I gots my Wii!!!!!!!!!!
Finally after so many months of waiting i finally get my hands on the Wii. I must say it was (for me) well worth the wait.
The midnight launch was well organised and there was around 50 or so people. For those who question Nintendos ' Blue Ocean' strategy, i think its working, because there were
atleast 30% girls there waiting for the Wii, and most of them were playing there DS' as they waited. Nice one Nintendo.
The way the store did the launch was if you came early you could pay off the rest of your preorder and they give you a number and they would call it out once the 12 midnight deadline passes. Pretty painless really. It took like 10 minutes for me to get my Wii and high tail it out of there, which was great considering for some strange reason they turned off the aircon in the small game store was STINKING HOT with all those people crammed there waiting for there Wii number to be called.
I couldn' t get out of there quick enough. I went home and ripped open the box as quick as i could so i could try the Wii out before i went to sleep (i have to wake up for work at 7 o clock). The set up was pretty simple and soon the Wii was ready to go. Heres my take -
The Wiimotes pointing capabilities is very good. ITs doesn' t move exactly like a PC mouse, but its pretty damn close.
Yeah the graphics aren' t a major talking point. But they' re functional none the less.
I only got to play Wii sports and when you have friends over its a blast, no doubt about it. We all went crazy, flailing are arms like idiots (Wiidiots?) having so much fun. Even though it didn' t translate exactly 1:1 in most of the games it didn' t matter, we all felt more involved in the game with the Wiimote. This did lead to some problems though. We got so active, after we stopped playing we noticed our arms got sore. It did surprise me since i do go to the gym atleast twice a week and play tennis regularly.
Those that were say Wii Tennis didn' t have much depth are dead wrong. Simple fact is that its all in the timing, i could smash the ball down the line and cross court with relative easy, admittedly you have to have some tennis experience to do this but really it was quite forgiving for those that don' t know how to play real tennis. Bowling was great too but
i sucked, only a 93 on my first go
. Boxing was a hoot, even though there was no 1:1 motion sensing it didn' t matter, we just went crazy. Finally baseball was also alot of fun aswell. Didn' t have time to play golf unfortunately.
Sadly no component cable means that Zelda had to wait even longer
I have to say i' m impressed with the package, Well worth the AUS$400 i paid for it. My friend who waited in line with me now wants one. I can honestly say for me anyway the Wii lived up to expectations, and i have a 3 day Wiikend to enjoy it.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 6 Dec 06 22:48:06 >