Crackdown demo

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 08:44
Details over smoothness.

Shows how stupid people get when they are comparing graphics to a machine thats..

1) Has always made it clear from the begining that it will be pushing new gameplay not graphics.

2) comparing that with the best looking out of thosuands on a console thats been out for years..

?? not understanding why one would compare..

Im sure if Nintendo wanted too they could of scraped Wii and made a normal console like 360 with super high res graphics and standard pad play..

HOW FUCKING BORING WOULD THAT BE.. all three consoles doing the same thing..

People are REALLY thick if their dissin the wii because its games dont feature super details and looking over its new exciting gamplay.

Go to youtube ETC and see what games people are having the most fun on! WII GAMES.. You se how NONE are complaining about details, details mean fuck all when a game is as fun as Wario Ware / Wii sports or Excite truck.

The most important thing Nintendo knows is the smoothness. their games are Bright vivid and super smooth and play like a dream.

For a console like the Wii this is the most important thing. Your not going to see Metriod cut half its framerate in exchange to crazy details (like most 360 games), that game has to ship with 60fps as standard as they know that feeling is much more important than details.

Just finsihing another extremley FUN 4 hour Wii party, im not having that shit..

Especially when out of 8 people round my house NOT 1 Wanted to boot up my 360..

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 08:59
60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps!!!!!!! 50 people at y house all playing Wii sports on my 1080p projector that' s bigger than your whole house!!! Not one wanted to play Gears of War, ...the wanted to see my desktop PC' s, err, DESKTOP!!! It' s crystal clear y' know, not at all limited to the maximum resolution of my projector. It even goes higher than 1080p, higher than any console game!!!!

Wii Sports!!!

We' re having a Wii party and yooo are NOT invited!!! I make loads of money and fly to Japan every month to play Virtua Fighter Final Tuned, i' m rish and have a great job but i can' t spell for shit and my sentence construction is dire!!! Wii Sports!!! It' s only about gameplay!!! Hell, Nintendo could have created a motion sensitive controller for the N64 and i would stick lick their balls!!!

Pah, yooo want to compare Wii to PS2????!!! Wii' s easily better because it has 2 good games and a nice free tech demo, all of which are graphically sub-par, but look at the controller, watch me wave it!!!! PS2 is lame because it has a normal pad. Normal pads suck. The mouse & keyboard and Wiimote are where it' s at now, that' s where all the coooool kids are, most of them at my house ignoring the Xbox 360 i haven' t looked at since launch.

Quick note dude. People who go on and on and on and on about having friends over to their house, making unlikely comments no less, usually have no friends at all. You just finished having a Wii party?!?!! What the fuck are you talking about, you sound like some seven year old girl who' s having a fucking sleepover!

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 09:16
Oh and by the way: Nintendo could NOT have made a console with the same graphics specs as PS3 or 360; THAT was the point, and THAT was why they eventually decided to go with the motion sensing controller. They just could no afford to lose any money per console!

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 09:17

60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps!!!!!!! 50 people at y house all playing Wii sports on my 1080p projector that' s bigger than your whole house!!! Not one wanted to play Gears of War, ...the wanted to see my desktop PC' s, err, DESKTOP!!! It' s crystal clear y' know, not at all limited to the maximum resolution of my projector. It even goes higher than 1080p, higher than any console game!!!!

Wii Sports!!!

We' re having a Wii party and yooo are NOT invited!!! I make loads of money and fly to Japan every month to play Virtua Fighter Final Tuned, i' m rish and have a great job but i can' t spell for shit and my sentence construction is dire!!! Wii Sports!!! It' s only about gameplay!!! Hell, Nintendo could have created a motion sensitive controller for the N64 and i would stick lick their balls!!!

Pah, yooo want to compare Wii to PS2????!!! Wii' s easily better because it has 2 good games and a nice free tech demo, all of which are graphically sub-par, but look at the controller, watch me wave it!!!! PS2 is lame because it has a normal pad. Normal pads suck. The mouse & keyboard and Wiimote are where it' s at now, that' s where all the coooool kids are, most of them at my house ignoring the Xbox 360 i haven' t looked at since launch.

Quick note dude. People who go on and on and on and on about having friends over to their house, making unlikely comments no less, usually have no friends at all. You just finished having a Wii party?!?!! What the fuck are you talking about, you sound like some seven year old girl who' s having a fucking sleepover!

