Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation"

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Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 09, 2006 09:12
Is it just me who is getting tired of hearing " wii is the innovation" bla bla its being mentioned in every god damn line on every god damn site.
It' s almost as they are forced to write like that withou being attacked by the fanboys.

This is often how it sounds,and im gonna be fair to ps3 this time.

ps3-gives raw power,while wii gives much more innovation,and bla bla shit.
I don' t wanna sound angry but,thats bullshit,it seriously is.

Is wii more innovated because it doesnt deliver a beast in terms of power as the ps3?
Or is it the controller that trigger the " innovation spam" ,can' t the tecniall console like ps3 or 360 be more innovated and fast at the same time?

What happends if 360 or ps3 release a control that is diffrent,does the console suddenly becomes innovatie.

Or is it required that your console has bad and low specc?

Have i tried wii?
No,and i dont doubt that it leads to diffrent playing,but most of these people who write make it sounds as games become better just because theare being played " diffrent" and that is just BS.

Each game is the new innvation,not the freaking hardware.
If a game has ground breaking ideas and gameplay its because of the game-dev ideas,not the console.

So which console has the power to let dev do whatever they wanna do(well almost) well its the playstation3.

While wii dev will be stuck in low spec console that gonan restrick themself from making just kiddie games with a freaking nunchak .

With that said i forgot to mention 360,i really consider 360+ps3 equal,and the articles and site that claims otherwise is probably full of Bullshit,im guessing 99% of these guys at game sidtes cant do more then talk about cell,and gigaflops which sony often talks about thus just copying their speach instead of asking dev.

But i also guess these guys are pretty dumb since they go by -latyest hardware must be best idea.

Anyway nvm..
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 9 Dec 06 1:16:59 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 09, 2006 09:33
Dunno about the innovation, Quez, but I' m having a blast with my Wii right now!

...Actually, not RIGHT NOW, right now. But before... recently. ' Cause now I' m typing this post. Which is obvious... I mean, duh! ...So, um... Zelda is fun! Waiting in line wasn' t! ...I think I might' ve gotten lung cancer from to many malboros while waiting.
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 9 Dec 06 2:42:34 >

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 09, 2006 10:31
I think after you turn on Quez-filter what he is trying to say is the controller alone isnt enough, it has to be used properly.
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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 09, 2006 11:17

Have i tried wii?
No,and i dont doubt that it leads to diffrent playing,but most of these people who write make it sounds as games become better just because theare being played " diffrent" and that is just BS.

Well first of all Quez you should try one ASAP.
I got my Wii yesterday at launch and I have NEVER played anything like it before. I enjoyed Wii sports soo much especially Wii boxing, just excellant!! It definitely was DIFFERENT to anything I had played before. Now my two cousins (21 and 25) who are not big gamers at all had absolute blast playing Wii sports!! They also said they never played anything like it before!
Now I am not going to say that all Wii games are better than 360 games and PS3 games just because they are played differently, of course the top notch titles for 360 and PS3 are excelllant. I am also not going to say Gears of War is Shit because it is not played differently compared to Wii games but what I will say is that the Wii is Innovative, it does deliver a different game experience and is a breath of fresh air as far as I am concerned!

While wii dev will be stuck in low spec console that gonan restrick themself from making just kiddie games with a freaking nunchak .

Now you are the one talking complete Bullshit! The Gamecube now is a low spec console but was still able to produce games like Resident Evil 4! The Wii is capable of better graphics than the cube but no game has utilized it yet! The console has just launced so give it time!

So which console has the power to let dev do whatever they wanna do(well almost) well its the playstation3.

Yes that is somewhat true but do you think small developers will be able to afford the Huge cost of producing a PS3 game and then will have to sell like over 500 thousand copies just to break even. I don' t think so.

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 09, 2006 18:12
I could cate les about small dev,the last thing i want is small dev working on a for ex a wii game that is low specc machine.

ANd yes,a XBOX-ish console at this year isn' t strong.

Seriously,that kind of hardware is over 6 years old.
Time to move on.

Wii just deliver diffrent gaming controll,and thats about it.

Im gonna try the controller out though.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 10, 2006 10:37

Wii just deliver diffrent gaming controll,and thats about it.

Im gonna try the controller out though.

