Lost Planet impressions

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Lost Planet impressions - Jan 12, 2007 19:23
I received the game on Wednesday and i' ve have played through the first 6 hours so far and to be honest, i' m pretty underwhelmed.

I' ve been looking forward to Lost Planet for the past year. The single-player demo blew me away, especially because it was released in July and the game had 6 months worth of development time left. I figured that with it being Capcom developed and the demo being so good that it would have as big an effect [on me] as Gears of War, but unfortunately it just ain' t so...

Lost Planet isn' t a bad game by far. In fact, it' s a great game. It looks gorgeous, (though very little has changed graphically since the single player demo) and plays fluidly. It reminds me of Dreamcast games for some reason, it' s hard to explain, but it has that comfortable arcadeness about it.

What i don' t like is the story, or at least how it' s conveyed. The cutscenes, voiceovers, general premise, etc.. are terrible. The art direction kind of saves the cutscenes but they' re certainly not up to Capcom' s usual high standards and certainly not what i expected from them after the badass cutscenes in Dead Rising. The voice work is ridiculous and while the games core premise is sound, the characters are so camp that the story comes across badly.

In my first encounter with the Snow Pirates i found myself laughing at their voices. These guys don' t sound like the hardened vicious enemies they should, ...they sound, ...lame. The human AI is retarded, in that if you shoot a guy with a sniper rifle from a distance, the guy standing right next to him doesn' t even notice. It' s very very basic. It' s not a huge problem though because the game is a run and gun shooter and nothing more, ...the enemies are there to attack and die, and they do.

The controls are fine, but i did have to turn the sensitivity up to 8 for it to feel right as it' s initially way too stiff and slow. Turn it up however and it' s as fluid as you could possibly want, meaning that the only other (control) problem being that you can' t look straight up. Now i' d read IGN' s review and thought that not being able to look straight up wouldn' t be a major issue, but it is. In fact, not being able to look straight up is actually pretty retarded and you definitely notice it, specifically when fighting flying enemies.

The enemy character and level design are flawless, with both human and bugs looking great and the environments looking amazing. The friendly NPC' s that appear in cutscenes however are dreadfully camp! But meh, you can skip the cutscenes anyway. The bugs though are some of the best enemies i' ve even seen, the bosses are unbelievably stunning!

Overall the first half of the game has been fun, i' d just expected more from such a talented developer. Perhaps i' ve been spoiled by Gears of War...
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 12 Jan 07 11:40:27 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 12, 2007 19:27
Your forgetting Mass Effect, that game will rock,

I wish i had the cash to get Lost Planet, but i dont, ill be sasving my money for " the masterpieces"

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 12, 2007 19:41
Mass Effect will own everything this year but MGS4 and Heavenly Sword, seriously Majik u have nothing to fear, once Bioware era done im sure it will live up to the hype.

I was so exited bout Lost Planet, then xbox360.ign gave it the 8.5 but i realised they are just plain stupid, then 1up.com gave it 6.5, well, it cant be coincidence... too bad, i hope the secuel will be better.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 12 Jan 07 11:42:00 >

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 12, 2007 20:41
Not sure if Masss Effect will own H3 or H wars but we will have to see what happens. Thanks for the heads up on LP though Majik.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 12, 2007 20:54
Mass Efect looks just amazing, it looks like it has everything a great game needs, the plot, the gameplay, the innovation, the vehicles, the music, the deept and so on, my only fear its that it wont be too open, u know, travel from one spot to the next, i fear switching settings will be like moving from one room to another
< Message edited by fernandino -- 12 Jan 07 13:00:52 >

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 12, 2007 20:54
Here' s my view on Halo:
EVERYTHING will own Halo 3. I think they were lucky with the first game and made some no brainer updates in the sequal.
Halo 3 will be good, I' m sure of it, but it won' t be so great as you hope. It will still get awesome review scores because no one will admit it actually didn' t live up to expectations.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 12, 2007 22:11

Not sure if Masss Effect will own H3 or H wars but we will have to see what happens. Thanks for the heads up on LP though Majik.

MassEffect will have a better story, thats for sure.

Here' s my view on Halo:
EVERYTHING will own Halo 3. I think they were lucky with the first game and made some no brainer updates in the sequal.
Halo 3 will be good, I' m sure of it, but it won' t be so great as you hope. It will still get awesome review scores because no one will admit it actually didn' t live up to expectations.