Wake up on the wrongside of the bed today? Heh, I' m starting to wonder if 4000 of those posts were just flames prior to me being here...hmm... :P Not defending anyone or anything, but flaming shows the highest amount of idiocy on the internet so I advise against it.

lol ....i think you' re being far too kind majiknitro, Snake Eater, FFXII, Black, God of War, Okami, all TOTTALY a$$rape anything on the wii visually....

...of course things should change once wii gets some proper games released (ie Metriod, Resi-wii ect)... ..but until then:

wii = meh

I think maybe you guys are little too much of as Tommy Tallarico is, a graphics whore. I use to be a massive one, but ya know after having one of my friend' s play FF7 then dump it away after 5 min. because of the graphics I decided that maybe it is ignorant to judge a game by graphics or by which company makes it. Hell Resistance is starting to look a lot cooler to me now, like hell I' ll go buy a PS3 but still and the graphics aren' t the thing that appeases me the gameplay (rather the gun choices) are what have got me snagged at the moment. If Drakengard 3 comes out for the PS3 I will assuredly buy it then, because well...the Drakengard series has had some really awesome writing and I' m a sucker for hack and slashers.

Oh and by the way: Nintendo could NOT have made a console with the same graphics specs as PS3 or 360; THAT was the point, and THAT was why they eventually decided to go with the motion sensing controller. They just could no afford to lose any money per console!

That is extremely true. I think Nintendo wanted to win this Gen more than anything (although that won' t be the case). But in order to win it they should have tried to take a hit, if they had increased the functionality of the system had no free game and made it $300 I would have still bought it. The controls are addictive, I go back to gears occasionally but I see myself playing Trauma Center a lot more now-a-days.
< Message edited by Alecrein -- 25 Jan 07 1:24:08 >
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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 09:39

but flaming shows the highest amount of idiocy on the internet so I advise against it.

Its not majik, its F3s constant biased, non constructive BS comments.

That is extremely true. I think Nintendo wanted to win this Gen more than anything (although that won' t be the case)

Actually, its a very good possibility. If the price is dropped (to say, $199) even non-gamers may buy more into it as just a neat electronics device. Theyre almost at least guarenteed #2.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 09:47
Yeah majic grow the fuck up!! Ive only read the first line of your post and it sounded soo imature. Your sounding pathetic Man :(

Oh and by the way: Nintendo could NOT have made a console with the same graphics specs as PS3 or 360; THAT was the point, and THAT was why they eventually decided to go with the motion sensing controller. They just could no afford to lose any money per console!

Why nintendo Tho?? And also Did you know that some ideas for the Wii Were Patented WAY before Xbox! And Did you know that Nintendo claimed just beofre GC that it might be the last home Nintendo home console as we know it..?

Also Both Sony and MS really want to win this generation.. I just dont get people knocking Nintendo for trying to bring something new and fresh into the Pciture. (for whatever reason why one would think they needed to )..

I hated Nintendo Before DS, they just dished out the same updates over and over, but that all changed since the first time i played Wario Ware for the GBA.. The DS totally blew me away and now Wii is doing the same thing..

Its obvious that Wii, Sony PS2/3 will be first and second. MS will be last again.

Hey Alecrein, I must try out Under the Knife, im gonna grab that 2morow, i loved the DS game (although it did get hard).

< Message edited by f3hunter -- 25 Jan 07 1:59:12 >

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 10:29
Well, i thought the Crackdown demo was much more fun than GTA. Purely
because you' re an urban God with complete disregard for everything.

I kicked a giant truck around for ages before it blew up...There' s a certain
satisfaction to be had with kicking cars with the force of a train.

I absolutely love the fact that I can see criminals up high in a building, and be
there in a matter of seconds and kick them all off the landing.

If there is any slowdown in the demo, I don' t really see it, the game doesn' t get
fun until you get about 27 agility orbs, and in the words of your boss:

" Your running speed has increased and you now have the ability to jump
30 feet."


I' ll be picking it up when it comes out.... a-and if it gets boring, my brothers love
GTA, so they can chow down on this for a while.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 11:59
I have got to jump on Japanese Developer Fanboys. If you' re on this board you' re not likely Japanese (in terms of citizenship not race). Guess what? Most Japanese developers don' t care about you and they should. As SONY is quickly discovering, you can' t win a platform war if you do nothing to foster the world' s single laregest videogame market-- North America.

