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Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 01:44
I' ve heard that the GCN version is better in some areas than the Wii version. Have any of you guys heard about it too? There were some videos at some Zelda fan-site Hyrule... something (?), where they showed examples... I' m getting the GCN version since I didn' t get a Wii so I' ll be enjoying that tomorrow I believe. And when I get a Wii I' ll get the Wii version too
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 01:55
After playing the wii version for about 6 hours, theres no way i could go back to playing it on normal Controller.. If its visuals, not sure, but the wii version looks really nice in proogressive 16:9.. Comparing the two is silly tho, its probably the best 1 player game of recent years.. whatever version your going for just waist your time playing the game..
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 02:04
No, it' s not the visuals. It was the controller. Even though the controller is more fun it makes some things more complicated. I don' t know if it was camera control or something. Dammnit! Why can' t I remember which site it was???? And didn' t famitsu give the GCN version higher scores than the Wii version? But someone also said it doesn' t matter which version you play because you' ll be so immersed in the experience that you' ll forget what control you' re using. You' ve only played six hours? Hell, I would' ve played it at least eight hours on the first day!
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 02:09
Why the hell didn' t they just give the Wii version the ability to be played with the Gamecube controller anyway? Everyone who got a Wii is going to get the Zelda for Wii, anyway. People are only going to get the GCN version if they only have a Gamecube. There' s no reason that they couldn' t have added that function.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 02:10
Maybe they' re afraid people will think the Wii-mote sucks compared to the regular controller Here' s the damn fan-site/blogg with the videos anyway: He' s got three reasons as to why the GCN version is better: camera, buggs and quickspins. With videos.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 Dec 06 18:14:36 >
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 02:12
After playing the wii version for about 6 hours, theres no way i could go back to playing it on normal Controller.. I see things differently. I don' t think the controller results in a better game, sure it' s fun to use, but i don' t think it would be any less so with a standard controller.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 02:16
Hey, do you guys use the pointer feature in Wii version? I used it for a while, and still turn it back on for some of the aiming intensive challenges, but usually I have it turned off. My two main reasons are I think it saves on battery and the fairy noise was getting annoying.
< Message edited by he -- 14 Dec 06 18:16:57 >
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 06:29
I still use the pointer function, though i wish i could move & aim at the same time -It would be like a Zelda FPS  . BTW have you turned down the Wiimote speaker volume He? I' ve turned it down to 3 and its not too annoying at that level. AS for batteries i got a stack of rechargable AAA batteries on standby so i never need to worry about running out of power  . I prefer the Wiimote now for Zelda now, i guess the main advantage is the on the fly aiming with the pointer, plus wireless+rumble. The sword fighting doesn' t showcase the Wiimote because there is no 1:1 motion sensing translation. I have no problems with the camera. When the (supposed) Zelda made specifically for Wii arrives then we will see how the Wii version of LoZ:TP should have been like. Until that time Zelda:TP will simply be a Masterpiece GC title used to sell Wii' s. SOmething i have absolutely no problems with.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 08:50
The Gamecube version is only 4:3 because the GC is a very weak, underpowered system. However the Wii version is in 16:9 because the Wii is super powerful and is the future of high definition gaming and was built with space age technology and has cutting edge graphics using state of the art processors.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 09:42
when i get to use my wii an zelda i' ll probably end up using the GC contoller to play...
- Phoenix|Slash - A.K.A. HumpY...Gimme' A Leg
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 09:46
when i get to use my wii an zelda i' ll probably end up using the GC contoller to play. .. Nah you wont..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 15 Dec 06 1:50:19 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 11:51
Holy shit I just realized I have a Gamecube! I completely forgot. Well actually my brother has one. Anyways now I get to rent TP...
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 20:59
I usually have the controller volume turned down to 1, Tiz. The controller sounds for Zelda seem louder than other games. I usually also have the rumble turned off. That' s not so much because I want to save batteries as I just don' t care much about rumble. I like that they included the ability to turn it off. when i get to use my wii an zelda i' ll probably end up using the GC contoller to play... We were just talking about how you can' t play the Wii Twilight Princess with the GCN controller, Phoenix. Holy shit I just realized I have a Gamecube! Oh, shit! How did I not see that thing in the corner? How long has that thing been there?! Wait, I don' t remember buying a Gamecube. A GAMECUBE SNUCK INTO MY HOUSE!!
