Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created!

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Vx Chemical
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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 12, 2006 16:57
I think im pretty well protected by danish law, i think (not 100% but 99% sure) that when a unit breaks on a danish consumer and they get it fixed, the warranty is automaticly renewed. And the 3rd time a unit breaks its by law required to be replaced by a fully new product.

The rule is the same for everythign, consoles, refrigurators and even cars!

Agent Ghost
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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 12, 2006 17:00
Yeah MS is good with taking back the defective ones the problem is that you' d be lucky if you get back one that works. I' m lucky as in Canada we only get new ones back but that doesn' t help if they are all defective. Its not so much about the money as the fact that we want a console that works.

Even a monkey understands the concept of replacing a broken tool with one that works. If chimp is jumping around at hitting other chimps with a stick and it breaks the chimp will get another (possibly bigger stick), it wouldn' t drop the broken stick to pick up another broken stick.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 12 Dec 06 9:04:51 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 12, 2006 17:34
Nice comparison Agent!


I am really hoping to get a brand spanking new unit, but with my luck i wont! But anyway, if it does die 3 times, ill demand a new unit as danish law dictates!

I hope for the early PS3 adopters that they wont have the same trouble with their machines!

MS should just refurbish the broken units and ship them to africa with a bunch fo preloaded Arcade games

Thats humanitary aid for you!

Screw medicine!

Agent Ghost
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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 12, 2006 18:21
hey that' s not a bad idea, anything that can get them to stop fucking for five minutes.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 12, 2006 19:57
Thanks for the reply Majik, keep us posted on its status...

Off to the dentist now, so I can compare the sound of the drill to my 360!

Finally, let us also not forget this thread is the most useless console ever.. I think I can think of some more which are more useless... can anyone else!? (not just in terms of reliability!)

Mass X
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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 12, 2006 20:05
A combo from the hddvd and universal remoter lead to the death of mine...a whole lot went wrong real fast and my reactions for each small event magnified the situation to thepoint the rings decided to show up.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 12, 2006 20:31
I poke my 360 every now and then to check if it' s still working. It' s gonna buckle
soon... I hope, rather than later..
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 12, 2006 21:49

You just might be right on that one Vx Chemical. Might be why microsoft timed the GoW launch one year after launch so it can ' brick' your system forcing you to buy a new one .

Yeah, that would be real smart, on account of everyone has a year warrenty

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 01:44
I think Majik should change topic,just because some people suddenly write to me " xbox fanboy" majik has behaved like he hate xbox,its very childish.

Change the topic plz.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 01:59
That doesnt make sense Quez, i mean the 360 does have serious issues, and think it would be proper for people to receive new consoles once they brick

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 02:23

Change the topic plz.

Why should he!!!! Its pretty obvious that the 360 has reliability issues! And Majik has said that he thinks 360 games are awesome so its not as if he hates the 360!

its very childish.

Sorry Quez but you are the one who is acting childish.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 02:46
Change the topic?! What and cover up the facts?! No, i really don' t think so.

Quez, you are a fanboy, everybody including yourself knows it. I on the otherhand often get labeled an Xbox fanboy when it' s pretty damn obvious that i' m neutral, but since i own a 360 and post about 360 games, and defend the console when people are being overly critical i must be some sort of Microsoft posterboy?!

No, i really don' t think so.

My 360 died. I sent it back and they replaced it with another console that was also broken. I' m not alone as many others have experienced exactly the same thing. Other people here have had consoles die on them and Tiz has has several kick the bucket and is now concerned that the one he currently has is on it' s way out too. Why the fuck should i change the topic?! To make some little annoying (and yes you' re starting to get on my damn nerves now) blatant moron of a fanboy happy because he LURVES Microsoft?!

Fuck off.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 04:41
Okay majik then i know, you wanna call 360 the most useless console ever and be a retard,be my guest.

Then i have two things to say,F+U,seriously,im not joking anymore fuck you.
You talk about being netrual,i dont give a fuck if you own a console or not,it doesnt make anything you say more legit or not.

If you gonna call 360 useless you' re fucked up.
So you had your 360 broken and some others,big deal,we others hasn' t.
You think we others are gonna cry for you?


I had my ps2 broken 3 times,has i ever written that before?

I bought my ps2 in 2002 and it broken 3 times,thats 1 time per 2nd year,you gonna call that nice equopment?
Well yes it is,cause others doesnt have the same problem but i do.