Other than the Wii-mote (Nintendo is always the exception among Japanese developers never the rule) what have Japanese Developers offered us in terms of innovation since the NES? If you like turn based JRPGs, fine. I don' t get it but fine. The fact is it' s a poor use of an interactive medium. I used to play turn-based rpgs all the time. We caled it AD&D and it required paper, pencil and dice.

As a Western consumer, I look at what games are coming to the end of their development cycle, eliminating turn-based RPGs, I find that Japan offers very little I' m amped up for. In order of prefrence:

Bioshock- USA
Assasin' s Creed- Canada
Mass Effect- Canada
Halo 3- USA
Alan Wake- Finland
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Japan
GRAW 2 - France
MGS4- Japan
Army of Two- Canada
Fable 2- U.K.
Virtua Fighter 5- Japan
Too Human- Canada
EA Sports titles- Canada/USA

I find it hard to argue against Bioware as the reigning King and innovator of RPGs,
Sorry Square-Enix, your day has past. I realize I' m tooting my patriotic horn here but looking at that list, I' d be more concerned with losing Canadian Developer Support than any other single country in the world, add that to our American neighbours and I' m sorry; things have changed since the late ' 80s, early 90s. Japan no longer dominates this industry and North America is not the half-retarded digital feces factory it used to be.

Making the choice to switch from SONY to Microsoft was pretty damn easy when I took a look at what was coming down the pipe and considered my budget. Never been a Fanboy per se but I am a one console per generation guy. I have other, even more expensive hobbies.

Yeah, Crackdown is disapointing but hardly terrible and ragging on Western developers in general is an endevour without merit. These are the people making games that Westerners are really looking forward to. Be honest F3hunter, what' s your top 10 most anticipated? If six of them aren' t being developed in North America and Europe you' re probably lying to your self.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 12:13

Its obvious that Wii, Sony PS2/3 will be first and second. MS will be last again.

Never, in the history of the industry, has the outcome of a platform war been less obvious. Give your head a shake.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 14:06

-Guess what? Most Japanese developers don' t care about you and they should.-

What do you mean?? They should start Making FPS’s and GTA rip offs?

-As SONY is quickly discovering, you can' t win a platform war if you do nothing to foster the world' s single largest videogame market-- North America.-

What the hell does that mean? Your trying to say PS3 has had these teething problems due to not fostering?? With north America??

Strange that is.., we all thought it was due to over complicated and over ambitious hardware causing delays for Both Sony and software houses..

To add to that, your forgetting that Sony’s PS2 is still the Number 1 selling console in North American So im still not getting your theory, you need to elaborate..

--Other than the Wii-mote (Nintendo is always the exception among Japanese developers never the rule) what have Japanese Developers offered us in terms of innovation since the NES?--

Sorry, Now your just being completely stupid.. I could list Dozens of things, From Japanese Yamaha YM 2612, SONY DSP Sound chips to SEGA arcade PCM Boards, Analogue Pads to tons of games seris IE Virtual games to 3d view points to force feedback.

You should be asking what has WESTERN developers contributed in terms of Innovation towards the video games industry. What the hell are u on?

As a Western consumer, I look at what games are coming to the end of their development cycle, eliminating turn-based RPGs, I find that Japan offers very little I' m amped up for. In order of prefrence:

Bioshock- USA
Assasin' s Creed- Canada
Mass Effect- Canada
Halo 3- USA
Alan Wake- Finland
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Japan
GRAW 2 - France
MGS4- Japan
Army of Two- Canada
Fable 2- U.K.
Virtua Fighter 5- Japan
Too Human- Canada
EA Sports titles- Canada/USA-

?? And im supposed to like these too??

What Im looking forward to play out of those are:

Bioshock- USA
Halo 3- USA
Alan Wake- Finland
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Japan
MGS4- Japan
Virtua Fighter 5- Japan

Then add my personal ones:

Metroid –USA/Japan
Bioshock (Pc)- USA
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - Japan
Mario Galaxy –Japan
Devil May Cry 4 – Japan
Dusk Hotel: Room 215 - Japan
Cooking Moma – Japan
Paper Mario - Japan
Smash Brothers-Japan
Halo 3- USA
Sonic the secret of the Rings-Japan
Heros- Japan
Crysis (Pc)
Alan Wake (Pc)- Finland
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Japan
MGS4- Japan
Virtua Fighter 5- Japan

-Be honest F3hunter, what' s your top 10 most anticipated? If six of them aren' t being developed in North America and Europe you' re probably lying to your self.-

Look up....

