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Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 02:39
Ok, I' m looking to all the wii owners out there to give there impressions now that we' re one month in. I have both good and bad things, so here goes. 1. The control is truly awesome. I really think nearly all games are going to benefit from this type of control. The only one I can' t figure out is fighting games, but I' ve yet to play one. It' s amazing how after only 2 days playing Zelda, you don' t even realize that this isn' t a classic control setup. 2. The Hardware is good, but I do have smoe complaints. for one the 512 mb of internal flash memory. 512!!! Man, for an extra 10 bucks MAYBE cost to them, they could have put a gig in and made everybody a lot more happy. Also, there appears to be no way to turn a controller off that I know of once it is on. So if I start a 2 player game, but then continue playing 1 player my batteries in the second controller just stay on wasting away. I' ve even had controllers stay on all night with the system off and that is not cool. 3. The games. First Party games have been a lot of fun. Even some others are great, monkey ball, truama center, and rayman to name a few. Holy mother of God are some awful though. There is absolutely NO reason for some of those games! Far cry!!! the developers should be shot. That is the laziest rush job I have ever seen. Turok looked better on the N64. WE' ve all seen resident evil 4 on the cube, we know what prime 3 is going to look like, heck even red steele is pretty good. Why oh why then can ubisoft, a very large publisher, but out shit that looks like far cry. I hope nobody buys that game. Same goes for monster 4x4 and gt racing. Those are the games that wii antagonists are going to point at to say " haha see, it' s all a gimic, wii' s visuals suck!" And you know what, if those are the games they are talking about there' s nothing to say but yup, yup they do suck. Get your heads out of your ass' s developers. Games can look good with a little effort, make some. 4. Online. Well potential is there, but I will say that the friend code system is dumb beyond all means. Both of us having to exchange a 16 digit alpha numeric code!!! COME ON!!!! I should just be able to type in an email adress and then ask them to be my friend. Hell, msn is a better system than the wii friend codes!! I hope to god that when you play games online in the future there' s an option to play strangers and not just your friends. 5. Virtual console. Who picked some of those games. good god. I know they don' t want to release all the good ones at once, but give us a little more. Wario' s woods! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Mario 64 was a nice touch, but why no mario kart yet? It' s not like there' s something of a similar style on the VC it' s competeing against. That' s about it. Over all I do say that I have more fun with the system than any of my others, but I really hope they get the online bit fixed, and 3rd party developers get their heads out of there ass' s soon.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 03:10
Well since I' m Irish I only have my Wii since launch day (Dec 8th). I will give my impression so far anyway. Well the remote is genius! Brilliant. Wii sports is sooo much fun! Simple to pick up. I didn' t take me long at all to get used to the new controls. I only have 1 more game which is Zelda. And what can I say! Its fantastic! The controls are excellant! I am definitely glad I got the Wii version of game. I couldn' t imagine going back to standard GameCube controls. While graphics are not next gen or current gen as it is now, they are still excellant especially in the Twilight Realm. The Wii interface is simple and easy to use. I connected to net easily with no problems however the friend code system is shite. Nintendo really should have used a better system such as the one Live has. Yeah the 512mb memory is a bit on the small size alright. The sound off the Wii remote is poor also which is a shame but not a major problem. Overall I think the Wii is excellant! Zelda TP is one of the best games I have played in a long time. I am delighted with my Wii. Just excellant.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 03:50
Whats the Wii?
