Gears of war vs some aging PC games

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Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 16, 2006 09:36
Disregarding framerates for a minute, here you can see 3 PC games running on their maximum settings at as similar a resolution possible side-by-side with Xbox 360' s best looking games so far. Only Lost Coast holds it' s own and that' s a tech demo.

Quake 4 vs Gears of War

Far Cry vs Gears of War

Half Life 2: Lost Coast (HDR + enhanced textures tech demo) vs Gears of War

I' m pretty sure that Gears of War comes out ahead both visually and technically. The PC games aren' t exactly cutting edge but hey, i didn' t choose to show my friends those games and compare them to Gears of War on my HD projector and then come talk shit about it here. Anybody with eyes should be able to see that Gears of war is the nicer looking game. I mean, it runs at 30fps sure, but Epic did hit 60 and then simply added more eye candy (like the dust blowing around and the wind in the outdoor areas) because their aim was to make the nicest looking game the possibly could.

While i was at it i figured i' d take a quick look at what kind of differences HDR actually makes. From the PC versions of the games; on the left without, and on the right with HDR applied. The difference is most noticible in Oblivion but the differences between Half Life 2 proper and the Lost Coast tech demo are huge. The performance impact for having HDR on is usually between 10 and 20fps for my machine running a 7900. If you were running a 7800 though the performance hit doubles etc etc etc...


Far Cry

Half Life 2: Lost Coast

EDIT: Accidently made everything itallic
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 16 Dec 06 1:38:17 >

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 16, 2006 17:38
So, is there a point here you wish all members to take part of or is this thread dedicated to f3hunter?

Iad umboros
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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 16, 2006 19:33

Could you post PC vs 360 screens for Quake 4 and FarCry?

I havn' t played FarCry but from the screens there Quake 4 looks way beeter on PC than it does on 360. It' s a bit unfair comparing screenshots of Quake 4 to Gears because Quake 4 is all set in the same stupid spaceship with the same stupid walls

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 16, 2006 20:55
Why are you comparing a game that just came out to games that are about 2 years old. 2 years is a lot in the PC world. You want me to show you what games will loook like two years from now when 360 games will hardly look better then GOW?

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 16, 2006 23:11

Why are you comparing a game that just came out to games that are about 2 years old. 2 years is a lot in the PC world. You want me to show you what games will loook like two years from now when 360 games will hardly look better then GOW?

You' re missing the point. I' m responding to this...

showed a few friends from work (all own 360s).. GOW on my Marquee Projector.. Their reaction was something like.. " Dam, that looks alot better than our LCDs" both had very excited looks on their faces as they played GOW on a 150" Razor sharp, Super high contrast image.. (not showing off, but thats how a 13k projector Marquee image looks)

After about an hour of GOW play..

I asked if they' d seen Pc games running on decent pc before? Being console fanatics the both claimed they hadn’t and actually neither looked bothered and actually asked me to keep GOW on.

I told them hold on a seceond as I switched on my PC (which is also integrated with my marquee setup, so no need to change any wires)

The desktop come on, and they was like:

" Holy shit!!!!!!! that looks crystal clear"

" what resolution is that running on?"

Then while laughing to myself i put HL2 on.. And waited for the still screen to turn into life.. (this is the way HL2 loads).

As soon as it kicked in, both of their mouths dropped to the floor,

" that looks unbelievable, them flying things look like they are right infront of me" .. and that was just to a few tracers hovering about.

I started the game from the first level (the train station)..

lol..the look on thier faces said it all.. Just silent ' AWW' , engulfed eyes constantly at the screen..

Then the words that did come out of their mouths was

" i seriosuly cant unbelievable it"

" i feel like im there" "

" WTF?????"

" But how can this look this good, when 360 has a better Graphics card?"

" So this is what PC gamers have been playing all this time?"

And the one what made me show them more PC games.....

" shit, there’s me thinking GOW had the best graphics"

I was like.. No!!, most of my PC games run like this..