I feel where you' re coming from, and I really do think you should try it. I' ll admit for a lot of games it feels tacked on and gimmicky, but for Zelda it works wonderfully. I think it' s all up to how much thought and time is put into it(polish). If a developer takes the time to actually try to make a great game(such as Nintendo did with Zelda) then its a great game with new controls, regardless of hardware limitations. You know, like how Lumines and Geometry Wars aren' t cutting edge but they are by no means overrated or bad.

Random thought: Firefox says Lumines is misspelled but Zelda is not, kind of makes you wonder.
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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 10, 2006 18:23

Each game is the new innvation,not the freaking hardware.
If a game has ground breaking ideas and gameplay its because of the game-dev ideas,not the console.

That may be true...to an extent. But the remote and Nunchuck combo have almost limitless potential. Times are exciting!

Seriously,that kind of hardware is over 6 years old.
Time to move on.

Since the Wii is in actual fact more powerful than the Gamecube, no launch game comes even close to exploiting its full horse power. Developers were probably too busy experimenting with the brand spanking new control method that it offers, to even think of making stunning looking games.

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 10, 2006 22:33
I wouldn' t say the Wii is innovation since Microsoft worked on a smiliar thing ages ago.
What I would call it though, is brave. To actually go all out on an idea like this is taking a huge risk. Just as they did with the DS. Luckily it all seems to be in good favor of Nintendo but it could have gone the other way concidering some of the negative feedback Nintendo recieved from gamers when their new products where shown.
I think it' s good that Nintendo recieved that price
because it shows that not only powerful breakthrough technology can win, but also the brave decision to choose a technology that includes amazing risk.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Dec 06 15:03:01 >

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 10, 2006 22:37
I' ve been blown away by Wiisports. I mean, Twilight Princess is awesome but if Wiisports has done it for me then just think what games like Resident Evil Chronicles will bring!

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 10, 2006 23:31

The Wii is capable of better graphics than the cube but no game has utilized it yet! The console has just launced so give it time!
To be objective though, compare RE4 Cube to RE4 on PS2. Cube owns it, if only marginally. That was one of the only good Cube games to utilize its power, and that was what, 4 years into it' s lifespan?

Developers were probably too busy experimenting with the brand spanking new control method that it offers, to even think of making stunning looking games.
And that' s what we call bad developing folks.

You can' t have a lame and unpolished looking game with a newer control scheme (I won' t use the word innovative) and call it well-developed. And for objectivities sake, you can' t have a sw33t looking game with terrible gameplay, and call it well-developed.

Many of the developers belive that because the Wii doesn' t hold up to it' s Microsoft and Sony counterparts, that they shouldn' t even bother with making it look polished. I just got back from a friends and played an hour or so of Twilight Princess. I was hoping that the first time I had played it, I hadn' t been objective, and that I was just overanalyzing. But again, it didn' t knock me over visually at all. It looked like a 9.5 visual GCN game, which isn' t bad, but I' ve seen Wii do so much better.

You can' t use good controls as an excuse for not giving it all you' ve got in the graphics department.


Okay, and because I know the rebuttle is already being formed, let me say this. Wii rocks, and so does Twilight Princess, but I' m just a little irritated at the mindset of the dev' s.

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 11, 2006 04:07
NIce post Eddie, totally 100% agree with your comments on Devs at the moment. They do seem to be getting less and less interested in utilising the tools in front of them(not all but most of them.)

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 11, 2006 06:22


I thought we already discussed how l337 5p34k was dangerous.
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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 11, 2006 06:25
I' m absolutely hooked on Wii sports!! ALmost justifies buying a Wii on its own. I look at the primitive graphics and think, what if they made a dedicated golf game that plays more accurately then Wii golf? That would be awesome, i' m not a golf fan but i love Wii golf (shame on just 9 holes though[:' (]). If that game used Wiis (limited) graphical muscle to its fullest plus have online gaming i' d be laughing. Same goes for boxing (its motion sensing isn' t the best but its still a blast, good for getting fit too), tennis, bowling and baseball, if we can have dedicated games that play much better then the Wii sports tech demo (plus graphics and online)i' m a happy camper. Please note I' ve never-ever liked sports video games before (well unless you count racing games), and now i' m playing games like golf for hours. Awesome just awesome.

I wouldn' t worry about 360 or ps3, they cater for the traditional gamers needs far better then the Wii ever could. But the Wiis strength is on being different and that it does with flying colours.

BTW i' m pretty sore after a 3 day Wiikend playing non stop Wiisports. But it was a blast so thats alright!!

