Awesome Blue dragon videos!!!

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Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 08, 2007 00:49

City exploring


Okay folks,these have to be the last ones,now we can' t spoil more.

Cant wait for this game,37/40 of famitsu and by 3 other english sites 9/10.

Looking very good

Clearly one of the best looking games i ever seen.

Its in pixar class at some places.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 7 Jan 07 16:52:06 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 08, 2007 01:26
I found this: Blue Dragon entire OST radio blog

I have no idea who put it all up, but basically, it has every song from the game and appears to be from an official/ripped OST.

Mostly, I just keep listening to the Boss Battle Theme (titled Eternity)

It' s really addictive after a while =D

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 08, 2007 01:43
Why have you put an angry smiley on the thread?
I actually thought I saw YOU running around in the game when that... fat yellow ugly thing ran.
Anyway, interesting videos. A little boring but it looks nice.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 08, 2007 05:46
Very nice, can' t wait till blue dragon comes out here. I hope they include the original japanese voice acting with subs as an option. If they don' t I' ll probably cry...a bit...

Thanks for the OST link byakko! Listening to The Seal Is Broken so far which is awesome. Although theres a bit that sounds like one song from Top Gun heh.

Agent Ghost
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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 08, 2007 06:11
The game looks so boring, I bet it will be worst than N3. Another example of style over substance.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 7 Jan 07 22:16:12 >

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 08, 2007 07:46
And it will be boring because?

Its like running around Oblivion doing nothing,thats what they done they dont wanna spoil the story,jsut show some of the world.

And it already has gotten great score,even from west,check
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Agent Ghost
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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 08, 2007 07:55
Ha ha ha, no Oblivion is a bit more sophisticated then this shit.

Blue Dragon=linear and one dementional

Oblivion=multilayered and open ended with endless possiblilities

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 08, 2007 08:35
I don' t think it' ll quite be linear and 1d, but it' s not meant to be an open ended world the same way as Oblivion is. The world map just serves as a layout for the story. It may not be your cup of tea though. Oblivion had plenty of depth true, but I could never get into the story/characters much. The only good one was Patrick Stewart' s and he died pretty early!

BD reminds me of certain old popular jap TV shows. I think that' s where the draw lies. The OST alone makes me want to buy it when it' s released.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 08, 2007 22:25

It' s really addictive after a while =D


Stfu biatch.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 09, 2007 17:18
Shut up pixie

Your avatar DANCES with the boss battle theme =/

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 09, 2007 18:46


It' s really addictive after a while =D

I downloaded the first 40 minuts of the game from xboxyde and i cant get that fucking retarded song out of my head, goddamn its so freacking silly it makes me wanna hurt myself, the rest of the songs i heard where pretty awesome and they fit the game well but that fucking song kicks me in the nuts

The game looks very good but i have some complains, the shadows almost never hit the enemys, they hit the ground and then rocks hit the evil people, to me that was dissapointing, also when the enemys attack each other its retarded first because somethimes only one enemy remains and then u kill it way too easy -even tho i guess this comes in handy with stronger enemys- and the u get the exp. poins for enemys u did not killed

I barely understood anything shu said but i already hate him, and hes friend its such a guss[:' (], the girl its kind of cute. Overall i guess the game its pretty good but not my kind of games

*takes a sit and waits for Shin Megami Tensei*

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 09, 2007 18:55

Shut up pixie

Now it all make sense.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 09, 2007 22:25
Why are the dragons i Blue dragon... blue?
Is there a reason for it or did they just think blue was the best looking color on a dragon?
I say the different dragons should have different colors. One blue, one red, one yellow and so on.
if the dragons get red blood on them, will they look purple then?

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 09, 2007 22:49
hmmm... It' s kind of odd now that I think of it, but is it just a coincidence that there is another gaming series that invovles " blue dragons" or does this have a root somewhere?

Oh, and in Japan, I SAW NOTHING of blue dragon! No television commercial, no posters, no X-Box 360 games, no NOTHING!

...They did make a big fuzz about the new Mana game though!

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 09, 2007 23:38
And when i was in Germany there was no Nintendo games,no wii no zelda nothing.

It depends where you are ffs.

I was in Regensburg btw.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 09, 2007 23:40

if the dragons get red blood on them, will they look purple then?

The evil dude has a purple dragon,btw i dont wanna spoil why they are blue but there is a reason.

Also,that purple guy we seen,i just talked with a friend who finished the jap BD,he said he wasnt the main bad guy but i told him to not spoil more.