I think they did Halo 1 correctly, then sat on their asses and did Halo 2 in 8 months. Halo 3 will be ruined by the new features (which will unbalance and allow new players to kill veterans with ease).
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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 02:50
So does LP suck as bad as it did on the live demo? I was considering renting it but if they didnt change anything since the demo, i wont waist $5 on it

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 05:23
Damn it' s sitting in the office I usually collect my mail from, locked up cos staff have gone home for the weekend!

I think I might like it more than most reviews have given it credit for. A lot of people will be comparing it to Gears but I' ll hopefully be playing it with fresh eyes as a different game completely, since I didn' t think Gears was the best game ever, especially the SP story..

Then again, maybe LP really is a bit poo after all. Have to see after the w/end.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 06:46

once Bioware era done im sure it will live up to the hype.
Whatever, I don' t care what they do before Fallout 3. I' ve been waiting for too long for that game!

I' ve just played LP at a friend' s house, & honestly, it serves the purpose. In contrast, I think it' s a bit better than CoD:3, also an 8.5 game from most sources, if only because it isn' t anything rehashed, & you can see that they tried to polish it, again unlike CoD:3.

The controls are a problem when fighting Akrid, like Majik said, but I' m so poor at fighting airial enemies anyway, it doesn' t really matter much. I swear, it' s like a serious handicap I' ve got!

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 07:00
So would you honestly say it is worth the money? I am in need of something till ME comes out and Assasins creed, Smackdown Vs Raw just doesn' t do it anymore, neither does TDU.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 07:42
Ok, put it this way; if Gears and Rainbow Six hadn' t been released yet then Lost Planet would probably be the best game available for people who like shooters. It has issues but they' re minor.

Graphically only Gears and Rainbow Six are nicer, and even then the environments in Lost Planet are probably nicer than those in Rainbow Six because of the superb use of lighting, and the excellent weather effects. The game is more visually impressive than Dead Rising, GRAW, Oblivion COD3 etc, and the cave sections actually rival Gears for wowness

The controls are fine, i just needed to turn the sensitivity up. Everything else apart from the inability to look directly upwards is ok. I would have liked a dive mechanic though as when you' re facing off with a VS on foot you just get knocked around by rocket after rocket.

The story is bad and it only gets worse. There' s zero depth and zero character development. It doesn' t make an awful lot of sense and the characters are lame. The cutscenes are used to set up the next stage and that it. They' re all in-engine which is fine but to be honest, i' d much rather they' d actually used CG like in the theater trailer. It' s a same really because the general premise could allow for a superb Halo-esque epic storyline but it' s been executed very poorly. Usually i love Capcoms' s cutscenes but these are almost laughable.

The combat is satisfying and there' s a good mix of enemies, but the humans are retarded and the snow pirates say stupid things like " why me?" as they die. The game is pretty much all about the larger bugs and the smaller creatures are simply cannon fodder. The main focus of the game is the boss fights, each of which is amazing. They have weak points and attack patterns, ...this is and old-school blaster at heart. When you encounter this guy...

...you won' t know what to do.

The mechs, or VS' s as they' re called in the game are badass. There' s a decent selection and the interchangeable weapons mean everybody' s catered for. You get to use them in every stage too which is cool, ...they' re important t the game and while you can get through without them you probably won' t want to. I seriously hope Capcom make a mech based game now. The way they move is perfect and with the weather effects and explosions ect they could make a seriously cool Armored Core-esque title.

The game is pretty easy. I' d recommend playing on normal first time around, or even hard. I haven' t tried easy but normal is easier than i expected. It' s not all that long, maybe 9-11 hours, but it' s a game i' m going to be playing through again so i don' t mind. It' s a couple of hours longer than GRAW too so i' m not going to complain.

The multiplayer is superb, but i loved the online demo too and i know some people hated it, so it' s obviously a love it or hate it kinda thing. It' s fun, and that' s the main thing. The team based modes are great but it' s obviously not very tactical. The OTT weapons and VS' s really come into their own online. I' d probably have bought the game just for the online, but again, i really liked the demo.