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 15, 2006 21:57
I use my game cube to prop up my SNES, lol
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 16, 2006 06:59
However the Wii version is in 16:9 because the Wii is super powerful the WHOLE 16:9 Joe?? I dont believe you, its ant a supercomputa.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 16, 2006 07:40
The Wii is super powerful and the next generation of videogame graphics, and therefore the Wii version of Zelda is 16:9. I just can' t get over how awesomely powerful the Wii is! It' ll blow you away!!! The Gamecube barely even has enough power to turn on the light when you press the power button, so it' s stuck at 4:3.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 16, 2006 09:14
Shizzle my Nizzle! that hot bro!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 16, 2006 10:26
hehe.. nutters!
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 16, 2006 16:08
I won' t be getting this new Zelda game,why? Cause its to hard for me. I finished all zelda,and some puzzle had me stuck for hours,i dont wanna spend 100 hours on a 60 adventure,just because i have problem figure out some puzzles,and tis zelda will have some of the hardest ever seen said 1up. I dont think that is funny.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 17, 2006 02:16
I dont think that is funny. Quez, Im mailing you my SNES copy of Preschool Mario
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 17, 2006 09:35
I actually went out and bought this for gamecube today, given i don' t really like zelda games all that much in the past, im getting into it. I was thinking to buy it when i first saw it.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 17, 2006 18:04
I decied to skip it,im tired of the zelda dungeons,im getting some pc games and 360 games instead. Like NW2,MTW2 and Rainbowsix.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 17, 2006 21:36
I understand your feelings, I' ve gotten pretty tired of dungeons too. But lots of people think the dungeons are the best part. But the dungeons in TP have been great so far. My favourite parts in TP right now are the wolf parts. Very fresh feeling in a Zelda game and it' s great fun to play. You should at least try it out to make sure you' re not missing anything you might love.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 00:04
Yer im at the ' Dark part' Zelda just goes dark.. BTW, anyone wishing that Zelda kept its Cellshading, the part im on now, Kills the Cellshading looks of Windwaker.. looks soo unique, and has such charactor.. So far the best single player game ive played in a long, long time.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 02:02
They should really have Voice acting in the next Zelda.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 04:48
They should really have Voice acting in the next Zelda. Yes i totally agree with that, the only negative i could find of TP.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 04:58
Yeah I also agree that TP should have voice acting. Ha ha but if it had, people would start complaining that Link should not sound like that and so on.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 05:03
ORIGINAL: f3hunter They should really have Voice acting in the next Zelda. Yes i totally agree with that, the only negative i could find of TP. I could find quite a lot of minor flaws in the game. Nothing that stops it from being an awesome game though.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 05:07
I have another fault with it! It should have more Monkeys! You can never have enough Monkeys!
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 05:24
Monkeys are overated, Donkeys is where its at these days.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 05:46
Don' t make me choose!! Thats not right!
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 07:39
I actually don' t like voice acting because i would usually skip it. I find it quicker to read the text and get on with the adventure then wait and listen to someone talk. Sure it adds to the experience but either way it make no difference to me. If thats the only thing stopping Zelda from getting the mark it deserves then i guess it should be included in the next game. Anyway loving Zelda:TP, i thought i was close to finishing until that little twist, now the adventure seems like it started all over again!! Amazing, just can' t wait to play some more!
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 22:56
Even if they did make voice acting, im sure Link wouldnt talk. I wonder if hes a mute
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 18, 2006 23:54
I' ve always considered Link to be a retard anyway.. The guy can only shout and grunt, and only knows violence... Honestly, he deserves to be locked in a padded room. There' s nothing scarier than a mute going crazy, swinging an ethereal blade and an " enchanted" shield and loves adventure. Zelda also needs to beef up it' s musical score, whilst the tunes are nostalgic and hummable, it does need a fully orchestral score to make it that 100% more immersive, as it does sound cheap with " studio feel" sounds and musical set pieces.
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Zelda TP GCN version is better than the Wii version?
Dec 19, 2006 01:20
Zelda also needs to beef up it' s musical score, whilst the tunes are nostalgic and hummable, it does need a fully orchestral score to make it that 100% more immersive, as it does sound cheap with " studio feel" sounds and musical set pieces. Indeed. This is one of few dissappointments of a truly fantastic game, voices wouldn' t have gone amiss either.