We had to have an armed escort in Egypt, an armed escort! 2 guys with sub-machine guns to make sure our coach wasn' t hijacked or blown up by some poor misguided fool who' d gotten it into his head that by strapping dynamite to his chest and exploding his homemade bomb on a bus full of tourists would gain him kudos with Allah. It wasn' t exactly a safe feeling but Portugal, or rather the Algarve was even scarier. Some of the men there are mutants. They have two heads!
Somebody mentioned Spain - i like Spain! Madrid and the Costa' s aren' t quite as nice as say Benidorm but Spain as a whole fares very well in comparison with France. I worked in France for a while and as long as i wasn' t around French people i was happy, i find them arrogant and they smell of old socks. Beer festivals there are kind of like those in Germany but the beer is nicer. French beer is more popular in England than any other, with American beer [is Cools American?] being the least popular but most expensive. I wish i could store beer like Camels store water, that' d be super!
I rode a Camel in Egypt, ...it was shit. All of Egypt is shit. The Pyramids are rubbish and far smaller in real life than you see on television. The area around the Pyramids is full of beggars during the height of the season and they' re difficult to avoid. They have a tendency to follow you. Some of the child beggars are stupendously cute but also cunning thieves, but saying that, no matter how cute they are if i ever caught one stealing my wallet i' d break his bloody fingers!
There are more Pyramids - red ones, further out in the desert and they' re more impressive. The ones you' ve seen in movies have a busy motorway/highway and carpark right next to them. It' s obvious then you sit and think about it but it doesn' t half ruin the mysteriousness of them, just like actually going down into one. How the Ancient Egyptians ever lived in those i' ll never know. I' m surprised they weren' t all hunchbacks or midgets because there' s very little room to stand up straight!
Egypt sucked but Portugal was worse. Ofcourse that' s just my opinion. Portugal is kind of like Israel, and that' s shit too. I' m not anti-Zionist like those crazy Iranian fucks but Israelis are full of themselves and they have boring shops. They must see 100' s of 1000' s of foreigners every year and yet they look at you as though you' re some evil Palestinian Ninja who' s infiltrated their defenses and stolen their children. If you' re half-Jewish like me and you don' t live how they live then you' re even worse! But meh, it' s too hot there anyway.
I know we have a lot of American posters and their country for the most part is geographically sound. Vegas is boring and Mexico is too sandy. I' ve always likened Vegas to Albania in neon and some of the other southern states are no better. Full of KKK fanatics and incestuous sister fucking simpletons. The further north you go the more civilized
it gets, until you get to Washington which is vile! Keep going north and you get to Canada, a beautiful vast wilderness full of bears and eagles and erm, ...bears! Now i' m not keen on the French in general and so while i' ve always wanted to go i' ve always kept away from Montreal and Quebec. British Colombia and Alberta are stunning and Vancouver is one of the nicest places i' ve ever been.
I wanted to go to Alaska and see the midgets that live there in ice houses but i didn' t have time. I like the cold though so i may go there at some point and build a fat snowman. I like the cold but strangely i don' t like England. I guess it' s because it' s too wet here, ...well wet and windy and bleak for 90% of the year. The rain pisses me off, it' s a pain in the ass!. Seriously, every American i' ve ever spoken to has said they wanted to visit the UK. Don' t because it' s a dump! It' s not even England anymore, it' s a multinational cess-pool where the nicest people are actually the Indians. Everybody else is nasty, maybe i need to adopt Hinduism and move to India, though by my estimations only 4% of India is actually nice so maybe that' s not a good idea. Dubai is kind of like India but i couldn' t afford to live there comfortably, and there' s always the chance of bumping into Wacko Jacko in his/her reversible Ninja outfit...
I haven' t gotten around to visiting Sweden yet but i had a close call 10 or 11 years ago when my parents were booking a holiday for Christmas [Lappland
is in Sweden right?]
I hear they still wear clogs too like people in Amsterdam, ...or is that Hungary?
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 18 Dec 06 15:01:29 >