BD has already sold over 100.000 ex.
Sort of the reason why I was expecting a large buzz about it, like in Sweden, bout Gears of War and Wii.
BD atleast sold more games then any ps3 title so far,even though ps3 has even more ex out there then 360
Hmmm... do you think I' m a Sony fanboy. Easy mistake, as I have many favourite games on the Ps2 and large love for the FF series (though a fading love) and because I give lots of praise to Shadow the Colossus, Ico as well as Hideo Kojima. Even though I do this, I am in fact NOT a Sony fanboy, nor a fanboy for any gaming company. I simply go to where the games are. I had the opportunity to test a Ps3 in Japan, but I felt nothing like doing so, as I knew that what I would get to play would be Resistence or something like that (which I have no interest in).
I' m just sorry Quez, Blue Dragon doesn' t give me anything. I don' t like the art style, nor do I think the story seems interesting, the mechanics I don' t know much about, but from what I' ve seen it doesn' t look to special... Only the little from the music I' ve heard so far and the name Sakaguchi (I don' t really care for Akira Toriyama) is what gives the game some plusses with me.
Accept it or don' t... I had just hoped you would understand why I don' t care for it and not claim that I look down on 360 games, but perhaps my reasons to not liking this game simply where that odd, and I guess it' s about time I quit Kikizo forum.
So to everybody here, it' s been fun while it lasted but not so much anymore. So um... yeah... Y' know... See you around.