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Anyone remember?
Dec 28, 2006 19:27
Post the games you think Kikizo' ers might not remember (not research). So my first would be Galarians. (Loved it but even I had forgetten it until I was thinking of some good Survival-Horror Action. Games.
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things." ~ Unknown ~
Agent Ghost
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 28, 2006 19:53
I can think of a game no one would remember but I can' t remember the title.
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 28, 2006 19:56
Any Llamasoft games. (Whatever happened to Jeff Minter and his fascination with Llama' s and all things psychadelic.)
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 28, 2006 20:30
A mind forever voyaging (Infocom game).
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 29, 2006 00:42
Uh... so what' s the point of mentioning a game no one remembers? I might as well make up a game Uh, yeah you guys remember that " Frantic Rabbit Mayhem" game for the NES? No, didn' t think you would
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 29, 2006 01:23
Infocom ruled! Very imaginative, well-written games. There is still an active text adventure community out there.
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 29, 2006 04:56
Uh... so what' s the point of mentioning a game no one remembers? I might as well make up a game Uh, yeah you guys remember that " Frantic Rabbit Mayhem" game for the NES? No, didn' t think you would Just to simply see what kind of odd or obscure or simply games that have faded out of memory there are. I.Qubed...such a rare game for the Playstation.
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things." ~ Unknown ~
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 29, 2006 19:13
Why is that, when someone asks about retro games people can only go as far back as the PS and no farther? It makes me feel very old that no one can go as far back as the Commodore days and the early TV consoles (Mind you gaming on the latter was extremely basic.) The Commodore days and to some extent the Atari days had some of the most innovative games ever produced, of which some of today' s " Greats" are just re-hashed versions of them. Sorry am I sounding bitter, if so it is because my mother in law bought me The Godfather for Christmas!!!!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 29, 2006 19:19
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 01:21
Why is that, when someone asks about retro games people can only go as far back as the PS and no farther? Sorry, alijay. I guess Papado and me are just still hung up on the incredible 3D text adventures that came out on the PS. I had an Apple ][e rather than a C64, but I did later enjoy my Amiga 500 (using a Sega Master System control pad since they had the same type of controller ports)... Speedball rocked! I didn' t try out any of the later console ports of it.
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 05:39
Gurilla Warfare for the NES I' m not sure if thats the " real" name. Cause back when I played that game I was too young and couldn' t read yet, but it was flipping fun.
...Random Madness, Forward...
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 06:18
Why is that, when someone asks about retro games people can only go as far back as the PS and no farther? It makes me feel very old that no one can go as far back as the Commodore days and the early TV consoles (Mind you gaming on the latter was extremely basic.) The Commodore days and to some extent the Atari days had some of the most innovative games ever produced, of which some of today' s " Greats" are just re-hashed versions of them. Sorry am I sounding bitter, if so it is because my mother in law bought me The Godfather for Christmas!!!! I am simply naming games that I think people might have forgotten that I remember. :P
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 07:16
Fur Fighters and Armada both for Dreamcast.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 13:44
The godzilla game for the SNES EDIT: i forgot to mention Brawl Brothers for the SNES, good times
< Message edited by mastachefbkw -- 30 Dec 06 5:46:10 >
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 15:27
Fur Fighters Thanks for reminding me...loved that game so much...same for the Spawn game on Dreamcast.
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things." ~ Unknown ~
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 15:53
Stunt Car Racer for Amiga on link.. :P Megalomaniac were also cool.. :P The best PC-game nowadays wich I think is overlooked (atleast here in Norway) is X2 and X3.. :)
Agent Ghost
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 16:03
Well actually I was thinking of buying X3 seeing as I can' t find any EVE time cards  . Make no mistake about it though, EVE>X3.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 30 Dec 06 8:05:13 >
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 18:04
Soccer Rivals: A great Football management like game, with a boardgame like structure, I lost many hours to this one during my childhood. Anyone familiar with this title?