Would i recommend buying it? Hell yes. I think i came across as a little too negative in my original post. Comparing it to Gears probably isn' t that fair, but Capcom said they wanted the same kind of pace as Halo and while they' ve achieved that they' ve forgotten that Halo has a decent storyline. Lost Planet is pure action and i' ll skip the cutscenes in my next playthrough as they hold no importance whatsoever.

Again, it' s one of the consoles best games, and if it' d been released prior to Gears i' d likely have been raving about it, but if Epic can supply a game with a decent-ish narrative and cool cutscenes, why can' t Capcom? It' s one of the things that would have just expected. Especially after the multiple trailers showing parts of the cutscenes and the viral websites. That and the minor control issues let the game down slightly, otherwise it' s great.

I can' t shake this Dreamcast feeling though, and i can' t quite put my finger on why Lost Planet reminds me of Dreamcast games....
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 12 Jan 07 23:43:40 >

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 08:19
If Gears Story is good compared to this? then really, I never want to come 5miles near the game.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 08:57

If Gears Story is good compared to this? then really, I never want to come 5miles near the game.

Lol. Gears always hinted at a deeper plot(marcus' father, the trial, the locust origin) but it always hinted and never did anything with it.
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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 10:02
360 fans loves hyping games to unknown levels.

X is not as good as i thought but Y will be the one..

Y is not as good a i thought but Z will be the one..

If Mass effect turns out a let down.. i hope ull learn from your lessons by that time.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 10:06
The Story in that game [Gears] is just a plain mess, A trained monkey would write something with more Structure. Hell i bet Zelda has better Character Development.

Gears Story has a good foundation, the crazy guys Locust are coming up from the ground and killing everybody. Fenix and co Are just going underground and killing everybody, deploying some bomb, and then going back to his house for some reaseach or something, and then ending up on a train for some god damn reason and then something blows up, which I never seen before or knew about, but it looked important, so then the game ends [of course with the old ' this isn' t over yet' sequel talk].

Everytime you read that Paragraph somebody in the world is just watching that ending and complaining the game is too short.

Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 10:57
Yeah, but it serves its purpose better than Lost Planet' s cutscenes. I mean, the dialogue in Gears is actually good and while the characters are generic stereotypes they fit the scene.

Anyway, i said " decent-ish" narrative, not Oscar winning. It' s all relative, and in relation to Lost Planet - Gears has a better story.

f3, i' m still waiting to see your projector. I' ve been looking for one and i want to see how it actually looks in a room with a feed going to it. It doesn' t have to be anything fancy, maybe just your Dreamcast or something, i' d replay F355 Challenge using it if i get one...

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 11:34

If Mass effect turns out a let down.. i hope ull learn from your lessons by that time.

How about you keep your fanboy mouth shut on topics you dont know about. Do you even know Biowares track record? Have you played their last 2 games(KOTOR and Jade Empire)? Oh, thats right, you havent, but you feel like you should turn a debate about Lost Planet vs Gears of War into a " 360 fans hype games too much" thread.

You want hype? Red Steel ring a bell? So keep your fanboy statements to yourself.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 15:57

360 fans loves hyping games to unknown levels.

X is not as good as i thought but Y will be the one..

Y is not as good a i thought but Z will be the one..

Lol, your so funny, there a better chance that VF5 will be bad than Mass Effect will.

You the truest fanboy in this forum, be it a VF5 fanboy or a Wii one, i dont care, but you still sound like an idiot more often than not

Iad umboros
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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 20:01
Ban the 6 letter f-word. Everyone is a fan of games here, whether they suck at Gears of War or not.

Anyway, I still havn' t had a chance to play the PS3 yet to compare. I get to have a shot of the Wii today though!! That' s awesome, because from the shops I' ve called I don' t think I' ll get one before March now!!!

Incidentally, I think the story line in Gears of War was great, apart from the fact it didn' t have one. I mean, because it didn' t have one. And the cheesy dialogue hits the spot perfectly. If earth was invaded by evil aliens, I' d want those guys fighting them to save my arse!


Agent Ghost
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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 20:48
I have zero interest in this game, I won' t even rent it.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 13, 2007 21:57
Well I' ve done the first 5 missions so far and I' m enjoying it more than Gears at the moment. So far the cut-scenes have all been really good in my opinon, minus the odd cheesey line and the techie character, so in that respect all is okay. The pirate voices I agree are bad, but funny in an enjoyable way and better than hearing " sweet" in that stereotypical American way that Gears characters do it.

