How can you like DoA4?

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How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 02:55
I just bought it and after playing it the entire day trying to find out what' s so great about I realised that it sucks. The characters are stupid, the controls are clunky, the graphics aren' t that great, the online play lags as hell and the production values are low.
I have played and enjoyed Tekken, Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, Mortal kombat, Guilty Gear, King of Fighter, Battle Arena Toshinden and many other fighting games without any problems at all. I got into them really quick. It just took a couple of rounds and I was loving them.
DoA4 on the other hand... shit. I really, really, really tried to enjoy it, I tried every character in the game and the different modes but I just didn' t find the game enjoyable.
I can' t wait for Virtua Fighter 5 and if Tekken hits the 360 I' ll be very, very happy.
Right now, I' m thinking of selling DoA4 and stick with Tekken Dark Resurrection on the PSP until the 360 gets something better.
If anyone here enjoys DoA4, can you tell me what exactly is so great about it? I' m really curious. It is outdone in every single thing in other fighting games.
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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 03:00
I agree DOA is shit. I' ve been saying it for years.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 03:08
Never liked the series either, aside from the bouncing breasts but now there is DOAX for that... DOA is redundant.
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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 03:12
I mentioned Battle Arena Toshinden above...
Just for the record, I didn' t love it. It was fun because it was weird. But I did NOT love it.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 03:12
Unless you' re into polygonal masturbatory material...You can' t like it. I have always said the game was crap ever since I played the first one and realized that the point wasn' t to kill your opponent but count the amount of times you could see panties. I' m okay with the Xtreme Beach Volleball games though. The extras are awesome...Ah, those pole dances.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 04:07
Along with the accessible Soul Calibur, I actually regard the game as one of the best fighting games, possibly because its one of the few that i can actually play to any decent extent (I' m useless at fighting games you see). I also enjoy the fast and fluid gameplay and environmental interaction.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 04:26

the online play lags as hell

...what even when you play opponents in the same world zone as yourself?.... ...i was always under the impression that lag was infrequent, even with players on opposite sides of the planet...
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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 08:32
All my games lagged horribly. There' s a reason you don' t see that under my XBL played games list. Played it once at a friend' s house, & never touched it again.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 09:00
DOA > Soul Calibur

DOA does have quite a technical play nature to it like VF, but you won' t really find it in depth in one day of playtime.

Of course, VF > all.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 09:35
I really like DOA3 but dislike DOA4. Can' t really put my finger on it. I don' t really like the juggle mechanics that seem to dominate DOA4. Some opponents I can continuously dribble like a basketball, which to me is really stupid. They also pretty much nerfed many of the grappling characters and made the ninja' s overpowered.

DOA3 felt much more balanced and enjoyable to play.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 09:37

DOA > Soul Calibur

I think that is an extremely untrue statement. Soul Caliber 1 easily kills DOA 1. I will say though that DOA and Soul Caliber are both equal in the fact they rarely change anything in the next installments and take the " madden" approach most of the time.
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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 09:40
I only ever played Doa2 on the Dreamcast and liked it. One Fighting game I could allways beat my brother at.

I got really good at that game at one stage, I remember I countered all of his Attacks, which isnt easy.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 10:13
I hate DOA serie,thats why i never bothered to get DOA4.

Itagaki makes crap games,Ninja gaiden was good but.
Seriously 90% of the people shouldnt have to quit the game cause its to hard,and before someone accuse me,i finished the game on HARD,not very hard but hard so not for me,but not fun telling friends to get NG and then they get stuck on the first boss and quit it after 3 days,seriously thats is fucked up.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 10:45
I think the DOA series does what it does really well.

It' s not as great a series as VF, but it beats Mortal Kombat at the very least. THAT series has the most non-intuitive control schemes and worst timing EVER. I actually do better at MK games when I don' t watch the screen and just dial in the combos.

The thing I like about the DOA series is that I can get anybody to play, and they can at least feel like they have a chance. It' s not very complicated, and it' s easy to pull off impressive looking moves right from the start. It' s a button masher for sure, but there' s some strategy in there too. Weird thing is, it' s the only fighting game I' ve played that doesn' t seem to give me an unfair advantage because I' ve played it a lot before. Even if I slaughter someone when we start, pretty soon they get the hang of it and the matches become interesting. The lack of depth is actually a plus in that situation.

Not like say, VF. If you' re going to play against someone in that you need to study first, or it won' t be any fun at all. The depth actually creates an imbalance between the dedicated and the casual that kind of cripples the social experience. You get so good after a while that no one wants to play with you.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 12:01
DOA sucks but hell, thats ok with me, what really pisses me off its that it sells more than Virtua Fighter (i think) makes me angry and green
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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 12:17
I thought DOA4 was okay, I liked DOA2 on DC and DOA2U on xbox more.
It usually doesn' t lag online, but when you play people with poor connections the game slows down instead of just adding a delay to your moves. It was really a smart way to do it, think if you had a 1/4th second delay on a punch. VF and SC don' t even have online play... kinda lame.