SO yeah,to you guys who said OMG HE LOOKS SO fucked uo ba l bla bla,he wasnt the main guy,there is a hidden enemy as always.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 00:20
Are you still getting a Hard on over this?

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 00:21

I was in Regensburg btw.

And I was in Tokyo (and Osaka)... I' m not trying to pick a fight, just saying that I went there thinking that Blue Dragon would be one of the big buzz' s going around, but I found nothing of the sort. But I don' t remember how long it was since the game was released, perhaps the buzz has already passed.


Oh, and outside of the gaming world, HUGE HD-DVD commercials can be seen everywhere... Didn' t see much of Blue-Ray though...
< Message edited by dionysius -- 9 Jan 07 16:29:49 >

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 01:45

The evil dude has a purple dragon,btw i dont wanna spoil why they are blue but there is a reason.

Also,that purple guy we seen,i just talked with a friend who finished the jap BD,he said he wasnt the main bad guy but i told him to not spoil more.

SO yeah,to you guys who said OMG HE LOOKS SO fucked uo ba l bla bla,he wasnt the main guy,there is a hidden enemy as always.

What purple dude? Can you show a picture?

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 03:01

And I was in Tokyo (and Osaka)... I' m not trying to pick a fight, just saying that I went there thinking that Blue Dragon would be one of the big buzz' s going around, but I found nothing of the sort. But I don' t remember how long it was since the game was released, perhaps the buzz has already passed.

It sold 80.000 on one day,,sold around 30k-50 k the week after,thats a good sale,those few 360 owners who wanted it already got it.

You was in Tokyo?


When i was in Madrid i couldn' t find any Nintendo games,mayby i didnt look at the right stores,and dont pretend like you heard all the buzz and was at all the stores.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 03:03

Are you still getting a Hard on over this?

The reviews from Famitsu was 37/40.

3 other english sites gaved it 9/10.

And its the first 1080p game.

And fist time since Chrono Trigger that Sakaguchi and Akira worked together.

Mayby you' re but you hate 360,so who cares what yoy think about BD?
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 03:05
I love when people criticize games they haven' t played yet.. please don' t talk anymore agent ghost if your going to be so close minded.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 03:05

What purple dude? Can you show a picture?

It' s no use.

People like you and dino will alwatys find faults,wasn' t it dino who said he didnt want BD cause he heard about a BD 2 would come.



Sakaguchi has done 2 games that got sequals.

Final Fantasy 1
Chrono trigger.

Just check the scores at their sequals.

Some people need to think.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 03:13
A purple guy that looks fucked up? This has got to be the one you' re thinking of:

Purple - Check
Fucked Up - Check
It' s him! He looks a little too realistic compared to the other characters in the game
But he sure looks evil!

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 05:07
You will burn for this,BURN I SAY!!!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 05:43
I really enjoy how whatever I say tend to tick you of Quez.

Like now I never said a word bad about Blue Dragon, I merely stated that I thought I would see A LOT of Blue Dragon commercials everywhere but instead I saw none. I had imagined it would be this huge campaign going on and that everybody would be all like " man did you play that Blue Dragon game" and " Yeah, it was KICK ASS!!!"

However I weren' t on this trip with videogames in mind and just went in to one or two (though I state they here big) gaming and electronics stores, mostly to kill some time and hang out with this dude I met, before the gals quit their work.

I' ve said it before (did I really??) and I' ll say it again, I don' t dislike Blue Dragon, neither do I like it. And the more I see of it the lesser I feel like playing. I wouldn' t dis the game if it was one that I was looking forward to, simply ' cause it' s getting a sequel, however with the gaming lying so low on my play list and with my distaste for sequels I simply bumped the game from the bottom of my play list to no list at all.

Oh, and I' d appreciate if you stopped using my word out of context, Quez.

< Message edited by dionysius -- 9 Jan 07 21:45:13 >

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 05:49
If you say retarded things i quote them later.

What' s the problem?

You can' t stand for what you write?

You just showed you disliked it cause it was on the 360.

Nobody would say anything that retarded as you di without a reason.

Stop making excuses.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 9 Jan 07 21:50:05 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 05:52
< Message edited by dionysius -- 9 Jan 07 21:52:49 >

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 05:55
BD has already sold over 100.000 ex.

However since xbox360 doesnt sell in Japan,those who had a 360 or wanted already got their BD.

BD atleast sold more games then any ps3 title so far,even though ps3 has even more ex out there then 360.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 06:17

BD has already sold over 100.000 ex.

Sort of the reason why I was expecting a large buzz about it, like in Sweden, bout Gears of War and Wii.