The controls do need tweaking I found, and after increasing the sensitivity and playing around with the fixed setting found it to be as responesive as it needed to be. No issues bringing down at least five of the big creatures all in the same area, at the same time. Not being able to look up and then around just plain sucks though, it really hinders any advanage you could have against not only the bosses but random flying enemies as well.

Graphically LP looks awesome. Lovely lighting and shading, with detailed texturing throughout, expecially in the caves and indoor environments. Textures aren' t as detailed as Gears but have a very different feel - They appears fully detailed from a distance and blur slightly up close, whereas in Gears they mostly gain an increase in detail as you approach. Lots of geometry used on all the characters is very nice, but the increased detailed on the lead stands out needelessly.

Perhaps my only two complaints are that the ememy design isn' t varied enough, that you find yourself facing the same smaller ememies only then to be confronted with a new boss. Secondly only 30fps, there' s nothing to suggest that 60 isn' t achieveable with the level of geometry and effects being used. Maybe more lower level optimisation is needed.

So far I think Lost Planet has been underated overall, just like Gears Of War was overrated. They are both great games but are really different. It' s pointless to give a score as I haven' t finished the thing yet, but around an 8.2 seems about right.

Anyway I' ll post my thoughts when I get further through it with regards to the gameplay and story, and when I can be arsed to take my time to write properly instead of rushing typing sh*t down.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 13 Jan 07 14:01:57 >

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 03:02
Ok, after chapter 6 the game gets 500% better. The story still sucks but the action is cranked waaaaaaaay up and the amount of stuff onscreen and the resulting explosions are insane. This game, in parts, looks as good as Gears. It' s just as fun as Gears and while it' s not perfect, and while the story is still really lame, the game is definitely a must buy for people who like shooters and Capcom games in general.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 13:20

If Mass effect turns out a let down.. i hope ull learn from your lessons by that time.

How about you keep your fanboy mouth shut on topics you dont know about. Do you even know Biowares track record? Have you played their last 2 games(KOTOR and Jade Empire)? Oh, thats right, you havent, but you feel like you should turn a debate about Lost Planet vs Gears of War into a " 360 fans hype games too much" thread.

You want hype? Red Steel ring a bell? So keep your fanboy statements to yourself.


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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 13:33
God, i must of hit a nerve ....

The real fanboys have responded..

Actually its easy to make them come out, just say 1 trueful comment thats goes against 360 in some way (in my case it was mean in a buddy way of.. " guys i wouldnt hype every game up on 360, just atleast wait till youve played it" )

**BANG** Crazy FB attack waves back at me..

Serisouly you guys need to fucking lie down and think about how Sad your acting,

You can say anything aim at my preffered (Wii, VF5) and it wouldnt even bother me.. thats the difference between a Fan and an Fanboy.. And you guys sure make it obvious what you are.

BTW, LP is quite good, i played it today.. Actually enjoyed it better than GOW too. (tho that wasnt hard, as i hated GOW)
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 14 Jan 07 6:00:24 >

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 14:03
Im not a fanboy, and Im not hyping Mass Effect.

FACT: Bioware makes great RPGs.
FACT: you blow an Italian Plumber and his pet Dinosaur.
FACT: You accuse anyone who doesnt masturbate to 10 second distractions as an excuse of a video game of being a fanboy.

Want an honest opinion? I think LP sucks. I didnt like the demo(s). Want another honest opinon? WarioWare sucks too.

And Evil Man, if youre still lurking around here, I hate to say it, but we need you back. At least you had the balls to say what you really thought.
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 14 Jan 07 6:11:05 >
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 14:12
Who the fuck argues agaisnt someone saying ' rightfully saying' somehting as simple as : " wait till you play the game before judging"


And telling me about Facts and forgeting the Big number 1 fact

1) There is no such thing as 100% assured in the game Industry..

Now go and lie your stubburn fanboy ass down.

Agent Ghost
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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 14:13
There' s nothing wrong with liking WarioWare or Zelda, and there' s nothing wrong with not being interested in Mass Effect either. But to blow it off as an overhyped game before it' s released is just fucking dumb. Mass Effect will be one of the best games of 2007, and maybe it is overhyped. But no one will know until it' s out.