VF is too slow for me. I thought SC was good, but learning thousands of combos and whatnot isn' t really my thing.

A lot of people don' t like the DOA series because to them it is just a guessing game. Do I counter, bock, attack, grab, what is my opponent going to do. The thing is there are people that actually have reflexes fast enough it isn' t a big guessing game when they play. They see what move the opponent is making and are fast enough they can react accordingly. These are the kind of people that like the DOA. Freaks. And I' m kind of a freak.
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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 16:27
I think DOA 4 is great, its enjoyable, i like the characters i like the fluent combat scenes and the varied moves. Tekken is chunkey compared to it, and VF looks slow. They might be more technical in the figthing style but whats the point if it looks boring?

I havent had trouble with DOA ionline, it works perfectly for me except when playing with people on poor conncetions!

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 18:09
I used to think Tekken was slow and boring. Until Tekken 5. Something happened, I don' t know what.
Anyway, I' m going to give DoA4 another chance. I' ll play the hell out of it the month to come and try to find the greatness of it. Maybe I' ll find the beauty after a while.
But it' s so weird because I liked DoA2. DoA 2 wasn' t as serious as DoA4 so it was a very enjoyble game. DoA4 tries more to be a serious fighter but it has too much crap to make it all the way so in the end it' s neither fun nor serious.
That' s why I like Mortal kombat despite the crappy gameplay, it' s so weird it' s fun
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 4 Jan 07 10:13:23 >

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 19:18
DoA has more depth than most believe. The tweaking that went into 4 made reversals much harder to pull off, but people still pen it at a button mashing game. If you actually take time to figure out which character works best for you and then learn their moves and get some serious practice in it' ll start to grow on you.

It' s not for everybody though. I prefer VF and Tekken but DoA is way underrated. Technically 4 is just a really polished version of DoAU with nowhere near as much content but it looks next-gen enough and runs at 60fps. As for the online, it depends on yours and your opponents connections. It' s probably best to play with people you know and lock the room so nobody else can join and fuck everything up. For example, the last time i fought Tiz we had super smooth battles until some idiot joined and killed everything. That one person joining on his 56K modem or whatever made the game unplayable.

What i will say is that DoA made female fighters badass. Most female fighters had been lame to use before DoA came along, ...Ayane is probably the greatest female character in a fighting game ever, ...and yes Terry she is better than Kokoro!

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 22:14
Nope, DOA didn' t make Female Characters look badass. More like Sex Symbols honestly, of course it' s nice to look at them, but I have Christie Monteiro for that and IMO the Characters Models in the DOA series look like....Rubber, or something like that, it' s not that they look bad, but the Models themselves don' t show any kind of Human flaws that you' d see in other Characters. For example: Kazuya. You' ll notice his body has scars and is not perfect, makes the Characters feel more Human, now look at the Characters from the DOA series, they' re all perfect no scratches, no scars, no nothing. Especially the females, they look like dolls.

Also, Soul Calibur > DOA any day of the week, even if SC was sick with some horrible disease. Not only is the combat system very welll done for a game that plays at such a high speed, but the Characters are interesting. Oh and...Those Intros kick everyone' s, except Tekken' s, ass.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 22:35

Especially the females, they look like dolls.

That' s the idea. They' re not supposed to look hyper realistic, they' re supposed to look more like anime characters than anything else.

Also, Soul Calibur > DOA any day of the week, even if SC was sick with some horrible disease.

Huge production values don' t make games good. Soul Calibur' s II and III are generic washed up rubbish. Well actually the Gamecube version of II was pretty cool but neither sequels have matched the Dreamcast original.

What i have found is that weapon based fighting games simply don' t match ther hand to hand equivalents when it comes to depth. I' d argue that DoA has far more depth to it' s fighting mechanics than Soul Calibur, you just have to know how to play properly.

Nobody can argue that Soul Calibur for the most part doesn' t have interesting characters or mechanics but it' s so grossly over the top that the combat feels like it wasn' t the main focus. It' s not balanced and it gets old very quickly. Dead or Alive may not be for everybody as i said before and i can see why some would prefer Soul Calibur but i' ll take DoA over SC any day of the week. I mean, i' d take VF or Tekken over DoA, but Soul Calibur is just lame. Flashy but lame.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 22:40
Soul Calibur for the Dreamcast was amazing. The sequels aren' t as good though, it feels like they are slower or something. But they' re still great games. Soul Calibur is the perfect fighting game for people who like to have fun instantly without " getting used to" the game or " training" . But the game also has some depth for those who want that.
And it' s also the only good fighting game with weapons.
I' d say Tekken is definitely the best fighter for the average gamer.
It' s not as deep as VF, sexy as DoA, gory as Mortal Kombat and it doesn' t have weapons like Soul Calibur or fireballs like Street Fighter, but it has a nice balance that makes the game fun for everyone (almost).

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 22:42
I forgot to say that i hate all fighting games,no only doa4.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 22:43

Then I hate Blue Dragon!

