Real Halo suit...

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Real Halo suit... - Jan 15, 2007 19:37
Click on the smiley:

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RE: Real Halo suit... - Jan 15, 2007 19:47
Some people have too much time on their hands...Reminds me must go and finish my lifesize working Death Star.

Seriously though I wouldn' t have put my life in the hands of a $2000 peice of " military hardware."
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 15 Jan 07 11:49:05 >

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RE: Real Halo suit... - Jan 16, 2007 06:39
sweet. From there I went to the original article and found this funny.

Dangling between the legs, that would be a clock.

lol orly?
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RE: Real Halo suit... - Jan 16, 2007 06:52

Reminds me must go and finish my lifesize working Death Star.

That would be useful though
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Real Halo suit... - Jan 16, 2007 06:59
I think it' s fucking awsome. Not very usefull on the battlefield though, everyone would want to kill the Cheif. You might as well strip naked and paint a big red bullseye on your ass.

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RE: Real Halo suit... - Jan 16, 2007 07:36
I would love to see this implemented for one reason.

Remember how they said Terrorists in training used microsoft flight sim to train for 9/11? Lets see terrorists hooking up xbox' s and playing halo to train to fight forces in the middle east. I wonder who would be better at CTF, Al-qaeda or the Coalition?

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RE: Real Halo suit... - Jan 17, 2007 07:28
alright, I can dress up as MC and go stare at myself in the mirror due to fear of going in public wearing a $2000 suit. The preps bragging about their $70 polos wouldnt have anything on that