Showed them, Far Cry, Prey, Quake 4.. All totally blew them away.. both wanted me to build them a PC like mine, both felt cheated into thinking that 360 onwed Pc. i didn' t chose those particular games. That' d be rediculous.


Could you post PC vs 360 screens for Quake 4 and FarCry?

I havn' t played FarCry but from the screens there Quake 4 looks way beeter on PC than it does on 360.

If you so wish... (PC on the left, 360 on the right)

...both Far Cry and Quake 4 are shit on 360. I don' t like Quake 4 anyway but the 360 version has an inconsistant framerate which is retarded seeing as it' s a simple port.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 16, 2006 23:23

The desktop come on, and they was like:

" Holy shit!!!!!!! that looks crystal clear"

I think that part alone explains why we shouldn' t care about what his friends think about Gears of War compared to PC games.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 16, 2006 23:32
Well even if his projector is 1080p (and for 13k you' d hope so) both sources would be limited to that resolution, and 360 maxes out there. In one thread he' s talking about how the physics in the video' s of MotorStorm he' s seen look better than anything on 360, even though MotorStorm is meh looking at best. I mean, i cold take a Nintendo 64 game and give it amazing physics, but could i then claim it shows a technical gap between PS3 and 360? No, because that would be stupid.

The annoying thing is that when people disagree with the guy they' re automatically called fanboys and told they have their heads up Bills ass.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 16, 2006 23:34
....we should be comparing Video, majik...


Why are you comparing a game that just came out to games that are about 2 years old (?)

...because f3 says that 2 year old PC games on a killer PC rig look better then today' s best looking x360 game (GOW)....
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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 16, 2006 23:40

ORIGINAL: Bishonen

....we should be comparing Video, majik...

I agree but i' d have to buy a new capture card and then fuck about with enormous file-sizes, encodin and then uploading. Time and serious effort just to prove a point?!

If i were f3 i' d be making the most of my HD projector. Imagine Lost Planet or RE5 on that thing...

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 03:19

...because f3 says that 2 year old PC games on a killer PC rig look better then today' s best looking x360 game (GOW)....

That isn' t true at all.

Gonna upload some shots from my dual intel conroe 6800,2gb ram dual sli 7950-512mb geeforce later.

GoW kills everything atm-
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Agent Ghost
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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 04:13
Alright Majik I see what you meant...

However I still stand by what I said and PC games out by this time next year (even on current hardware) will blow away what any console can offer. You' re right though those guys were idiots if they thought those other games were graphically superior to GOW.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 04:28
I don' t dount it, and it' s like Bishonen said, if and when Gears is released on PC it' ll likey run at 60+ fps. But then will you need a DX10 card to play it on max and what kind of specs would you need for it to run on max at 60+fps and how much would all of that cost.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 04:51
360 = The screenshot generation.

Lets pick and choose parts of f3hunters post, make it sound how we want it to. Lets take away the parts that f3hunters freinds looked over visual textures and seen the smoothness more impressive.

Lets start comparing screenshots..

We 360 fanboys can’t have a conversation without posting some direct screenshot comparisons; it’s the way we do things here.

We live off screenshots, its how we got into the 360 in the first place, seeing nice, even sometimes touched-up screens if were looky

Ok, that never looked/ran quite as nice as we expected but hey!! at least we got more screenshots to boast our moral and keep the dream alive. Maybe next time, when developers have unlocked the true potential of the mighty 360.

Until then link

< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 17 Dec 06 19:37:37 >

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 05:13
we 360 fanboys?

Don' t call yourself a xbox360 fan or xboxfanboy f3hunter,that would be the best joke ever ^^
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 16 Dec 06 21:13:38 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 05:21
You make it sound like 360 has no 60fps games. Every one of your posts makes you look increasingly fucktard-like. You can' t turn this shit around now, you' ve made yourself look stupid and you can' t change that. I didn' t selct part of your post, i quoted the entire thing so everybody could read exactly what you were going on about and as expected people don' t agree with your stupid claims.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 06:21

You make it sound like 360 has no 60fps games. Every one of your posts makes you look increasingly fucktard-like. You can' t turn this shit around now, you' ve made yourself look stupid and you can' t change that. I didn' t selct part of your post, i quoted the entire thing so everybody could read exactly what you were going on about and as expected people don' t agree with your stupid claims.