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 03:55
For me it' s a videogame system. For you it' s what you see between your legs each time you shower. Seriously though, Iwant opinions on the topics I mentioned, you have anything to add bomber, or did you not pick up a wii?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 04:01
I played the Wii for a goods few hours but I dont own one, All I got to play was wii sports and zelda. I Have to wait untill I get to play more games, but first impressions are good, Online in 2007? thats a downside, and the fact it wont read MMC cards sucks too.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 18 Dec 06 20:02:05 >
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 06:29
Heres my take 1) The controller is pure genius - IMHO it is revolutionary. Using two seperate parts (Wiimote and Nunchuk) feel natural, and it also gives those left handers something to cheer about (BTW i' m not a lefthander). I' m still waiting for that gun add on, but not nintendos zapper, a more relistic looking third party one. A shot gun version would be even better with realistic slide action (YUM!  ). Fighting games don' t seem ideal for the Wiimote unfortunately, even SSBB will apparently be using classic control, however Wii boxing works well, but needs some control tweaking, and fighting games that involve weapons are good candidates for Wiimote controls. 2) Ahh heres the sucker punch of the Wii, its not got much hardware. 512mb is a little sucky but SD cards are so cheap so not too much harm done. I got plenty of those lying around so its not a big deal for me. But Nintendo could have done a little better. Not a deal breaker mind you. I don' t know about your remotes not turning off problem but all of mine have had no unusual power drainage problems. I don' t know. You do use rechargables right? 3) First party games are agreeably top notch, but i must also agree at the severe lack of quality in Third party Wii games ( though i haven' t actually played any). This is a major problem that need rectifying in 2007 onwards if the Wii is to succeed. THere only so much Wii sports and Zelda can do. 4) I' ll wait till there is something to get online for before i say anything. 5) WOn' t even look at downloading VC games until i finish Zelda. All in all more things to like that to dislike about the Wii for me.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 18 Dec 06 22:30:52 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 06:58
Does the Wiimote have a powerpack and a rechargeable kit like on 360? My second question, any Wii injuries yet? It' s the latest craze these days.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 07:10
No the Wiimote does not have a powerpack, but that okay for me i got heaps of Rechargable AA batteries. I' m sure we will see Wiimote powerpacks in the future. NO Wiinjuries so far, the only thing was the soreness i got after first playing Wii sports, but after a few days i got over it and no longer experience any pain or discomfort.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 13:51
NO Wiinjuries so far, the only thing was the soreness i got after first playing Wii sports, but after a few days i got over it and no longer experience any pain or discomfort. This tells you what kind of shape us gamers are in
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- Joined: Jul 09, 2006
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 22:04
I' m happy with my Wii. Red Steel and Call of Duty 3 both prove that the remote excels with FPS games, whilst Wii sports makes gaming more strenuous, which lets face it is a good thing for all us fat gamer slobs  . Twilight Princess is one of the best adventure games ever made, but I' ve said it before and I' ll say it again, I don' t think the new control method makes the game any better than what it already was and I' d probably be just as satisfied using a standard controller to play the game. Cosmetically the console is a little boring, but on the good side it is neat and doesn' t take up a lot space. The remote and nunchuck combo work well in tandem and are thankfully comfortable to grasp. As I don' t have the means to take my Wii online. I' ve not got around to trying out any Virtual console games as yet. It is on my lengthy list of things to do before I die though and I' ll look forward to doing so. All in all I' m happy with my purchase
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 19, 2006 22:29
I still probably wont buy a wii untill they get atleast one more good game other than zelda
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 20, 2006 03:01
The wiimote is slighty warm at the battery end. I seem to be the only person to notice that...
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 20, 2006 04:17
The wiimote is slighty warm at the battery end. I seem to be the only person to notice that... Have you nothing else to complain about
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 20, 2006 05:27
Have you nothing else to complain about Yes, i did not get a free mario mug with hot chocolate
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 20, 2006 10:08
BTW any one finished Z:TP yet. I don' t even know if i got half way but if clocked almost 30 hours on it already.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 20, 2006 10:37
Also, there appears to be no way to turn a controller off that I know of once it is on. So if I start a 2 player game, but then continue playing 1 player my batteries in the second controller just stay on wasting away. I' ve even had controllers stay on all night with the system off and that is not cool. Remember, Nintendo is always a generation behind the rest of the world, so they' ll get it right next gen. I like how when the 360 powers down, it sends out a signal to all controllers saying " Power the fuck off already, OK?!" It' s like they thought when they designed it, but I dunno. PS - A lot of people keep asking about " power packs" and " recharging kits" for the Wii. Hello? There are these things you can go into any Wal*Mart or such place and buy RIGHT NOW. They are called rechargeable batteries. They come in all popular sizes (" AA" , " AAA" , " C" , etc). Many even come with the chargers. Get this: when your batteries wear out, you can recharge them instead of buying new ones! I know technology like this shouldn' t be invented until at least the year 2153, but believe it or not it' s been available for awhile so this whole " Wii recharging pack" thing is not even an issue in the least.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 20 Dec 06 2:41:08 >
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 20, 2006 11:47
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 20, 2006 11:51
rechargeble batteries suck
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 20, 2006 13:56
They sure do, but only if you buy NiCD or get some with a really low mAh rating. Otherwise they kick tons of ass. And guess what, if Nintendo released their own rechargeable batteries, they' d be NiMh... just like the ones you buy in the stores, only they' d cost more so Nintendo can profit. Wiimote power packs and docking station coming soon!! Geeez. Some people are so dense. What' s next, waiting for Nintendo to come out with their own brand of TVs before you can use your Wii?
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 20 Dec 06 5:58:14 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Wii, one month later
Dec 20, 2006 15:55
only they' d cost more so Nintendo can profit. Or in this case Joytech. Ive never used a product from them (to my knowledge), are their products high quality(Logitech) or rubbish(Pelican)? I would rather see a first party solution though, even if it would cost a little more. Anyone who has tried a non-MS brand rechargable 360 pack knows what Im talking about here...
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