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 11, 2006 07:37
I knew the 360 fans had to go anti-Wii soetime soon.. ITs all starting to happen now that Wii is out and taking alot of the limelight..

This time next year i gather they' ll be more agressive Anti-Ps3 once that gets its great titles.

Obviously u all know how i feel about my wii.. I love it, ive had at least 100X the fun i had this time last year with my new 360..

Wii has become to instant attraction for freinds to stop by,, (right now my girl and two freinds are standing up playing Wiisports, been playing for over an hour now)..

Also my GF NEVER played my 360.. but she was on ZElda for over 2 hours yesterday. and thats the first time she' d ever played this type of game... She got the controls within 20mins.. That isnt gona happen with a game like say GOW on a normal pad.. The wiimotes proven that its instantly accessable.

ITs gona sell like hotcakes. (it is actually)..

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 11, 2006 08:42
It might just be that it' s new and all, but right now, I think this is the vest controller I' ve ever felt! It isn' t odd at all, IT' S GRRREAT! The freedom of keeping ones hands at the most comfortable position is making me an even lazier gamer than I already was.

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 11, 2006 10:20
I think we are going to see some pretty sweet things in the wii, as a matter of fact i would have considered this move as brilliant if the damn thing wasnt so expensive, i was ready for a retail price below 179 dlls but 250 dlls its pure bullshit, why the fuck dont they risk especialy when MS and SONY are risking so much, i mean i payed 600 dlls for a cell, a blu-ray drive, a HDMI 1.3, 60 gb hard drive disc, wi-fi, sixaxis and so on, what im i gettig from my 250 dlls??? once the wii drops its price im so getting the console whit Metroid, Zelda, Smash Bros and many others.

BTW one way or another, even if the wii does make a revolution in gaming, in 3 years from today its visuals and sound are not going to appeal to anybody.

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 11, 2006 10:34
ps2 is still going strong and has been a great source of income for sony for over 6(??) years. Apparently it still has some life in it. However no one is saying now that the next gen is upon us its all of the sudden the ps2 is irrelavent, because evidence shows it is still relevant & it still sells well. Yet its graphics have been outdated for well over a year (launch of xbox360, PC even longer) Yes in 5 years the Wii' s graphics will look decidedly outdated, however because of the Wiimote the gaming experiences will always different to what you get on competing consoles. So it will still remain relevant for a long while yet. As ps2 shows graphics don' t matter as much as the varied gaming experiences and after my first hand experience with the Wii i can confidently say that it proves a whole new level of varied gaming experience.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 11 Dec 06 2:44:50 >

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RE: Quez goes berserk,about the wii...and so called" innovation" - Dec 11, 2006 12:01

I knew the 360 fans had to go anti-Wii soetime soon.. ITs all starting to happen now that Wii is out and taking alot of the limelight..

This time next year i gather they' ll be more agressive Anti-Ps3 once that gets its great titles.

No. I do lean more towards MS, but i also like Nintendo, i am pretty much anti sony, but i give it a chance before critisizing it. I could care less what happens. I think if PS3 actually gets decent game titles it would be better for all gamer, because the businesses would have to compete harder, thus making it better for all fans.

I think we are going to see some pretty sweet things in the wii, as a matter of fact i would have considered this move as brilliant if the damn thing wasnt so expensive, i was ready for a retail price below 179 dlls but 250 dlls its pure bullshit, why the fuck dont they risk especialy when MS and SONY are risking so much, i mean i payed 600 dlls for a cell, a blu-ray drive, a HDMI 1.3, 60 gb hard drive disc, wi-fi, sixaxis and so on, what im i gettig from my 250 dlls??? once the wii drops its price im so getting the console whit Metroid, Zelda, Smash Bros and many others.

BTW one way or another, even if the wii does make a revolution in gaming, in 3 years from today its visuals and sound are not going to appeal to anybody.

The reason the Nintendo didnt take a risk is because it most likely wouldnt be doing as well as it is. I mean its $250 if they went up to 300 they would be competing with the core system, by making it 250 theyre in a price zone of their own. Besides, I know alot of people who think 250 is too much for a wii, but i think i have to agree and disagree. The wii has 1 good game out(2 if you count wii sports) which would be an example of why its not worth it. an example of why it is worth it is because it should have a few good titles by this time next year, but most importantly it has older games available for download.