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Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 06, 2007 18:28
For me, it' s perhaps Red Steel. The level design is inconsistent in its quality, but at its best its top class. The controls, do have a learning curve, but once I learned them, I fell in love with them and felt they were offering me a little more precision than your standard pad ever could. What' s your biggest surprise/s of the year, either good or bad?
< Message edited by Calintz -- 6 Jan 07 10:29:10 >
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 06, 2007 20:13
Gears of War. I though the cover mechanic was going to get old fast, but actually its implemented very well.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 07, 2007 04:03
Company of Heroes really surprised me. I hadnt heard a thing about it, then picked it up one day and was introduced to one of my favorite and one of the best RTS games ever made. For a bad surprise I would say the mentality of some gamers. I never would have thought that so many Xbox owners would become such insane, flaming, unreasonably angry people when the ps3 came out. And same goes for the ps3 fanboys, there arent nearly as many, but they are equally as stupid. I never thought competition in the consoles would lead to such idiocy on a widespread level. I remember the good old days of gaming, and seeing this competition for exclusive content and the buying out of quality game manufacturers is getting annoying.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 07, 2007 04:14
I never thought competition in the consoles would lead to such idiocy on a widespread level. I remember the good old days of gaming, and seeing this competition for exclusive content and the buying out of quality game manufacturers is getting annoying. Competition is good, things are better than ever.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 07, 2007 05:08
Good shout on Company of Heroes. I picked it up out of curiousity and it turned out to be one of the most solid and enjoyable games I' ve played recently. My personal dissapointment was Splinter Cell Double Agent actually. I quite liked Chaos Theory, and I thought Double Agent might add a bit of dark depth to Sam' s character....but in the end that was only confined to the intro, and in a game that felt like a step backwards from SC:CT, he remained your usual Captain America/Jack Bauer in his War Against Terror. Personal surprise of the year was perhaps Half-life Ep 1. I wondered how good a 3-5 hour expansion pack could be. Played it through several times now, and even though it didn' t do one thing to advance the story (I don' t even know what story it is I' m waiting for tho!), it was a showcase for clever developement ideas, with interesting AI interactions in a fast but still powerful game engine.
Iad umboros
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 00:10
For me it was probably Viva Pinata. I was looking forward t it anyway, but you just get so lost in it, it' s great. I' m going to put it on again just now actually....
***flyingsaucersdisguisedasmushrooms*** ***mushroomsinvadingfromouterspace***
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 01:11
The death of E3. Well, maybe it is not exactly quite dead just yet, but it will sure as hell never be the same again... The whole Lik-Sang situation, of course, was quite a shock for me, too. Think positive... I know. Wii Sports is definetly a lot more fun than I ever thought it would be. Epecially bowling, which seems to have became the family favourite.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 13:23
Competition is good, things are better than ever. I don' t mind competition in the marketplace, its the idiot fanboys who are so stubborn in their views that they dont ever think outside the box, or even consider that someone elses opinion might be valid, or that they could be wrong about anything. I don' t wanna get flamed, but I feel like half the time I' m talking to uneducated 13-17 year old americans. I know there are stupid people all over the world, but this demographic takes the cake. I' ve met them IRL, I' ve played with them online for 10 years, and they only get stupider.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 13:36
Oh, and not to mention when I went in to buy Fight Night Round 3 for ps3, the sales guy had to get it from the back because it released that morning. While waiting with him to get keys from another employee who was busy, he told me PS3' s sucked. This guy was 21 or older, and he is telling a customer that the game they want for the system they own sucks, and has no reason as to why the system sucks, just that it does. The conversation went like this. Guy: So you have a ps3 huh? Me: Yah, got one when it released Guy: ah, I' m and Xbox guy myself Me: thats cool, as long as you arent one of those fanboys that runs around on forums and games online saying Ps3' s suck Guy: Well, it does suck Me: Why? The hardware is as good or better, and will have all sorts of exclusives Guy: Because, sony is shit, they never had anything good Me: Final Fantasy, MGS, and Gran Turismo were some of the best console games of their time Guy: I dono, MGS was lame, and Final fantasy and Gran Turismo sucked. At this point I just stopped talking to him because I knew his type, and knew no matter what I said, he would just say it sucked or just not listen. This blew me away, I knew people talked shit and acted like retards online, but this was IRL, and I was a customer and he is spouting of this BS Xbox Fanboy garbage. I' m not making a damn bit of this up, I have no reason to hate Xbox' s, and I played on one for over 8 months when my roomate had one, but these people......I dont understand them.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 16:16
Sorry Avarice but the hardware isn' t " as good as or better" , it is worse. You seem to me a lot like the people you are describing. You come off to me as one of the 13-17 year old American haters that post conspiracy articles on shoutwire. Sorry but you can' t run cars on water. I don' t take America bashing lightly. You' ve come off to me as a nationalist piece of shit hypocrite.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 16:23
I had a conversation once, it went like this: Majik: Hi. Big Guy: F*ck off! Majik: ...ok... Wasn' t very interesting...