Vx Chemical
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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 15:24
While games like Wario ware and raving rabbits might but fun, they in no way set the bar for me in anyway. When i' ve played Party games and their likes, even though ive had fun i feel like my time has been wasted. Like i just watched Jeopardy or a gameshow like that, its fun while its happening but i never look back at it agian, its the kinda drugs that doesnt leave anything in you when your done.

Progression, Progression is the keyword to fun in my gaming expirience. Being a sucker for action movies good or bad, games doesnt have to have an Shakespearian plot or anything complex to be fun. I like nicely fleshed out worlds and characters, and moving the story along, if its detailed like KOTOR its great, if its like Gears i dont mind since the overall world, and Voice Acting is great.

Some people like Japaneese games only, simply because they are made in Japan, and since Japan isnt fond of the xbox, well the picture should be clear why F3 doesnt like the console.

Like the west, japan has been redoing the same games again and again for years. Little improvement both places but one can decide only to see the progression at one side if you want to bash the other.

In my opinion, only a few good things has come out of Japan games vice, and thats RE4, Mario, Zelda, and ICO and SoTC but arent they made in the US?

Its all a matter of having fun. It really doesnt matter which console your having it on, but some people are blind and doesnt see that there are other options and bash a console for no reason.

Stop being Biased F3, turns out i was right, you are the biggest fanboy here, just not a sony one........................................ yet!

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 16:30
When he claims he only read the first line and is ignoring the rest he is avoiding the argument completely, not just to come of as being mature, but rather because i would end up asking him to prove things that he can' t.

I don' t jump on many people, just morons. That won' t change. f3 is a fanboy, and a muppet to boot, his constant double standards and anti-Microsoft jive are sad. Why bother mentioning his 360 whatsoever after and entire post about Wii and PS2??? Oh right, because he has to slate Microsoft' s console in every single post. I think i actually asked nicely the first time around, perhaps somebody should check, it' s in this thread...

Oh, and Alecrein, don' t get involved. F3 will only fish for support by trying to start a conversation about something like, oh say Under the Knife... If you don' t agree with somebody' s conduct then tell Adam, but don' t get involved.

Oh, and by the way, what happened to Alecrein Productions?!! Did you take it down??? If you did and you miss it, you might want to try finding the cached version as that still seems to be available...

Anyway, what was the initial codename for Nintendo DS??? Anybody???

Iad umboros
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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 17:48
Ha, another flamewar thread!

I' ll just stick to the crackdown demo, which I downloaded last night (and Ghost was right, it takes forever, although so did the Blitz the league demo and Battle Stations Midway, you naughty people!))

It doesn' t look great, a lot worse than Saints Row inmy opinion, the controls are a bit dodgy, and it seems, well, stupid. I thought it' s good fun though, and I' m going to stick it back on now for another shot!

Certainly not anywhere near as bad as Superman Returns!

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 19:02
I hear you have joined the Wii party Candii!!!

I' ll hump ye at baseball been practicing like crazy, ya big beardy twat!

PS Hows the cross dressing goin?

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 19:32


I hear you have joined the Wii party Candii!!!

I' ll hump ye at baseball been practicing like crazy, ya big beardy twat!

PS Hows the cross dressing goin?


Who' s Candii???

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 21:26



Who' s Candii???

Er-herm... Not one of my crazy friends.. I hung them all.
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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 21:33
Oh dear, the blatant hurt over someone not preferring 360 games over others is soo obvious..

The way you throw out the ‘Fanboy’ word for no other reason than someone preferring one type of game over another is even funnier.

The counter-backing each other up and the creating new arguments which im nothing to do with is funny also.

Its almost sound like your re-assuring yourselves.

Although 360 is far from great console material when compared with the greats such as Snes, MD, Dreamcast, PS1, DS. (Hmm.. I wonder why this is, maybe its something to do with the amount of JP support??? Yes? No??)

I do admit that i really should keep my opinions on the 360 to myself and i shouldn’t go against any 360 fans remarks as im only going to be wrong anyway. Also i dont want to burst that big happy picture bubble.