BD atleast sold more games then any ps3 title so far,even though ps3 has even more ex out there then 360

Hmmm... do you think I' m a Sony fanboy. Easy mistake, as I have many favourite games on the Ps2 and large love for the FF series (though a fading love) and because I give lots of praise to Shadow the Colossus, Ico as well as Hideo Kojima. Even though I do this, I am in fact NOT a Sony fanboy, nor a fanboy for any gaming company. I simply go to where the games are. I had the opportunity to test a Ps3 in Japan, but I felt nothing like doing so, as I knew that what I would get to play would be Resistence or something like that (which I have no interest in).

I' m just sorry Quez, Blue Dragon doesn' t give me anything. I don' t like the art style, nor do I think the story seems interesting, the mechanics I don' t know much about, but from what I' ve seen it doesn' t look to special... Only the little from the music I' ve heard so far and the name Sakaguchi (I don' t really care for Akira Toriyama) is what gives the game some plusses with me.

Accept it or don' t... I had just hoped you would understand why I don' t care for it and not claim that I look down on 360 games, but perhaps my reasons to not liking this game simply where that odd, and I guess it' s about time I quit Kikizo forum.

So to everybody here, it' s been fun while it lasted but not so much anymore. So um... yeah... Y' know... See you around.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 07:52
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 08:57
Quez you poor deluded child, I own a 360, I like the 360. But please playing a game about a blue dragon is like watching my 5 year old play with the old animated link to the computer Barney (Ok he was purple and your dragon' s are blue.)

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 09:06
No it' s not.

It' s like saying Anime or Manga is for 7 year kiddies. it' s not.

Blue dragon is not a kiddie game.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 11:22

it makes me wanna hurt myself

ewwww... emo!!!!

People like you and dino will alwatys find faults,wasn' t it dino who said he didnt want BD cause he heard about a BD 2 would come.

Dont bother quez, he just says that because hes hoping 2 will go to ps3

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 17:51
Quez a little bit of advice for you. Not everyone is going to like everything you like and you are not going to like everything they like, you need to open your mind to the idea that people have their own opinions on things, such as Blue dragon being good bad or indifferent, what makes this so amusing(well for me anyway.) Is that you are so passionate about a game that you have only seen screen shots and " Ingame" trails for. When the game comes out and if it is anygood, then you will have the right to say " look at me I was on the Blue dragon band wagon right from the start" . But you can' t just diss someone for having an opinion.

Whoa Quez easy on the manga / anime is for kids. Some of it is, the majority isn' t. Example Pokemon, Yu gi oh and Dragon ball Z...For kids.
Akira, Ghost in the Shell are aimed for adults, do not even think that I would be saying anything like that. I didn' t say that BD was for Kids I just said it was about as much fun for me as watching my 5 year old playing with a stupid purple Dinosaur, as in I am not convinced it is the game for me.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 10 Jan 07 9:55:29 >

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 18:48
Even if Blue Dragon is mainly made for children I' m quite sure that adults can enjoy it just as much.
Most entertainment has different layers that different people appreciate. Like Shrek, it had some jokes that were mostly aimed at adults but then the funny green troll and the cute donkey was appealing for children.
I think most " kiddie" games seem to have that layout, different layers, to make it suitable for as many people as possible. I think Blue Dragon can be a game most people can enjoy.
On the other hand it does look a bit boring so far but if it' s true what Quez says, that they don' t want any spoilers, then it might be good after all.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 21:12
Yes im sure 100.000 of those who bought BD was kids.

I' m sure the reviewers also reviewed trhoguh a kiddie eyes.

It' s like 1up saidthe game was awesome only titles like these would come to ps2 in the second gen.

BD a kiddie game?

Are you guys retarded?
Go and play rpg' s.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 21:16
Quez is a dick. Just ignore him. Simple.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 21:33
And you' re a retard if you think BD was meant for kids now fuck off.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Awesome Blue dragon videos!!! - Jan 10, 2007 21:52


And you' re a retard if you think BD was meant for kids now fuck off.

Like Pokemon, and Dragonball Z, it' s aimed at Japanese teenagers. It also just happens to be the kind of thing that a western company would make for kids. Western games designed with adults in mind aren' t all Pixar-esque, ...Pixar movies are aimed specifically at kids.

Japanese and western tastes are very different and some people that like RPG' s like Final Fantasy may feel Blue Dragon isn' t mature enough, even if underneath it has masses of depth. In Japan adults watch Pokemon and play Nintendogs, America kids primarily play Pokemon and Nintendogs. It' s not about Blue Dragon being created to appeal for children, it was created with a Japanese audience in mind.

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