Just when you though sony can' t get anymore bad press -

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Just when you though sony can' t get anymore bad press - - Dec 14, 2006 09:02
They go and do something stupid like this -


boy this sure is gonna help sony' s image, especially after the ps3 launch debacle, Exploding laptop batteries and Rootkit fiasco.

Are they that desperate to sell psps these days??

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RE: Just when you though sony can' t get anymore bad press - - Dec 14, 2006 09:21
I think they are just desparate full stop.

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RE: Just when you though sony can' t get anymore bad press - - Dec 14, 2006 09:24
I think they better leave the viral marketing to Microsoft.

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RE: Just when you though sony can' t get anymore bad press - - Dec 14, 2006 09:49
I personally think they should dig a whole and bury themselves alive... for an admission fee of $10, then they might actually make a profit

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RE: Just when you though sony can' t get anymore bad press - - Dec 14, 2006 11:47


Dig a whole what, Brandon? Ooh, gramar nazi time.

That was sort of lame, and I guess it upset some people, but at least its not like they promised anything on the site and then lied(as in past bad press releases). If they wanted viral marketing they should have gotten what ever company MS uses..... Damn them and their ILOVEBEES campaign
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Just when you though sony can' t get anymore bad press - - Dec 14, 2006 12:29
It' s amazing, I don' t see you as user immortaldanmx, but as that big dark blue Lugia thing...

And anyway, ' funky fresh' ? No wonder noone cared or was fooled [:' (]

They should have gotten some real teenagers as consultants at least...

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RE: Just when you though sony can' t get anymore bad press - - Dec 15, 2006 04:07

It' s amazing, I don' t see you as user immortaldanmx, but as that big dark blue Lugia thing...

Lol, Lugia? Its an Elite that I stole from Bungie.net Thats ok, I picture you as a sword weilding chick that is the fantasy of hundereds of lonely teen boys' fantasy
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.