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 04, 2007 22:44
You do that,it still got 37/40 from Famitsu and sells good,nobody can stop Sakaguchi
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 00:41

Nope, DOA didn' t make Female Characters look badass. More like Sex Symbols honestly, of course it' s nice to look at them, but I have Christie Monteiro' ve never actually played DOA have you? if you had, you' d know that DOA is the only fighting series where the majority of the best characters to use are female....

....DOA is done the way it is to appeal to the non acne-scared geeks of this world.... ....of which a large percent happen to be female....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 4 Jan 07 21:30:27 >
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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 02:03
How does a game based on boobs, panties and Asian horny girls appeals to...Girls? Must' ve misunderstood something there. And I have DOA 2 so, what are you talking about? And screw playing with Girls! I lose everytime because the panties distract me, Hayabusa ftw!

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 03:58

Must' ve misunderstood something there.

.....that would seem to be an understatement...
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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 04:04
So..Huh? You were saying it appealed to who? The females or the non-acne-geeks?

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 05:11


You do that,it still got 37/40 from Famitsu and sells good,nobody can stop Sakaguchi

hrm..... I' ll probably buy the damn game when it gets here. When is that anyway?
But I' ll be reminded of you and your damn avatar when playing it though

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 06:11
It will probably be here when FF12 hit europe.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 09:09

ORIGINAL: Shikashi

How does a game based on boobs, panties and Asian horny girls appeals to...Girls?

Girls like to play as pretty girls. When my wife and I play, she picks always Kasumi because " she' s cute" . Those are her words, not mine.

As a matter of fact, when think about it, every girl I' ve ever played with picks a female character when given the choice.
Back when I could get my little sister to play SF2, she ALWAYS picked Chun Li. When Tomb Raider first came out, the chicks I knew LOVED that game.

Actually, I' ve never witnessed a female get offended by a female character in a game, however scantily clad. It' s always some holier-than-thou " true gamer" guy looking for a reason to put down the game.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 15:37
All girls that I have played DOAX with loved it.
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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 15:56

I just bought it and after playing it the entire day trying to find out what' s so great about I realised that it sucks.

If it sucked, you would have turned it off after an hour at most. The game stole an entire day from you when you first bought it. You love Dead or Alive 4. You couldn' t put it down.

Huge production values don' t make games good. Soul Calibur' s II and III are generic washed up rubbish. Well actually the Gamecube version of II was pretty cool but neither sequels have matched the Dreamcast original.

The Dreamcast is the sequel to Soul Edge or Soul Blade or some nonsense like that. It was one of those PlayStation games where the horribly blocky polygons started to bend and contort thus losing any semblance of perspective as they got close to the screen. Wait... ALL PlayStation games with polygons do that.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 5 Jan 07 7:57:05 >

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 18:02

If you actually take time to figure out which character works best for you and then learn their moves and get some serious practice in it' ll start to grow on you.

For anyone who’s into their fighting games, like me, it would be the complete opposite.. First you actually enjoy the game but as you start to dig deeper and study one particular character you start to realise how ' broke' the mechanics are.

The only DOA that stood up to VF at its time was DOA1 on arcade/Saturn.. The counter system was certainly a fresh feature and was (obviously) at its most basic, in which this systems works best... I loved DOA on Sega Saturn, even while owning the mighty VF2, DOA still stood up to it.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 18:25
Nobody is saying that DoA is better than Tekken or Virtua Fighter. DoA has more depth than people give it credit for and what some of us are saying is that it' s better than Soul Calibur.

I like anime, i like Team Ninjas characters and style. I like the fast and fluid nature of the combat and while i realize that it could never compete on a serious level with Virtua Fighter i also don' t see a mindless button mashing bouncing boob sim with watered down fighting mechanics.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 21:40
Doa Sucks thats what I think

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 21:57

Doa Sucks thats what I think

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 22:37
Don' t get me wrong, I think DoA4 is a pretty deep game. There are lots of things to master. But it' s simply not any fun. I can' t really get that feeling in the fights that I get with other fighting games.
I like anime too so that' s not what I dislike, I mean I love Street Fighter and Guilty gear.
But I feel I don' t really have control over the characters in DoA. In Tekken and Virtua Fighter it' s like I' m controlling the characters with my mind but in DoA it feels different. It' s like a push a button and they do tons of stuff by themselves. It doesn' t feel right.
I also feel the counter system, even though it is improved in DoA4, is too easy to perform. There' s to much counter attacking in DoA.
Soul Calibur is not a very deep game but it' s great fun because it' s easily accesible for anyone.

If it sucked, you would have turned it off after an hour at most. The game stole an entire day from you when you first bought it. You love Dead or Alive 4. You couldn' t put it down
No, I played it because I spent extra money on it.
I couldn' t wait a couple of days to get it cheap in a store so I went and bought it for a much higher price in another store.
You don' t want to dislike a game you payed extra for

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RE: How can you like DoA4? - Jan 05, 2007 23:12
DOA4 is utter shit. The ninja characters are just so over powered thats its almost pointless to play as one of the other characters.

The end boss is the cheapest piece of crap ever in a beat em up.

The only good thing about it is the interactive areas

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