Is it me or when i was watching my GF **attempting** to play it i noticed the FOV of the main character your control is way too far away in a wired position?

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 21:37

ORIGINAL: f3hunter


Is it me or when i was watching my GF **attempting** to play it i noticed the FOV of the main character your control is way too far away in a wired position?

Why is your girlfriend playing Crackdown exactly?

(Purely out of curiosity..)
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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 21:52
The reason why anyone else would play it i suppose:

Out of curiosity.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 25, 2007 21:54

The way you throw out the ‘Fanboy’ word for no other reason than someone preferring one type of game over another is even funnier.

" Fanboy" ??? YOU use the term more than anybody. Vx is a fanboy, dan is a fanboy, i' m a fanboy etc etc etc, ...except you' re the only person who sees it that way.

YOU throw the term around because some of us like games that you don' t. Gears is a prime example. You have gone to great lengths to explain how much you don' t like it. You even keep saying that your friends don' t like it, and you drop the " and not one wanted to play on the 360" bullshit into every bloody thread.

Are we backing one another up?! No, but YOU have been involved in arguments with several people while everybody else generally gets along.

You can play what you like, you' re preference and gaming taste is your own. But ours is ours and YOU keep slating OUR gaming tastes.

Crackdown is on 360 and Microsoft are hyping it yet we' re calling it shit. Where is the fanboyism now you nub?!

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 00:27
So to put all of this in context, Crackdown is shit unless you buy the full version for the Halo3 beta in which case it is good, but otherwise don' t bother and wait for GTA IV?

Ok So what was the codename for the DS? Big bulgy horrible handheld? (you do mean the first DS not the lite.)

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 00:32

ORIGINAL: alijay034

Ok So what was the codename for the DS? Big bulgy horrible handheld? (you do mean the first DS not the lite.)


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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 00:35
Surely you didn' t change your screen name to reflect that did you?

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 00:38

ORIGINAL: alijay034

Surely you didn' t change your screen name to reflect that did you?


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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 00:57
Candii=Iad umboros in Wii form. He lives on my Wii, he has a beard and is terrible at tennis.

Play smoke pole, I had one on order to to sell on the old eBay but the mungs couldn' t even get a stock check right.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 01:03
So c' mon then why the change of Moniker then?

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 01:40
I think the demo was quite enjoyable actually.
Sadly I lost interest after about 30 minutes. To me the game has potential, but something is missing.
So it' s not good enough for me to buy for the full price but in the future, when it' s a budget title, I might buy it just to play around a little.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 05:44
It has nothing to do with game preference.

You know who likes different games than me? Good examples would be Bishonen and Ginjirou. I like Bish and Ginji, you on the other hand I hate. You take every chance you can to try to down the 360 and contribute nothing to the argument. If Ginji or Bish dont like a game, they have a logical reason. They dont randomly come into a thread and say " Everything MS touches turns to turd"
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 05:55
Seriously you have a problem...

LoL if you was living in Japan youll be pulling your hair out as People feel the same as i do, hence it being left on the shelfs to gather dust..

Seriously Grow the fuck up.. my reasons are perfectly fair. If you dont like them, thats your problem..

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 06:08

ORIGINAL: f3hunter

Seriously you have a problem...

LoL if you was living in Japan youll be pulling your hair out as People feel the same as i do, hence it being left on the shelfs to gather dust..

Seriously Grow the fuck up.. my reasons are perfectly fair. If you dont like them, thats your problem..

In Japan? What the fuck are you talking about now?

You don' t give reasons, you give sanctimonious bullshit. You are an idiot, or at least you come across as no being very bright. You' re arguments are ill formulated, you' re from England but you make really simple spelling and grammar mistakes (i' m guessing you' re dyslexic or dyspraxic) and you' re sentence construction is terrible.

Seriously dude, you' re anti-Microsoft attitude is as bad as Quezcatols anti-Sony attitude. Why can' t people like all hree consoles, or at least recognize that all three have different strengths?! Your input would be valued much more if it wasn' t the same old rubbish.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 06:19

In Japan? What the fuck are you talking about now?

You don' t give reasons, you give sanctimonious bullshit. You are an idiot, or at least you come across as no being very bright. You' re arguments are ill formulated, you' re from England but you make really simple spelling and grammar mistakes (i' m guessing you' re dyslexic or dyspraxic) and you' re sentence construction is terrible.