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 18:55
Was that you, Sorry Majik get very grumpy when people pinch my arse without asking. Surprise of the Year How well the DS has done against the PSP. Disapointment of the Year No Halo 3 for another 10 months
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 18:56
My surprise of the year: I bought a 360, didn' t buy a Wii. WTF?! How the hell did that happen?
Mass X
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 20:09
2006 -My first console death :' ( I have never had a console die on me. The 360 was the first...tho i was more to blame as I did a few things to it i shouldnt have but fuck all if I was gonna tell the guy at EB! It was even more saddengin cause I had just bought 3 new games upon its death. My origional Xbox from release date didnt die til I opened up...fuckn curiosity but hell it wen on for damn 4+ years so it lived a good long life. -Announcement of Half-Life 2+Portal+Team Fortress 2+Ep2+Ep3 being packaged as one game for $59.99! -SC:DA being such a big fuckn downer on 360...I want to play the montreal developed xbox version now to see how that fairs. -A PS3 has been sitting at my store for a week and a half now...whereas the Wii seems to vanish before I have a chance to even see it get stocked...If I ever have the money I may need to pick up that poor homeless PS3. -Saints Row being more fun then it should be allowed too. I recored to very poor quality videos that I may show later. Same goes to Viva Pinata. Way more fun then it should be. -Find out that Star Trek is a damn good show after veiwing it on the Video Marketplace. Plus the best deal in terms of cost/time/entertainment value. I mean come on all the short 15 minute Adult Swim episodes are the same price at the 40+ minute Star Trek episodes...they couldve at least bundles the short shows or somthing. -I dunno there was a lot of stuff that I really cant remember at 6 am...Ill probably add mroe later 2007 -10.4 million 360s sold. As big a fan of the 360 that I am I really didnt think itd make it...I am sooo ashamed. Sorry MS I will be a good little whore form now on I wont doubt you no more. -Plenty more to come soon Im sure.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 22:02
The whole DS vs. psp thing still has me perplexed. How can a stupid fucking handheld like the ds beat the psp so badly? It' s funny actually because I remember when I first heard about the psp and a friend and I were laughing at Sony and the idea of competing against Nintendo in the handheld market. However once they revealed the psp I immediately wanted one and thought it would crush DS. Of course that was before the ds LITE, Sony needs to make a psp redesign. I want a clamshell design with a built in HDD with a built in Camera and GPS (think of the gaming possibilities with a camera and gps on a hendheld). I sold my psp to buy a DS LITE, and sold that to buy 360 games and PC. Now I' m a little pissed because I want my psp back for Tactics. Maybe I' ll wait for the game to actually come out and hope for news on a redesign. My second surprise of 2006 roots back to 2005 when COD2 came out for 360. I bought it to tide me over till the release of Oblivion and other games I was looking foward to. I wasn' t a fan of the franchise, and I figured it would be a game I would end up trading in for a better game once the real ones came out. COD2 blew me away. I fucking love that game. I used to be a well ballanced gamer that enjoyed a bit of everything, now post COD2 I' m pretty much just an FPS whore. The games I look foward to most are almost all FPS. It' s nuts, it' s like I don' t even need an console, I just need an FPS player. My disc actually snapped for no apparent reason and as soon as I go to the video store I' ll buy another copy because COD2 kicks the crap out of COD3. My third surprise is that there hasn' t been any updates about Huxley in a while. I' m starting to get restless.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 22:20
My surprise of the year: I bought a 360, didn' t buy a Wii. WTF?! How the hell did that happen? And still i would never play with you over XBL,now fuck off.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 08, 2007 22:33
Fine, I wouldn' t wanna play with you anyway. You seem to be one of those poor suckers that spend too much time playing online that you' re so good it' s hopeless to play with you
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 09, 2007 00:00
Heh. Well... I usually wins... tbh. But i got great allies,Funner and Ribcage Se.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 09, 2007 00:54
I don' t get surprised, but a big surprise to many people is that PS3 doesn' t " have better graphics" than xbox 360. It got hyped like no other, came out over a year later, and costs a gazillion USD. A lot of people would think it should be.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 09, 2007 01:29
Sorry Avarice but the hardware isn' t " as good as or better" , it is worse. You seem to me a lot like the people you are describing. You come off to me as one of the 13-17 year old American haters that post conspiracy articles on shoutwire. Sorry but you can' t run cars on water. I don' t take America bashing lightly. You' ve come off to me as a nationalist piece of shit hypocrite. I' m talking about blue-tooth, bigger HD, blu-ray, and no matter what you say superior processing power. I' m not gonna get into the graphics debate, its already been proven Ps3, at this time is slightly edged out by the Xbox360. edit: to add quote
< Message edited by Avarice -- 8 Jan 07 17:32:03 >
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 09, 2007 02:32
My biggest surprise was how good the Wii was and the effect it has on people. I love my 360 but since getting my Wii and despite owning Gears of War it hasn' t had a look in while I play Zelda in-between family members and friends clamouring to play Wii Sports and create a Mii. Even my mum and dad like the Wii and are good at Tennis, Bowling and Golf. It really had re set the landscape to a level playing field as far as gaming skill is involved.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 10, 2007 20:19
I expect this too. Finally something everyone can play. Too bad the Wii controller destroyed tv screens
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 10, 2007 20:39
Too bad the Wii controller destroyed tv screens That' s also one of my biggest surprises. Didn' t think people were that clumsy.