Evil Man
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 18:23
ORIGINAL: alijay034 Why is that, when someone asks about retro games people can only go as far back as the PS and no farther? Before SNES, gaming didn' t really exist. Anything before that is mind numbing trash. Oooh commodore games! Move a little dot back and forth how fun, how exciting. Get the fuck out of here. I dont have a game no one remembers, because those games mostly arent remembered for a reason - they suck ass.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 30 Dec 06 10:25:22 >
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 30, 2006 19:54
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 31, 2006 01:00
Ah evil what was this forum like without you Though the only thing i can think of though i' m not sure it' s forgotten is Rastan, man i loved the game for the music on the first level i had it on my C64 i think. Played it recently on a retro collection on ps2
Joe Redifer
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 31, 2006 08:07
Evil man is forgetting about the NES and SMS. It was before THOSE two systems that you had the moving-the-dot back and forth crap.
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 31, 2006 08:32
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - SNES The series isn' t obscure, but the game is, nobody I know has played it. Earthworm Jim - SNES - Bizzare in an awesome sort of way. Also for honorable mention. Anything Goemon before the N64. It gets honorable mention if only because I don' t know if they hit the Western market. Goemon beat the snot out of Mario, Sly Cooper, Solid Snake, Crash Bandicoot, Lara Croft, Ryu, and Marcus Fenix! At the same time!!!
Adam Doree
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 31, 2006 10:27
Will never forget these: Bart Simpson Escape from Camp Deadly (GB) Trap Door (Spectrum) Kokotoni Wilf (Spectrum) Alex Kidd in Miracle World (SMS) Ghostbusters (Spectrum) Sonic 1/2 (SMS) Decap Attack (MD) Earthworm Jim Simpsons arcade
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 31 Dec 06 2:27:32 >
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 31, 2006 11:02
Simpsons arcade Simply adored that game...wasted many quarters on it :)
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things." ~ Unknown ~
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 31, 2006 16:09
Does anyone really not remember Earthworm Jim?? Sonics on MS were good, but alex kidd in Miracle World? nobody can have forgotten this, seriously? Oh and Ghostbusters was classic, if it is the same one i played on Amstrad cpc 464. like a 3/4 view of the city, you drive to buildings, to enter the ' level' and capture the ghost? Dug that game. There are so many old classic games, but i don' t really remember any names.
< Message edited by uumai -- 31 Dec 06 8:11:13 >
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RE: Anyone remember?
Dec 31, 2006 21:30
Evil man you really are as dumb as everyone thinks you are! The SNES owes it' s graphics to the Amiga, Sprite based gaming which is the basis of the SNES, Commodore amiga the worlds first true multitasking system, with graphics beyond it' s time. Ghostbusters was really good for a movie tie in game, however does anyone remember Knight of the realm on the Amiga by cinemaware you can play it online if anyone is interested the link is below.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 31 Dec 06 13:32:48 >
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RE: Anyone remember?
Jan 01, 2007 01:05
That Unicycle game for the Snes . I think codemasters made it. [btw, people who call the snes the ' Super Nintendo Entertainment System' or ' Super Nes' or whatever need to be shot, the proper way is to pronounce it as you see it, snes.]
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Anyone remember?
Jan 01, 2007 01:22
Anyone with a fixation on great, forgotten reto games should just check out . You can thank me latter. Yea, underdogs is great! My fave game of all time is UFO: Enemy Unknown. Brilliant strategy type game available at underdogs. Before that were games like Laser Squad and even before that Rebelstar! lol Honourable mention to point and click adventure games like Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis and Secret of Monkey Island!  (which I' m sure everyone remembers!)
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RE: Anyone remember?
Jan 01, 2007 01:35
Id rather play an SNES game over 2/3 of what they have these days
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RE: Anyone remember?
Jan 01, 2007 06:58
Wonderboy In Monster Land (SMS) Wonderboy In Dragons Trap (SMS) These were the times were Zelda actually had a rival that was better than them.. Why did SEGA/Weststone, give up on Wonderboy Action RPG' s.
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RE: Anyone remember?
Jan 03, 2007 09:20
Before SNES, gaming didn' t really exist. So Space Invaders, Zork, Wasteland, Centipede, Castle Wolfenstein, Lunar Lander, the Pac-Man series, Super Mario Bros. , Galaxian, Yars Revenge, and the Legend of Zelda aren' t games? Anything before that is mind numbing trash. Only the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy game can be considered mind-numbing, and only E.T., Custers Revenge and Softporn Adventures can be considered trash. Oooh commodore games! Move a little dot back and forth how fun, how exciting. Get the fuck out of here. Have you even played " Adventure" ? I dont have a game no one remembers, because those games mostly arent remembered for a reason - they suck ass. Only every third one.