Seriously dude, you' re anti-Microsoft attitude is as bad as Quezcatols anti-Sony attitude. Why can' t people like all hree consoles, or at least recognize that all three have different strengths?! Your input would be valued much more if it wasn' t the same old rubbish.

Why are you so suprized? OHH.. i see i was wrong the Japanese are loving the 360..

Also, stop the personal attacks, seriously..

I would not go so low as to abuse someone over the Net over people opinions.. If you want to try and abuse me, do it in person:

7 Kenstone croft

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 06:28

Why are you so suprized? OHH.. i see i was wrong the Japanese are loving the 360..

And what does that have to do with this thread?!

Also, stop the personal attacks, seriously..

I would not go so low as to abuse someone over the Net over people opinions.. If you want to try and abuse me, do it in person:

7 Kenstone croft

Aww don' t cry honey, big bad Nitro didn' t mean it...

EDIT: Ah, Deritend!

< Message edited by NITRO -- 25 Jan 07 22:40:46 >

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 09:41
F3 I confess I am an ill informed gamer. I honestly haven' t heard of half the games on your list. Put it down to varying tastes in games and the fact that I have always hated mario (I had Donkey Kong on Intellivision when I was 6, hated him then too). The Hero is a plumber? Yeah, that' s cool.

When I asked you innovation I guess I was looking more for innovative games bit as I said " since NES" your response makes sense. Tell me about Japanese gameplay innovation. What innovations have western developers offered? New and exciting gameplay. DOOM. GTA. KOTOR. Splinter Cell. Better Scripts, though admitedley much must be lost in translation, their writers can' t be that bad but they do a half ass job of reigonalizing anyway, kudos to konami for showing how it' s done. Games for adults with adult themes, complex narritives and non-linear design.

When I say SONY does nothing to foster the North American Market I mean they do nothing to try and bridge the cultural gap and appeal to the Western gamer. Cutesy japanimation is not my thing, westerners love fps SONY can' t seem to make a good one and their corprate culture of confidence comes off as arrogance. There marketing and PR in the West has been atrocious, don' t even try and deny that. The fact is Japan never really needed to pander to North American customers, now they have to learn how.

Yes, 360 is a spectacular failure in Japan but do you really believe it' s because Japanese developers are offering such a superior product at superior....ahem value? Could it not be that the Japanese are the most xenophobic and brand conscious culture on earth and won' t buy anythng en mass not manufactured in Japan?

I requested a list of 10 you gave me 17 and put Metriod on top above Bioshock.
Assasin' s Creed didn' t make your list of 17? Brave of you to disagree with the gaming media at large, like all of it. I don' t know what cooking moma is but I think I' d rather dance across the rooftops of Jeruesalem circa the 3rd crusade.
Does that fit your narrow conception of western developers doing nothing but FPS and GTA clones? How ' bout Mass Effect? Both reigons, the industry as a whole, is guilty of rehashing proven concepts that sell (see Final FantasyVII thru XII), don' t pin it on the west.

Snipers Enck
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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 11:05
endless jumping has never been so much fun. I personally think it is better than the Grand Theft Auto series! And this is a demo! Perhaps this could be a minor glimpse of what GTA: IV will bring us later this year.

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 11:50
Ok, wtf F3? Either i missed something in the last 4 pages of this thread or is this shit just stuff to make you feel better?

The argument is about how terrible Crack Down is. F3' s responses:

LoL if you was living in Japan youll be pulling your hair out as People feel the same as i do, hence it being left on the shelfs to gather dust..

Seriously Grow the fuck up.. my reasons are perfectly fair. If you dont like them, thats your problem..

sure they are

Why are you so suprized? OHH.. i see i was wrong the Japanese are loving the 360..

Why are you so suprized? OHH.. i see i was wrong the Japanese are loving the 360..

Also, stop the personal attacks, seriously..

I would not go so low as to abuse someone over the Net over people opinions.. If you want to try and abuse me, do it in person:

First of all, dont fucking raise your voice to majik... or Nitro? like that If your not expecting to get thrashed back. Second. Wtf is with all the Japan BS. Apparently your the one that needs to grow up

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 14:05

Oh, and Alecrein, don' t get involved. F3 will only fish for support by trying to start a conversation about something like, oh say Under the Knife... If you don' t agree with somebody' s conduct then tell Adam, but don' t get involved.