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 11, 2007 02:35
It is pretty bad if you let the remote slip from your hand but those straps are straight up stupid. I think they give some people(stupid ones) false assurance. It is thick all the way until the part where it connects to the end, at which point it is only a few threads. That is just stupid design, at least they are fixing it.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 11, 2007 02:49
It' s amazing the effects lager will have on gamers[:' (]
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 11, 2007 04:32
Mine, is how NOT 1 Person who has passed through my House and not even looke/noticed my 360. All down to that little console: The Wii. Even after hours and hours of Playing Wii games, they dont even notice the 360 next to it and after a rest want to jump back on the Wii again. TBH this is not much of a suprize as ALOT of gamers were starting to get real bored of the same old Shit 360 seems to chern out.. I think in alot of people' s cases they was waiting for the current Gaming masters (SEGA are not here anymore) to show the light. The Biggest supprize was how greatly made a Warioware GBA Game, Rythem Tengoku! is and how many hours me a freinds put into this amazing game..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 10 Jan 07 20:35:22 >
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 11, 2007 04:59
Biggest surprises: -E3 dying -Microsoft actually pulling through and selling 10 million. -Sony for actually thinking they won an award for their new ©craptacular controller. Least Biggest surprises: -Sony released a flop...and then shot themselves multiple times. -Nintendo released a near perfect game at launch. -360 proved it is out to cover all mediums of where are my downloadable books!
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things." ~ Unknown ~
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 11, 2007 06:01
-Nintendo released a near perfect game at launch. Why would you be shocked over that? Apart from GC, Nitnendo have always released a near perfect games at luanch. Super Mario World (Snes), Mario 64 (N64).
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 11, 2007 06:07
Why would you be shocked over that? Apart from GC, Nitnendo have always released a near perfect games at luanch. Super Mario World (Snes), Mario 64 (N64). the GC is why he said it, if a company makes a crappy system that dimeans all of our beloved nintendo charachters recently, then your more than likely to expect that about the next console And alecrein, your books will be here in time
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 11, 2007 20:58
The main surprise would definately would be sony dropping the ball with the ps3 though its too early to tell if this negative trend will continue i expected that the ps3 would do alot better. The rumours of ps3s sitting on shelf is quite amazing considering the brand stamped on the machine. A close second would be the surprise i got when my parents got hooked on playing the Wii!! My parents NEVER EVER EVER played a video game IN THERE LIFE and it wasn' t my intention to introduce the Wii to them (i don' t care if you don' t believe that). They think it is childish (video games in general), but when they saw me playing Wiisports they had a go and loved it. F**KING AMAZING. They even invited there friends over to try it out, They loved it too, and came over several times to play it. My dad said he was glad the new house he is building has a large family room so he can stretch out when playing Wii tennis - he got so into the game he hit the dinning table several times while playing (my current home isn' t so big). Playing & enjoying a video game with my parents - PRICELESS. Thanks Nintendo.  
< Message edited by Terrak -- 11 Jan 07 13:11:06 >
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 11, 2007 21:06
I must get around to experimenting with my old folks, with the Wii.
Dead Saint
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RE: Biggest surprises of the year
Jan 11, 2007 21:59
Got to be Viva Pinata After the dreadfull PDZ and the good but short Kameo i was starting to think MS had made a mistake in buying Rare. But this is the most addictive game ive played since the Shenmue series. Cant see myself ever getting bored with it and cant wait for the 2 expansion packs.