a blast. Monkey ball to me is the game that collects dust now. It' s fun, but not so much more than regular monkey ball, and the mini games wear thin unless you have the exact right group of people.

Thats the Sad case of late, people seem to have an opinion and its so blantantly obvious they havnt even played half the games.

< Message edited by f3hunter -- 25 Jan 07 21:32:40 >

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 06:44
Way to be an unintelligent prick again F3. I was refering to Monkey Ball.

And yes, Ive played both, and yes I think theyre both great.... as 10 second distractions. But for the price of a game, I dont want 10 seconds of amusement.
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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 07:27

Way to be an unintelligent prick again F3. I was refering to Monkey Ball.

Ok, you can claim a slightly updated and graphically enchanced GC game, looks like a N64 game!! NP! your the Intelligent one .

< Message edited by f3hunter -- 25 Jan 07 23:29:39 >

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 09:33
Ok, maybe thats harsh then. It looks like a gamecube game. Thats something to be proud of.
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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 11:53

IT funny cos certain gamers ignore games like:

Wario Ware , Wii Sports, MonkeyBall, Excite truck..

Yeah, actually some do. and really you cant count Frii sports since if it wasnt free no one would buy it. Wario ware is decent. Monkey ball I would never pay full price, nor would i ever be caught in public buying it. Excite Truck? wtf? That game is garbage. I could have more " excitement" out of F-Zero X for the 64

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 19:08

nor would i ever be caught in public buying it

What kind of sad attitude is that?
Do you like, sneak to stores at night and buy certain games secretly or something?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 26 Jan 07 11:09:34 >

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 26, 2007 21:17
The Super Monkey Ball games are superb. I don' t know how well it Works on Wii though but i' ll likely buy it...

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 27, 2007 23:25

What kind of sad attitude is that?
Do you like, sneak to stores at night and buy certain games secretly or something?

Haha, that must be how the D&D nerds feel, they have to sneek in at night and buy their stuff.
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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 27, 2007 23:33

Haha, that must be how the D&D nerds feel, they have to sneek in at night and buy their stuff.

" Uhm, yeah, I' ll take one copy of the Book of Erotic Fantasy, quick man, quick!"

Monkey ball I would never pay full price, nor would i ever be caught in public buying it.

Have you even played it? IMO Monkey Ball was superb for the Wii, I' m not sure where people were getting the difficult controls angle from, but I know I really enjoyed it.

Honestly though, I won' t be getting the Wii for quite some time I think. Possibly when Corruption hits, and that' s even pushing it a bit. I might hold off untill Galaxy hits the market, I' m still thinking about it.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 28, 2007 09:09

What kind of sad attitude is that?
Do you like, sneak to stores at night and buy certain games secretly or something?

lol, yeah. I go down town where all the creeps hang out.... GAMESTOP!!! and i' ll be like " Yeah.... I want um... SUPER MONKEY BALL" and grab it and run.

Have you even played it? IMO Monkey Ball was superb for the Wii, I' m not sure where people were getting the difficult controls angle from, but I know I really enjoyed it.

Yes i' ve played it. I think its pretty fun, but i think it would be better if it was something like an xbox live arcade game. I just cant see paying $50 for a super monkey ball game. I think $12 is a reasonable price

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 29, 2007 14:38
Its so sad when people knock good games because the graphics aren' t the latest and greatest. Lets see as soon as PCs regain the graphics ascendency (very soon BTW if not already) will it be fair for PC gamers (like myself) to laugh at your less then state of the art 360 or ps3 graphics?? Please, thats just so immature. If a game is good and fun that is all that matters, if graphics matter the most get a high end PC, Not a console - quit kidding yourself thinking that either the ps3 or the 360 will remain state of the art graphics for 5 years, because they won' t. From what i can recall the Nvidia 8800 already surpasses any console (in SLI) and then some. So can we please grow up. Wii games are never gonna have top end graphics but it will offer a totally different experience.

BTW shame if the SM Galaxy delay is true
< Message edited by Terrak -- 29 Jan 07 6:41:18 >

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 29, 2007 16:48

From what i can recall the Nvidia 8800 already surpasses any console (in SLI)

Actually, it doesn' t need SLI to surpass what consoles can do as far as having high FPS at high resolution. So the xbox360 is already beaten in graphics and proccesing by PC' s. Ps3 is obviously beaten in graphics, but for a small time, the processing power is greater, however by the time devs figure out how to use all the processors to their potential, and make a game that utilizes them, PC' s will have better proccesors than it.

So there you have it, PC' s are already better than Xbox360' s and will soon be better than ps3' s.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 29, 2007 18:36


So there you have it, PC' s are already better than Xbox360' s and will soon be better than ps3' s.

Here, u can borrow my anti-flaming suit.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 29, 2007 18:58

ORIGINAL: fernandino


So there you have it, PC' s are already better than Xbox360' s and will soon be better than ps3' s.

Here, u can borrow my anti-flaming suit.

I think by better he means better graphically then any console. The game content is up to personal taste and is a totally different story.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 29, 2007 19:10


I think by better he means better graphically then any console. The game content is up to personal taste and is a totally different story.

That wont stop the flaming tho, im just trying to help the kid u know.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 29 Jan 07 11:11:30 >

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 30, 2007 05:29

I think by better he means better graphically then any console. The game content is up to personal taste and is a totally different story.

Yah, that' s exactly what I mean. I was going to put that in the post, but I got lazy. As far as game content, like you said, thats personal preference.

Console RTS is basically non existant and if it is, its crap compared to PC. So thats one thing its definitely better at. After that, its all what kind of games/controls you prefer. I personally like mouse/keyboard more than a controller for FPS, but I prefer consoles for sports games, most RPG' s, adventure games etc.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 30, 2007 05:39

ORIGINAL: fernandino


So there you have it, PC' s are already better than Xbox360' s and will soon be better than ps3' s.

Here, u can borrow my anti-flaming suit.


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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 30, 2007 05:48
Right now Xenon is stomping all over CELL because very few developers are using it properly. Since all they really know is how to utilize a general purpose processor and using CELL requires not only some serious hard work and money as well as actually having to figure out the architecture for themselves - it' s not being taken advantage of.

You cant talk theoretics either, you have to talk about real world proven performance and by all accounts Xenon' s triple core general purpose setup is making development of multi-platform 360 games far easier than CELL.

Sure in time CELL will prove itself, but right now, Core 2 Duo' s and Xenon are outperforming it.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 30, 2007 05:59
Thats why I said in my posts, that technically Cell is more poweful. But by the time Devs learn how to use it to it' s potential, there will be better processors available for the PC. However, I do believe that in time, the Cell will outdo the 360' s processor.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 30, 2007 06:21


However, I do believe that in time, the Cell will outdo the 360' s processor.

Undoubtedly. The question is; can CELL both exceed the computational power of Xenon whilst lending a hand to the crippled RSX simultaneously?!

Hahaha, but seriously, it' s going to be interesting to see 2nd and 3rd generation PS3 titles and see how both western and eastern developers tackle the hardware.

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 30, 2007 06:58
From the Reviews, Previews ive read.. Overall Motorstorm seems to be crowned as biggest development so far this generation.. (consoles)

PC' s have and will increasingly, remain ahead of the Pack. (depending on what hardware you have of course).

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 31, 2007 06:46

ORIGINAL: f3hunter

From the Reviews, Previews ive read.. Overall Motorstorm seems to be crowned as biggest development so far this generation.. (consoles)

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RE: Super Mario Galaxy pushed back until winter - Jan 31, 2007 10:47