Oh, and by the way, what happened to Alecrein Productions?!! Did you take it down??? If you did and you miss it, you might want to try finding the cached version as that still seems to be available...

I wasn' t getting into the middle of it just pointing out my perspective as an observer. It' s childish behavior, both of you are simply acting stupid plain and simple.

Alecrein Productions actually wasn' t pulled down I just decided not to front out the money anymore for a hobby that wasn' t going anywhere (although a majority of that is due to my actions).

As I said earlier I finally played Crackdown and it is awesome. I' m a gamer first, ignorant moron second :P So when it comes down to it I don' t give a shit what side of the earth a company is on. Crackdown = Great, my opinion at least.
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~ Unknown ~

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 14:23
**Ignores the troublesome AE ' pck and choose' ' makes up things' (raise my voice?WTF lol).. chief.**

F3 I confess I am an ill informed gamer. I honestly haven' t heard of half the games on your list. Put it down to varying tastes in games and the fact that I have always hated mario (I had Donkey Kong on Intellivision when I was 6, hated him then too). The Hero is a plumber? Yeah, that' s cool.

Lol you know something, I HATED mario too, i thought he was such a Dumb character (i still do).. I loved Sonic, In fact i was a true SEGA fan, and remember silly arguments against Nintendo Fans at school as a kid.

When SEGA went third Party, I instantly went for Xbox and had an absolute blast with it at first, Halo 1 was an amazing Game for its time and i loved how Xbox/MS carried on SEGA' s Online visions (through Sega Dreamcast: Peter Moore) In form of Xbox Live.

I remember Arguing with Sony/Nintendo Fans how Xbox Live was the way forward and how i was pissed of with Nintendo not putting their Games online IE Mario Kart: DD.

After, i started to notice a Pattern with Xbox Gaming, there was loads of build up to a Game IE : Fable, Halo 2, and then being totally let down by them, People seemed to be way too over excited about these games with out even playing them (i once did the same thing too)..

To make things worse I was in a Semi-Pro Quake 3 Clan, and at the time (and probably still now) I was playing the finest most Balanced, most thought out Multi-player FPS on My PC.. So what ever came on Xbox i simply could not play once i started to fully get into PC FPS' s Who can blame me?

By this time i was REALLY into Quake 3 (and Virtua Fighter), going to Lan / clan matches ETC..while my Xbox Gaming obviously wearing thin, I think the last few games i played through on Xbox was Outrun 2 and NG..

I came to a point where i never fancied playing any console (i was board with Xbox, and GC didn’t interest me, hated Sony due to the SEGA fanboy in me) It was all Q3 on PC and VF in the arcade..

It was when i tried out the GBA game ' WarioWare Inc' . That game instantly grabbed me, i was looking for something fresh like this on a console / Handheld for a long time.

To add to that Nitnendo' s DS was falling into place and that seemed increasingly interesting for my Gaming needs.

The first time i ever played a DS it grabbed me in that same way and ive never been let down since.. I still play Mario Kart, Animal crossing online on a daily bases if i can.

When I asked you innovation I guess I was looking more for innovative games bit as I said " since NES" your response makes sense. Tell me about Japanese gameplay innovation. What innovations have western developers offered? New and exciting gameplay. DOOM. GTA. KOTOR. Splinter Cell. Better Scripts, though admitedley much must be lost in translation, their writers can' t be that bad but they do a half ass job of reigonalizing anyway, kudos to konami for showing how it' s done. Games for adults with adult themes, complex narritives and non-linear design.

Speaking about scripts, Konami’s Mega CD game ' Snatcher' without doubt tuned heads in that area way back in 92 i think it was.

Its fair to say some of them, but Doom?? You mean Wolfenstein!! GTA, i loved Vice city. KOTOR never interested me.

As for Japanese games that featured Gameplay innovations in some way? Dam, where can i start? Live a Live, Panzer Saga, Virtua Fighter, Virtua Racing, Nights, Snatcher, Afterburner, G-loc, Outrun, Sim city, MarioKart, Rez, Parapa the Raper, Nintendodogs, Samba Di Amigo, Bomberman, Kung fu master, Truma centre, Advanced Wars, shit i can go on forever, SOO many Japanese games have gradually introduced new innovate features.

