Ferenheit 9/11

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Adam Doree
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Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 05, 2004 18:28
I know debate about this film and Michael Moore' s other work kicked off big time around here recently... but now that the film is out in the States I was wondering what everyone thought of it?

(News: https://movies.kikizo.com/news/200407/001.asp)

No spoilers!!

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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 05, 2004 19:29
Wasn' t playing at any theatre around here, thus is the suckiness of living in the conservative south...still don' t agree with the movie though, I was just wanting to watch it to better my arguments against, haha.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 05, 2004 19:49
It' s pretty good, but not as good as Bowling for Columbine. I got tired of Moore' s sardonic tone pretty quickly. Though I am certainly not a huge Bush supporter, there are flaws in the movie. They can be overlooked.

Some theaters here are refusing to show it because they feel it incites terorism. How? Hell if I know. I guess they are just afraid to admit that the movie doesn' t support their man Bush. Protesters call and chew out theaters that are playing it for being unpatriotic and the such (I guess you can only be a partriot if you support Bush... the Constitution must have changed or something when I wasn' t lookin' ). Freaky people even call theaters who AREN' T playing the movie and acusing them of being right-wing conspirators! They don' t understand that every theater can' t play every movie. In the beginning, there were only 845 prints of the movie, but now that has been increased to 1700. Even with that few prints it made #1 for that weekend. Typical summer releases can see runs of over 10,000 prints. Insane.

Anyway, it' s just a movie. There really is no reason for people to lose their cool about it no matter which side you support.

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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 05, 2004 20:02
I say it time and again but the guy wrecks my head, it is such a shame that he the face of ' the other side of the fence' . Authors like Greg Palast do a much better job but Moore sucks up the limelight, I always find it quite amusing how he describes his appearance in Florida before the last election. Geb might have gotten him down to swing voters from Gore to Nader but now IMO he is reinigorating conseravtives who will probably come out of the rafters to vote.

I' m off to see it on Friday but I' ve already heard of some of its inconsistencies, why he lets Blair off is beyond me
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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 07, 2004 17:07
Not even planing on spending $ on a stupid Propaganda Film.

Michael Moore is full of crap,so there is no need to go and watch his crap filled movies.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 07, 2004 23:56
Yes, it is a propaganda film, but it is not full of crap. Most of it is news footage. That crap is real.

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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 11, 2004 21:09
I saw it on the weekend and though it was pretty good.
The final quote by Bush at the end of the movie was my favorite part because it was so funny.

I was reading the New York Post (or something like that) and somewhat agree with what they said. I figured they would have kinda bashed the movie but instead said that Moore' s methods need some work or more refinement but it is difficult to ignore everything that he presented.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 11, 2004 23:38
" Fool me once, shame on...... you.
Fool me twice..... y-y... you can' t get fooled again!"

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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 12, 2004 00:19
Hahaha that was awesome
Best part in the whole movie

Screwing up a classic quote

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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 15, 2004 21:29
It was pretty boring but I did somewhat enjoy it. The pitfall for Moore is not subjectivity, but accuracy. We expect him to hold an opinion and argue it, but we also require his facts to be correct. I was an admirer of his previous doc, the Oscar-winning " Bowling for Columbine," until I discovered that some of his " facts" were wrong, false or fudged.

In some cases, he was guilty of making a good story better, but in other cases (such as his ambush of Charlton Heston) he was unfair, and in still others (such as the wording on the plaque under the bomber at the Air Force Academy) he was just plain wrong, as anyone can see by going to look at the plaque.

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RE: Ferenheit 9/11 - Jul 16, 2004 04:33
as a friend of mine pointed out, you can' t put words into someone elses mouth. The people interviewed in propaganda/documentaries (like those made by Moore) still said the things he airs. Yes there is clever editing involved, but they still said it none the less.