But you had to come here,pretending to be " netrual" to not get attacked and look like a fucking girl.

You just made a fool out of yourself.

And i don' t give a fuck what other says,im one of the few here who always speaks my mind,there is alot of people here who deosnt and just follow whats popular at themoment,you' re one of them.
Im not.

So a big F+U.

You' re being ignored from now on,on XBL and on

I dont wanna talk with you anymore,and i could give a shit what you write to me now.
Youä' re blocked,so whatever you write is just gonna be shown to others,so write to them then.


< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Dec 06 7:14:45 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 07:19
When you say launch day models are you talking Uk launch day? If so then I am starting to panic in a big way, I got mine in early Jan, I have had a few minor niggles (occaisional freeze ups.) But nothing major am I right to worry?

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 15:15
Worst thread ever,most bias retarded thing i ever seen.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 15:19

That doesnt make sense Quez, i mean the 360 does have serious issues, and think it would be proper for people to receive new consoles once they brick

That has nothing to do with the topic.

Is all about diffrent laws and terms.

In Sweden you have a warranty for 1 year for every electronic stuff for over 300 kr.
My ps2 has freaking break down on me 3 times,each 2nd year,yes that KICK ASS right.

This site has started to become fucked up.

360 does have serious issues

For who?

The 3% of those 100% who boguht it at launch?

Yes,to bad for them.

Saying that the 360 has serious issuses is just BS.
My 360 has hung itself around 3 times and i had it this year.

Now i can' t wait for someone to write bs like,oh my 360 hung 1000000 times from someone here who dislike 360.

Has nothing to do with being a fanboy has to do with clearing out this bs shit about 360 crashing constanly and that people cant get any units replaced,my friend-

" punkar bertil" over at xbl had his 360 broken,took him 3 days to get a new console.

So apparently the service works?

Nope,because you cant go by 1 or even 100 people,you have to go by many many tousands,and for most of those it worked perfectly.

The only people who complains are the ones ovber the web,the other ones are playing their 360.

< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Dec 06 7:24:28 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 15:30
Let' s also clear out this Fanboy bullshit,who was the one who got attacked by Gangsta and Majik for complaing about xbox360 price and bad launch titles?

Was me and Aba.

However i told everyone here,that since i had extra money saved and was gonna go all three consoles i decied to get a 360,and i happend to love it,i don' t give a fuck if you who reads this doesnt,but i like my 360 and my XBL pals like Funner and Ribcage,i have a blast over XBL.

More then i had over my ps1 or ps2.

Thus i say so,i could care less if someone here thinks that has to do something with being a fanboy,cause i having the best time ever with my 360 so to this retards who write xbox360fanboys.

If you write anything good about wii or ps3 if you happend to think its the best console you played,you' re fanboys with your own fucked up logic.

Now im getting a ps3,not a wii,cause no wii games are intresting to me,im tired of zelda,has nothing to do with being a sony/xbox fanboyim just tired of the zelda dungeons,and i dont wanna play diffrent from a console pad,or else i play on my PC.

Its about taste,get over it.

And no,Evil man didn' t have any taste when he trahsed xbox360 cause he is fucked up.

He said for ex he won and owned me over certian games i won in.
So based on that he is a liar,and liars are fucked up and has no taste.


Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 17:37
Just get over yourself you whiney child, you made and have made idiotic comments about the 360, it is not the be all and end all of gaming, nothing will ever have that title due to something called freedom of speech. You go over the top with your comments and it sounds like you have a hard on for a game about a big blue dragon, here' s an idea how about you rent " Pete' s Dragon" (It' s a disney film from way back) and whack off to that merrily over Xmas.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 19:42
My 360 won' t break until the next Xbox comes out. That is what my Xbox 1 did.
The power supply crapped out a few days before 360 was released. It did survive falling down stairs multiple times and many bumpy car rides with no problems though.
I remember reading about an xbox 1 that deflected a bullet with the green gem on the top.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 13, 2006 20:17

For those of you who don' t own a 360 yet, I suggest you wait until March when the new units will be out. Until then here is my take on how it rates in terms of noise no. 1 being the loudest:

1.Big Bang
2. Xbox 360
3. Jet engine
3. drill at the dentist
4. my TV
5. sledge hammer hitting a PS3

And I' m not sure about No.1...

You' re right about not being sure since the Big Bang was silent There wasn' t enough space in the beginning to really have sound. Later on sound waves resonated, kind of like humming, but it was not at all audible to the human ear. So the 360 might be the winner anyway, hehe.