F3hunter I don' t even know why you would care if people are interested in a game you are not. It seemes to me you are jealous that Mass Effect is getting more attention then any Wii title. Which is precisely what makes you a fanboy.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 14 Jan 07 6:14:38 >

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 14:27

Now go and lie your stubburn fanboy ass down.

Heres an idea, leave the damn forums. Youre a fucking fanboy. Every 360 thread posted you have to post a smart ass comment in. And for what purpose? To make you feel better that your console has 1 real game and will only have 5 in its entire life span just like the GameCube?

For Example: In the Crysis for 360 thread you say

I hope no ones expecting 360 crysis to look anywhere near as good as the PC version on coming PC hardware.

Really? Well arent you a fucking genius. Does " coming PC hardware" only cost $400? What did you contribute to that discussion? NOTHING. Which is what you contributed to this one by coming in and saying:

360 fans loves hyping games to unknown levels.

You are pointless on this forum. No one here gives a damn that Mass Effect is on 360 but you. We all care because its made by Bioware, the company that made great games like KOTOR, Jade Empire, Fallout, NWN.

1) There is no such thing as 100% assured in the game Industry..

Keep that in mind when you talk about how you cant wait for the next big Wii game or you praise a once great game company who has been encouraging developers to churn out half thought gimmicks to turn a quick dollar.

If Mass effect turns out a let down.. i hope ull learn from your lessons by that time.

Apparently discussing the 360' s future releases makes everyone in this thread a fanboy.
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 14 Jan 07 6:34:27 >
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 15:03
lol.. , cant believe how sad people can get..

Some of you are really hurt buy that comment!! WTF??

Sorry guys :(

I' ll help you out..

MAss Effect Will OWN EVERYTHING!!!


Now a Take deep breath... Now lets hope no one ever tells you' s to judge a game before it comes out again... Who ever says so should be shot.. grr

Anyway.. Moving on..

f3, i' m still waiting to see your projector. I' ve been looking for one and i want to see how it actually looks in a room with a feed going to it. It doesn' t have to be anything fancy, maybe just your Dreamcast or something, i' d replay F355 Challenge using it if i get one...

Well Majic good thing you said that as ive just got myself a HD camcorder..

What exactly do you need to see? PC?, 360? Dreamcast?

IT can Do HD resolution at 30fps, or lower at 60fps.. Then again 640 would probably be best if i was to upload it on the net..

Ill record some games and post them in a new thread for you...

< Message edited by f3hunter -- 14 Jan 07 7:31:19 >

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 16:39

ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx

For Example: In the Crysis for 360 thread you say

I hope no ones expecting 360 crysis to look anywhere near as good as the PC version on coming PC hardware.

Really? Well arent you a fucking genius. Does " coming PC hardware" only cost $400? What did you contribute to that discussion? NOTHING.

This is one aspect that I will defend F3 on. A lot of people have been taken in by the hype machine of " teraflops" and " supercomputers" that certain companies like to throw around to make their products seem better than they really are. I wouldn' t be surprised if people did think it' d look as good or better on PS3/360, simply because of all the false information that the people so eagerly accept.

He actually posted that comment after people started posting shots/vids of DX10 Crysis and saying that it looks so awesome and putting it in the context of a 360 version, which is incorrect to do. So putting in a reality check when he did, didn' t seem pointless to me.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 18:56
I' d expect Crysis to look almost as good as the DX9 PC version on 360 if (at 30fps), and it' s a big one at that - the developers completely recode huge parts of the game to be fully optimised for the 360. Just like Quake on Saturn, which was almost developed from the ground up in order to achieve such high performance on a machine much less capable than the highest spec PC' s.

Of course nobody today will do that as it' s far easier to keep as much code as close to the PC' s as possible, only optimising enough to get the game working in a reletively smooth, playable state. Much like they did with most PC to XB1 ports.

Anyway Lost Planet?
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 14 Jan 07 10:57:11 >

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 20:00

Well Majic good thing you said that as ive just got myself a HD camcorder..

What exactly do you need to see? PC?, 360? Dreamcast?

IT can Do HD resolution at 30fps, or lower at 60fps.. Then again 640 would probably be best if i was to upload it on the net..

