Merry Christmas everyone!! It' s been a great gaming year, and let' s face it
2007, will probably be the best gaming year ever. But before we start figuring
out what' s going to " pwn" in 2007, over Christmas, what exactly is everyone playing?
My list of games that are being played: Halo 2 Dead or Alive 4
Super Smash Bros. Melee Devil May cry 1, 2 and 3
Otogi 1 and 2 Shinobi
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 NBA 2k7
Ninja Gaiden Black Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Sonic Mega Collection Plus Small Arms
Panzer Dragoon: Orta GRAW
Gears of War A LOT of those games will feature fun drinking games, as there are about
14 people in my house for Christmas (excluding the more senior adults).
It' s going to be a very
hazy Christmas, and as a special Christmas present
to Kikizo (and fellow Kikizoers) I want to share a work in progress excerpt from
my storyboard (comic), that' s due to go live on my website around March..
Enjoy! Once again, Merry Christmas guys!!!
A few other images you couldn' t care less about..
My Banqueting Hall: Only used for special dinners like Christmas, this room will be bustling with noise in the morning. Corrupt Government: Tony B
There are my three Christmas presents to Kikizo... Which I am now beginning to
think belong in the
Everything Else section.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 25 Dec 06 1:56:22 >