When I say SONY does nothing to foster the North American Market I mean they do nothing to try and bridge the cultural gap and appeal to the Western gamer. Cutesy japanimation is not my thing, westerners love fps SONY can' t seem to make a good one and their corprate culture of confidence comes off as arrogance.

PS3' s Games out in North America now:

NBA 07
Full Auto 2: Battle
Madden NFL 07
Untold Legends: Dark
Ridge Racer 7
Fight Night
Need For Speed
Full Auto 2
Call of Duty 3
Blazing angels
Free Gran Tourismo HD.

cultal gap? Cutesy japanimation? They look very western to me!

There marketing and PR in the West has been atrocious, don' t even try and deny that. The fact is Japan never really needed to pander to North American customers, now they have to learn how.

What Sony need to learn is never to be so ambitious and COCKY at the same time..

Yes, 360 is a spectacular failure in Japan but do you really believe it' s because Japanese developers are offering such a superior product at superior....ahem value?

Japanese developer’s? You mean Sony? or Nintendo? I' m not with you there..

Could it not be that the Japanese are the most xenophobic and brand conscious culture on earth and won' t buy anythng en mass not manufactured in Japan?

Yes, that could be part of the reason.

Coming from what you said in your last quote about Sony/Japanese not catering for the West..

We Know 360 mostly consists of Western made Games.. But how much of them are made for the Japanese market in mind??

MS only have a few Japanese devs under their wings. It would make a lot more sense if more of their western Teams at least tried make Games that catered for both markets, just like the Japanese have been doing for ages now..

The pendulum swings both ways.. Why is it that Japanese Developers have to cross that line and Western Developers don' t?? Is this because western Developers Simply haven’t got what it takes?? Maybe.

I requested a list of 10 you gave me 17 and put Metriod on top above Bioshock.
Assassin’s Creed didn' t make your list of 17? Brave of you to disagree with the gaming media at large, like all of it.

Bioshock comes off system shock 2 which I’ve played and its a great Game (Kudos to Western Devs, that had innovate gameplay features too BTW)

Wii Metroid is Guaranteed to be as we think It’ll be..

Assassin’s Creed is a totally new Franchise and apart from the Sneaky / Prince or Persia (and extremely jerky) looking footage I don’t know anything about that game,
Why would i put that in my top 10 anticipated games? Especially since i hate the way it looked and have never liked the new POP' s..

Does that fit your narrow conception of western developers doing nothing but FPS and GTA clones? How ' bout Mass Effect? Both reigons, the industry as a whole, is guilty of rehashing proven concepts that sell (see Final FantasyVII thru XII), don' t pin it on the west.

Actually this made me question Western Developers against Japanese ones even more. The realisation that No western game has really took off to a world wide audience, Like how Many Japanese games do IE MGS, Resident evil, brain training ETC ( good examples of games that have been extremely successful worldwide). For whatever reason this has not happened yet.. (well if you take away Tetris but even that was took by a Japanese Developer into the game we all know and love)

I hate final Fantasy.. Not my cup of tea atall.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 26 Jan 07 6:53:32 >

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 14:52
Tiz = very pleased with the Crackdown demo.

So much that this may be my first sandbox style game I actually get and play
attentively, I like the way I have to find certain grooves that stick out to find my
way to the top of a building, gives it a minor puzzle element, and makes me look forward to Assassins Creed.

I can only imagine how many crazy levels you can reach in CrackDown, and it' s co
-op as well..

Of course, it doesn' t bear the GTA logo... SO don' t expect rave reviews from this
stellar new IP, I personally hope they make a second one.

Does the game come out on the 20th February yeah?
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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 16:04
I' m having a hard time understanding what people who say it' s fun are doing differently. I tried playing it again and the game is awful. It' s worse than Saints Row, ...but then some people even liked that too...

I don' t mind sandbox games, ...Mercenaries was a great example of how to handle the genre, and the GTA games are technically brilliant, even if i don' t like them. Crackdown though is lame.

I can see why some people might like it, but for a game that Microsoft has been hyping for the past year - i expected much more.

In the Japanese version the main character is Japanese right???

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RE: Crackdown demo - Jan 26, 2007 18:50
I appreciate games like GTA and Crackdown simply by not taking the games seriously, I just mess around in the game and try to have some fun.
After a while I start to realise that it really was fun .
Take GTA for examle, it seems kinda cheesy but when I' m done with it I feel I had a fun time playing it.

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