The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video)

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Vx Chemical
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The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 16:01
IGN posted the first ingame videos, and the VX service will upload them in HD quality in your honor, ill post the links ASAP!

Video 1

Video 2

Video 4

Video 1 will be up soon, 3 if i bother to do it!
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 10 Jan 07 9:20:29 >

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 16:15
I love you!

Vx Chemical
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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 16:39
First two videos are up!

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 16:53
IGN has new screens for the 360 version but they' re 1080p. Now i know Double Agent was 1080p but i didn' t think GRAW 2 would be...

Vx Chemical
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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 17:20
one more video is up!

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 17:59
I can see a whole host of changes. The IGN hands on says that most stuff is subtle but i can see stuff pretty clearly.

The texture detail, character models, lighting and physics have been overhauled, and there are now selectable soldier classes as well as proper secondary weapons (like the the PC version of GRAW) meaning you could take a sniper rifle and a sub-machinegun rather than a rifle and then having to use a pistol at close range.

What i also noticed is that while the character animations seem much improved, the grenade throwing animation still looks rubbish, and the cover mechanic still hasn' t been changed and you have to press ' Y' to exit cover. I think they should have used the exact same grenade throwing and cover mechanics used in Rainbow Six: Vegas because what we' re getting is a nicer looking, more tactical GRAW with a same-old clunky control system.

If the game is 1080p then it' ll definitely be 30fps, but i think 60fps is too much to ask from Ubisoft even if the game is 720p.

It' s nice to know that the physic have been improved though, now they just need to fix the team AI.

I can' t wait. It' s gonna kick ass!

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 22:07

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 22:10
I talked with funner about this,he couldn' t see any diffrence with GRAW 1 or GRAW 2.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 22:12


I talked with funner about this,he couldn' t see any diffrence with GRAW 1 or GRAW 2.

Ok, but can you?

I mean, we' ve both clocked insanely high playing hours and i can see the differences.

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 22:17

Dont eat yellow snow säger:
GAMER säger:
Dont eat yellow snow säger:
du kunde väl inte se någon jävla skillnad?
Dont eat yellow snow säger:
Dont eat yellow snow säger:
och GRAW2`?
Dont eat yellow snow säger:
Svara fort orkar ej med att du ska sega dig
GAMER säger:
jo lite grafiken var väl lite bättre
Dont eat yellow snow säger:
är du körd?
Dont eat yellow snow säger:
du sa ju nyss att du inte såg någon skillnad
Dont eat yellow snow säger:
men du såg skillnad?
GAMER säger:
men jag såg lite

Funner basically says he saw a small diffrence now.

lol @ him.

He said he saw non first.

Funner also said,fuck majik but in Swedish.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 22:38

Funner also said,fuck majik but in Swedish.

stop acting like a kid please!

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 22:39
Plz dont bump an old thread.

< Message edited by quezcatol -- 10 Jan 07 14:39:20 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 22:40
bump an old thread? it was made today?

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 22:42
You bumped the Thread! Not Vx!

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 10, 2007 22:42
My thread > yours.

Get over it.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 11, 2007 01:32
Stop taking drugs Quezcatol.

Half your threads are filled with worthless junk and adolecent comments. Im tired of your bullshit.

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 11, 2007 01:52

My thread > yours.

Right, because youre thread has IGN insider only videos. Oh, wait....

And massive props to you Vx. Im not a huge GRAW fan but I know a lot of people here are and the videos are much appreciated.
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 10 Jan 07 17:53:03 >
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 11, 2007 03:01
Uploading video this size is a pain in the ass. VX has done it before too and i was probably the only person who downloaded them. VX kicks ass!

Vx Chemical
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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 11, 2007 03:46
ill gladly do it for you Majik, and im glad its appreciated

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 13, 2007 04:25
I nominate Vx for the Lifetime achievement award!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

Vx Chemical
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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 13, 2007 05:37

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 13, 2007 06:03
I' ll be getting this game at Launch. Hope its good fun.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: The GRAW 2 Thread (Now with ingame Video) - Jan 13, 2007 06:29
You sir, are amazing.

Now that I' ve got something to view HD on, (my 360 VGA finally got pulled off that slow boat from China[:' (]) I can actually appreciate stuff like this. Thanks again VX!