Is it just me who is getting tired of hearing " wii is the innovation" bla bla its being mentioned in every god damn line on every god damn site.
It' s almost as they are forced to write like that withou being attacked by the fanboys.
This is often how it sounds,and im gonna be fair to ps3 this time.
ps3-gives raw power,while wii gives much more innovation,and bla bla shit.
I don' t wanna sound angry but,thats bullshit,it seriously is.
Is wii more innovated because it doesnt deliver a beast in terms of power as the ps3?
Or is it the controller that trigger the " innovation spam" ,can' t the tecniall console like ps3 or 360 be more innovated and fast at the same time?
What happends if 360 or ps3 release a control that is diffrent,does the console suddenly becomes innovatie.
Or is it required that your console has bad and low specc?
Have i tried wii?
No,and i dont doubt that it leads to diffrent playing,but most of these people who write make it sounds as games become better just because theare being played " diffrent" and that is just BS.
Each game is the new innvation,not the freaking hardware.
If a game has ground breaking ideas and gameplay its because of the game-dev ideas,not the console.
So which console has the power to let dev do whatever they wanna do(well almost) well its the playstation3.
While wii dev will be stuck in low spec console that gonan restrick themself from making just kiddie games with a freaking nunchak .
With that said i forgot to mention 360,i really consider 360+ps3 equal,and the articles and site that claims otherwise is probably full of Bullshit,im guessing 99% of these guys at game sidtes cant do more then talk about cell,and gigaflops which sony often talks about thus just copying their speach instead of asking dev.
But i also guess these guys are pretty dumb since they go by -latyest hardware must be best idea.
Anyway nvm..
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 9 Dec 06 1:16:59 >