Ill record some games and post them in a new thread for you...

Nice dude. My TV ain' t cutting it and i figured a HD projector would be the way to go. I don' t need to see anything in particular, just a game running i guess. Thanks alot man.

Anyhoo, guys, enough with the " fanboy" sh!t. One of the most extreme fanboys has buggered off to some Swedish forum and we don' t need him coming back and getting involved in stiff like this. The stuff coming out on PC' s this year will eclipse both consoles. It happens every generation. Yes keeping your PC to up to spec is expensive, and that' s why we have consoles, but buying a console means you won' t be experiencing the best graphics/framerates etc that the gaming world can offer. Enough said.

Back on topic: The ending is rubbish. It' s seriously awful. The last boss fight is retarded too, but levels 6-11 inclusive are absolutely fantastic.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 20:21

Anyhoo, guys, enough with the " fanboy" sh!t. One of the most extreme fanboys has buggered off to some Swedish forum and we don' t need him coming back and getting involved in stiff like this. The stuff coming out on PC' s this year will eclipse both consoles. It happens every generation. Yes keeping your PC to up to spec is expensive, and that' s why we have consoles, but buying a console means you won' t be experiencing the best graphics/framerates etc that the gaming world can offer. Enough said.

Well Majik, there is only one person here who starts slinging out fanboy comments, and thats F3.

Its annoying, people arent allowed to talk positive of a game when its on the 360 before its released without being called a fanboy.

But to him, VF5 and Wii are the second and third coming of christ.

He has an antipathy for the 360 that i havent seen before. He likes sparking silly arguments with stupid comments.

And none of this discussion would have happened if he hadnt posted the first fanboy comment.

Even if the 360 had the best game ever, F3 would never admit it and say that wii sports is the greatest.

comments like

360 fans loves hyping games to unknown levels.
are worthless and only means to show F3 is prejudice against anything 360, its annoying. Most of us holds a fair respect to the Wii, and give the PS3 the repsect it deserves untill they prove otherwise, bye releasing it in europe.

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 20:31

360 fans loves hyping games to unknown levels.

X is not as good as i thought but Y will be the one..

Y is not as good a i thought but Z will be the one..

If Mass effect turns out a let down.. i hope ull learn from your lessons by that time.

This is what started the fanboy accusations? Haha that' s fun.
I think most games with some promise get hyped up by the people who get interested in them.
I mean, I' m hyping Metroid Prime 3 to insane levels
Just like lots of you hype up Mass Effect, as F3hunter hypes up Virtua Fighter, just as Quez hypes up Blue Dragon, just as Adam hypes up Kikizo.
It' s not just 360 fans who hype up games. Everyone does.

FACT: you blow an Italian Plumber and his pet Dinosaur.

Say what you like about Mario but one bad word about Yoshi again and I kill you!

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 20:34
I know, but people react to it and that' s the problem. He' s only one guy and it' s not like he' s some ancient Spartan who can hold his own against many. One guy is easy to ignore, and there' s always the ' Ignore' button remember...

Plus, it wasn' t directed at you, i was directed at others, and f3 too.

< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 14 Jan 07 12:36:40 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 20:37

I know, but people react to it and that' s the problem. He' s only one guy and it' s not like he' s some ancient Spartan who can hold his own against many. One guy is easy to ignore, and there' s always the ' Ignore' button remember...

Plus, it wasn' t directed at you, i was directed at others, and f3 too.

I know it was all of us, and part of what i wrote was to F3, maybe to show him he is the only one being a fool

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 14, 2007 22:41
Btw everyone, just to set the record straight: Bioware is not developing Fallout 3, nor have they ever developed any Fallout game (to my knowledge); that honor has very unfortunately gone to Bethesda soft (let' s hope they learn how to make a decent combat engine this time around. Tenth time' s the charm).

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 15, 2007 00:38
I like WarioWare.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Lost Planet impressions - Jan 15, 2007 02:20

Btw everyone, just to set the record straight: Bioware is not developing Fallout 3, nor have they ever developed any Fallout game (to my knowledge); that honor has very unfortunately gone to Bethesda soft (let' s hope they learn how to make a decent combat engine this time around. Tenth time' s the charm).
Dude, my bad! I' m gonna try reading the post next time.

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