Chee Saw
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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 15, 2006 07:27


Gamecube' s don' t break because they are under-used.

Agent Ghost
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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 15, 2006 08:28
" You' re right about not being sure since the Big Bang was silent There wasn' t enough space in the beginning to really have sound. Later on sound waves resonated, kind of like humming, but it was not at all audible to the human ear. So the 360 might be the winner anyway, hehe. "

That and the fact that there is no sound in the vacuum of space. Not to mention no one around to hear it.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 15, 2006 10:13
Hehe, yep.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 16, 2006 10:16
Just for the record, I' ve had two imported (USA) GCs go bust with the ' no disc' error before I gave up on the system.

I wonder if USA GC games will play on a UK Wii - I' ve about 20 GC games that I haven' t been able to play for years

Hello everyone BTW.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 16, 2006 10:24
Welcome Spacejase, unfortunately you wont be able to just yet..

I have heard that people are working on a Freelaoader disk which will enable you to do so in the near future.. So I’ll keep hold of them games.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 16, 2006 10:26


Hello everyone BTW.

You need a new avatar. This could work...

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 17, 2006 02:17
Majik, you just violated my eyes
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 17, 2006 07:15


Ok, dion, I' ll top that story..

My MEGADRIVE (bought in 1993) still works, and that' s with Eternal Champions
and Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

It had:

Syrup (or honey)
A Teaspoon
A plastic fork

All jammed inside it.

Why the hell were those things inside it?

They were the three ingredients my brothers and I used to try and get the
cartridges to work.

Looks like we succeeded.

My old Atari still works. And I dropped my Atari on the floor accidentally once when I was a kid.

I really don’t remember anymore the year my parents bought me this console.

Can anyone top that?

< Message edited by Luken -- 16 Dec 06 23:16:49 >

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 17, 2006 08:26

Can anyone top that?

I threw my GBA out of frustration from a 2nd level balcony onto concrete and it still worked but had a small crack on the screen.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 17, 2006 09:04
According to some i' m a Microsoft fanboy and so i am now going to take everything negative i' ve been saying about the console and their replacement procedure back. I honestly don' t mind my console dying on me and having to send it back, only to have Microsoft' s superb repair centre replace it with another broken machine. These things happen y' know and there' s no point complaining about it. They eventually replaced it with a working machine and that' s all that matter right?!

In fact let me just take back all the pther negative stuff i' ve said about 360...

Perfect Dark Zero isn' t a bad game, it' s one of the best first person shooters i' ve ever played, and it' s the greatest launch title ever.

Moto GP 06 might ave a dodgy framerate but i don' t care. Dropping frames on sharp corners doesn' t affect gameplay at all, fact it enhances the experience as it makes getting around the corner much easier. It' s more of a Matrix-esque special effect than slowndown anyway!

Far Cry Instincts Predator is fantastic. Hell it' s even better than the PC orginal and whatever you hear about the controls being royally fucked is a lie. It' s perfect. I actually think that it' s much better with the pad than with a mouse and keyboard. People say that the analog sticks have been calibrated very poorely for the game but i like how it plays and i' ll recommend it to everybody!

Quake 4, Prey and FEAR are amazing. They' re not just dumb, messy blasters and bad ports, they' re even better than the PC originals in every respect. Seriously!

Tony Hawks Project 8 isn' t a pethetic, retarded piece of garbage, it' s the best Tony Hawks game yet. It' s like being at the X-Games!

Call of Duty 3 > Call of Duty 2. I don' t know what i was on when i was sayin the 2nd game was 100% better because it isn' t. CoD3 is the greatest WWII shooter ever.

Etc, etc, etc...

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 17, 2006 09:09

It' s like being at the X-Games!

Which isnt really that exciting, so great comparison
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 17, 2006 09:12

ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx

It' s like being at the X-Games!

Which isnt really that exciting, so great comparison

Winter X-Games at Whistler is pretty damn cool. Summer X-Games are only cool when Mike [The Godfather] Metzger does backflips. Skating however, not so much but you get the point.

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 17, 2006 09:26
I get it, Majik' s gay.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 17, 2006 09:28

He is pretty hot huh!

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 17, 2006 09:40

He is pretty hot huh!

Hold off Hot stuff, He' s Mine!
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 17 Dec 06 1:40:43 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Xbox 360 - The most useless console ever created! - Dec 18, 2006 23:02
Majik, are you going through a mid life crysis?

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