EVE free 14 day trial

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Agent Ghost
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EVE free 14 day trial - Jan 11, 2007 22:44
If you' re curious as to what a real MMO is like you should try EVE. It' s not your watered down WOW or Guild Wars, ah no this is the real deal.

There is just too much to get into but as to why this is the best MMO and videogame with the most depth of all time. The complexity of this game is mind boggling. Only for the hardest of hardcore. For one thing, you only have one game server. Everyone is always playing on the same map. Which is HUGE, countless solar systems to get lost in. It' s actually the biggest game ever made, it makes Oblivion look really tiny. You can be anything between a miner to a scientist to a space pirate (raiding noobs) to CEO of a player driven corporation (you actually have stock in your corp.).

If you prefer to go at your own pace and just start out as a miner and collect raw materials to sell you can do that or you can take missions or work for one of the corparations/governments at war with eachother and get into these massive space battles with over a hundred ships.

There' s just so much to talk about in this game. I actually won' t bother much more. Just do yourself a favor and check out the site and try the free trial. In the very least you' ll get to witness the most hardcore game ever made.

right under the title on the first page you' ll see " try now"

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RE: EVE free 14 day trial - Jan 11, 2007 22:48
WOW was engrossing enough... but in the end I have a real life to deal with. A more complex MMO doesn' t interest me.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

Agent Ghost
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RE: EVE free 14 day trial - Jan 11, 2007 23:13
I don' t want to sound like I' m marketing EVE, but this game doesn' t really have a grind. You gain skills by choosing what you want to advance and you learn the skill in real time (even when you' re not playing). This game doesn' t resort to forcing you to play for long hours in order to gain levels or earn loot. Instead this game relies on it actually being good to hook people. People keep playing because there is so much to do not because it takes three months of 5 hours a day to gain a level.

Games like WOW and Guild Wars are not real MMOs, they' re cheap garbage. There' s no real gameplay there, just repeat step 1-7 and repeat it more then anyone else Saying you wouldn' t try EVE because of your experience witrh WOW is like saying you won' t try Guitar Hero because you didn' t like Britney' s Dance Beat.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 11 Jan 07 15:13:42 >

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RE: EVE free 14 day trial - Jan 12, 2007 03:39
Or I could recieve the same effects by taking Crystal-Meth & trying to show everybody at Dragon Con my " dwarves beard" .

I' ve been hooked by MMO' s one time too many thank-you-very-much.