Just Block him. His name stops popping up after a while once you ignore him
You' re not ' badass' , Evil Man, you' re not even in our clique. You have nothing.
Anyway, I' m boycotting anything Mel Gibson, but as long as Apocalypto is objective, I guess I don' t mind watching it.
Eragon is meh.
The home-schooled under-socialized author took one part Dragons of Pern (dragon-rider, inter-rider-steed telepathy), two parts of Lord of the Rings (Eragon -> Aragon, falling in love with an elf princess

, ' men' s adventure' but done worse...) , Harry Potter to make every one younger and voila, ' Eragon' .
He prolly thought all the world was as cloistered as him. Or maybe he thought that noone reads books anymore...and then forgetting that LOTR and HP are MOVIES now

Only Dragons of Pern is a little older and slightly more obscure, and was technically sci-fi.