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Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 04:08
Since some of you obviously can' t get over your rampant fanboyism, lets try and keep in all in here. You want to argue that one console is greater than another? Ok, that' s not a problem, just don' t do it in any other threads. Quez, i' m dedicating this thread to you. You' re the ultimate Microsoft posterboy and now you have a new home... The catalyst? This... I' m not sure if they' ll update in realtime, but you can find the up-to-date figures (according to HERE It looks like Microsoft are well on their way to hitting 10M by years end and Wii is off to a flying start. Sony, ...well, they' re getting RAPED!!!
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 04:27
Those numbers are lying. They probably took a huge payoff from Microsoft, Or... or... Sony doesn' t care about market shares... or... um... maybe they missed a decimal... or... (Read as: " About D@/\/\ /\/ time this thread showed up" ) Hopefully people can keep their inner Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo freak on a leash.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 05:42
Even with the clear 1 year Head Start (360), 54% of people Voted Wii will overall Winner. I actually hope Both / Sony /MS go down.. I want the Originators, the Only Company out of the three who really care about the future of Gaming, I want Nintendo the Prevail and Continue to spread their creativeness to as much people as possible. Then i Want Sega to come back on the Scene (lol, i Can only dream).
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 05:45
Dreamcast 2 in 2009!!!
Chee Saw
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 06:03
F*ck Nintendo, and their low-res sh*t!! (I' m just made ' cause I can' t find any component cables for my Wii!) 360 is the best console available RIGHT NOW!! Don' t give me that " down the road" bullsh*t! Hell, 360 is the best " down the road" , too!!! Mass Effect > PS3 + Wii
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 06:37
I don' t think i will be getting my component cables for my Wii at launch too (On the 7th DEC), so that means no Zelda TP for me till i get them, considering i purchased my HD TV to play Zelda at 480p. AAARRRRGGGHHH!!  You better get those component cables to me soon Nintendo, YOU HEAR ME!!! Well at least i can play Wii Sports and Wii Play with my crappy non gamer friends.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 08:00
If you really want component you can supposedly splice open the cord they give you with the Wii and make your own. All you need is 3 connector heads extra.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 08:10
Hehe,great thread,lets bump tyhis forever,or make it a sticky. ofc we know the real figures and how the console wars is really going after sometime 2007 x-mas.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 08:11
Its not that easy.. (very deep breath)...surely the scart or whatever connector which comes with Wii does not use all of the pins used for a Component signal.. (Gasps.. )
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 08:41
I share your frustration Chee Saw, but I just ordered mine straight from Nintendo Canada over the phone on Thursday. Guy said they finally cleared there back order, and my order status as of today was " preparing for shipping" . I can' t wait. I bought Zelda on day one, but haven' t even put it in my machine after I saw comparison shots on the internet between composite and component. I' m pumped!
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 08:43
Linky plz.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 08:46
What do you want a link for Quez? The comparison shots? My order update online? I can' t link you to the conversation as that happend in real time on the phone  .
Iad umboros
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 08:50
Is this simply the number of PS3 consoles that have been made? Have they reached the point yet where you can walk into a shop in Japan or the US and just pick one up? I was looking at Wii preorders online there for the UK, looks like I won' t be able to get one before Christmas now! I' m glad it' s already doing so well for Nintendo, but obviously a bit disappointed for me! I' m surprised so many people have preordered too, I' m still not sure if the Wii is actually going to have lasting appeal or if the controller is going to be a gimick thath gets tired quickly! The WarioWarez video spurred me into placing a preorder, but now I can' t!
***flyingsaucersdisguisedasmushrooms*** ***mushroomsinvadingfromouterspace***
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 08:57
The comparsion ofc,i still cant afford a wii, dont know if i should buy the GC version of zelda or wait...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 09:44
Comparison shots Ok, there you go. Just let the page load, then cursor over the image, and after about 2 seconds it will flip to the component image. A world of difference.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 09:52
ANy diffeence on wii vs GC? Can' t afford a wii until 2007 jan or feb. But want Zelda very much...i think
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 10:01
Thanks for the comparison shots mxpx182! The component cable images are much more crisp and less blurry then the composite version. I' m glad i' m picking up my HD TV today!! YES, just have to wait for the Wii component cables, and more importantly the Wii (DEC 7th). Quez the GC version doesn' t run at 480p nor does it run in widescreen. If i were you i' d wait till you can afford a Wii, most reviewers agree that it plays better on a Wii.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 10:06
Okay Terrak.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 10:14
Well I dunno about the scart, but the composite ones it comes with do have them on there u just gotta cut it I guess. I haven' t tried it or anything.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
Chee Saw
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 04, 2006 17:31
ORIGINAL: locopuyo Well I dunno about the scart, but the composite ones it comes with do have them on there u just gotta cut it I guess. I haven' t tried it or anything. You go first! Here, I even go the " How To" for ya... Make Wii Component Cables
< Message edited by Chee Saw -- 4 Dec 06 9:54:43 >
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 05, 2006 04:32
It' s my friend' s Wii and he doesn' t want to risk it, but I would.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 05, 2006 05:26
By the time I get a Wii, I' ll be able to get component cables easy peasy. However, that mod looks so cool I bet I' ll end up doing it anyways. Edit: I had forgot the entire reason I wanted to post in the thread! Thanks for the comparison shots mxpx182! The component cable images are much more crisp and less blurry then the composite version. Just reminded me. Can anybody point me in the direction of some 480i vs 720p/1080p game/movie screenies? I' ve been looking around, & all I could find were SD vs 1080i, and even then, those shots were taken by the shakycam from hell.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 4 Dec 06 21:36:31 >
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 05, 2006 06:10
Hmm looks like too much trouble to make a set of do-it-yourself Wii component cables. I' ll grudgingly wait till they arrive or if i' m lucky i' ll pick them up when ipick up my Wii on Launch day. $#!t i just realised the 7th is Thursday and i took the Friday off, DOOH   , MEans after i get my Wii from the Midnight launch i got go home and go to sleep and have to wait till after work before i play. AARRRGGGHHH    . Well atleast i have a 3 day weekend Anyway i picked up my new Panasonic 81cm HD TV. I would have picked a larger one but shit its only for the Wii, no need for 1080p goodness just yet  . Now just the Wii, component cables and Zelda then i' m golden!!!