As the kids would say: you was jus teh pwnzorzzxx!!!!111!!!!!!1 lol
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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 06:26

You can' t turn this shit around now, you' ve made yourself look stupid

No, youve made yourself look like you cant take people prefering other visuals over 360 visuals..

I know im out numbered by 360 fanboys in this forum (like that one who has to continue to trolling, claiming i was owned, but actually my previous post owned everything)..

But ill will and still will continue to say what i feel about it.

I know which i prefer.


< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 17 Dec 06 19:36:53 >

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 06:39

Lol, ive lost count how many 360/ex360 owners ive brought back down to earth by showing them my PC in action.. Even with the older PC games..

So long as games are well anti aliased, have decent textures, have nice lightening, at high contrast. The constant 60fps+ you cant f**k with..

That' s your opinion, and you' re asking us to respect it even though it' s complete bullshit?!

Ok then.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 06:50
Prey looks really good.
Prey is available on both PC and 360.
Start comparing

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 06:54

So long as games are well anti aliased, have decent textures, have nice lightening, at high contrast. The constant 60fps+ you cant f**k with..

Thats a fair opinion, nothing bullshit about that.. And i dont ask anyone to respect anything.. im just giving mine (or my freinds) Point of view..

Im not the ones trying to get respet by starting another thread to try to prove a point that im frankly not bothered about. Still gona put my PC games on, adn im still gona be more impresed with them.


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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 06:57

ORIGINAL: ginjirou

Prey looks really good.
Prey is available on both PC and 360.
Start comparing

Prey looks shit. The only game that runs on the Doom 3 engine that actually ooks good is Doom 3 itself. Quake 4 was a mess and Prey was overly shiney and features stupendously poor character modelling.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 08:37

I know im out numbered by 360 fanboys in this forum (like that one who has to continue to trolling, claiming i was owned, but actually my previous post owned everything)..

Yes, those damn trolls who have been regular posters since 2003

And how did your previous post prove anything? It just shows that you have a double standard: PS3 not 60fps(Motorstorm) ok, 360 not 60fps horrible.

I am not alone in my opinion that you are a Sony fanboy claiming to like PC as a defense. PC fans dont throw the term MS/360 fanboy around like you do. Fact of the matter is, youre continuing to argue a point in which youre wrong(or so the vast majority of the forum thinks so).

So please continue to " feed the troll" . Because everytime you make a stupid thread the " troll" , as you so nicely called me, will be there to point out any stupid statement you make.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 08:48
Am i a troll?

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 09:17

Am i a troll?

No, I am. Im also a lvl 45 Mage, but whos to say.
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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 09:30
World of Warcraft scares me.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 09:37
I hate Wow and everybody who plays it, Therefore I hate 6/7 Million people.

Sounds like a fair Fight
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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 10:21
I' m with you Silent Bomber on WOW but I' ll make an exception with immortaldanmx.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 12:19

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

Am i a troll?

u really need to go out and do something, but dont be such a wise ass or u are gonna get shot.

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 17, 2006 23:02

ORIGINAL: fernandino

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

Am i a troll?

u really need to go out and do something

Like fuck your sister?

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 18, 2006 00:13
Ah c' mon watch your language people!

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RE: Gears of war vs some aging PC games - Dec 18, 2006 01:54

I' m with you Silent Bomber on WOW but I' ll make an exception with immortaldanmx.

I dont play WOW, I was just making a nerdy reference joke. I dont have the time to play MMORPG' s, nor the patience. I tried Shadowbane, but got in about 3 weeks after everybody else so it was ruined for me, I hate having an inferior character.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.