< Message edited by Terrak -- 4 Dec 06 22:12:50 >
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 05, 2006 07:51
Hmm looks like too much trouble to make a set of do-it-yourself Wii component cables. That' s the fun of it!
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 06, 2006 01:07
How is it that this is the most civil thread on the forum?
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 06, 2006 01:17
Ironic isn' t it? It' s just a backwards world you have gone into - I suppose it may be because of the fact that people are reminded of the consoles situations via figures... You can' t argue with those..
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 06, 2006 05:59
because it got hijacked and turned into a wii component cable modding thread
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 06, 2006 06:20
Because all the people that need to be posting here aren' t. Seriously though, that Wii Component/Composite mod looks quite nice.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 06, 2006 18:01
Just heard IBM can' t priorty to dev cell chips for ps3,since they sell out their own for their monster servers. This will apparentrly even delay dev for ps3 even longer. However if you add what 360+wii sold its around 9 million but,there is 130-150 million consoles left to buy.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 06, 2006 18:16
In six years the PS2 sold what 150 ish Million units! That' s in six years, the 360 has sold close to 10 million in 1 year, going on the premise that the 360 will sell roughly that in a 6 year lifetime the 360 will sell approx 60 million units, if Sony continue to screw around and mess up, this figure will more than likely double, the Wii will pick up whats left, there are not likely to be any more next gen consoles for about 6 years unless Sega pulls their fingers out and bring out a new dreamcast, or some other company decides to join the market. Those figures at the moment don' t really mean much until both the Wii and the George Foreman Lean Mean Gaming Gachine, have been about for a good 6 months then would be the time to compare.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 06, 2006 22:34
a large amount of those ps2' s are from when peoples warenty ran out and the console broke they bought another, thus making the amount sold go up
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 06, 2006 23:53
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw a large amount of those ps2' s are from when peoples warenty ran out and the console broke they bought another, thus making the amount sold go up :D
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 07, 2006 02:57
In six years the PS2 sold what 150 ish Million units! That' s in six years, the 360 has sold close to 10 million in 1 year, going on the premise that the 360 will sell roughly that in a 6 year lifetime the 360 will sell approx 60 million units
That doesn' t make sense at all. Look at the 360' s availiability within the first 3-4 months, almost nonexistent off of Ebay. Also assuming that the PS2 was out for that long as well, that leaves you nine months of real sales. There was a pretty steep curve on PS2 sales over the years, they didn' t sell 140 million, & another million every year. So going by the 360' s first year as a console doesn' t tell you anything about projected sales. It' s like the Dreamcast. Sold great for the first year, and then it took a sharp dive downwards. It' s for a different reason I realise, but few people would have projected that outcome on launch night.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 07, 2006 04:20
Agent Ghost
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 07, 2006 04:55
Look at the second pic for Fight night. The background on the PS3 version looks like crap compared to the 360 version. This is precisely what less memory for textures does, it limits what you can have for the background. Keep in mind thought that these games have been made on the 360 first, so they were tailored for the 360 while the PS3 version is a the port. Don' t be surprised when we see games made for the PS3 have features taken out or are graphically inferior when ported to the 360. Personally it will be more intersting once we see some exclusive landmarks like MGS4 and Halo 3. These title will definately push the unique limits of each console. Only then will we have a clear idea of which console is more capable. Even Gears of war gives us a good idea of what we can expect form the 360, we just need a game like that on the PS3...
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 07, 2006 05:03
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Even Gears of war gives us a good idea of what we can expect form the 360, we just need a game like that on the PS3... It' ll be interesting to see how UT2007 performs.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 07, 2006 05:11
Yes it will, assuming they don' t cancel it or make it on 360 as well. One the PS3, I' m really looking foward to seeing how Killzone plays out, it will be fun seeing the Sony fanboys cry foul. Maybe that will wake them up, for every moron that yelled " real-time" as a basis for their argument. I' ll only buy a PS3 if it drops in price by 50%, which might be never. Wii on the other hand....
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 6 Dec 06 21:14:10 >
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 07, 2006 09:45
Just reminded me. Can anybody point me in the direction of some 480i vs 720p/1080p game/movie screenies?
Anybody? I' m really looking foward to seeing how Killzone plays out,
Right now, I' m actually interested in the game as a whole. Granted, it' s not going to be anything like the " target render" , but I' d at least like to see some kind of progress on it.
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 11, 2006 00:34
Quez, i asked you to keep your 360 biased comments confined too this thread. Instead, we have multiple " Quez..." labeled threads on the 1st page with retarded content. You are not funny and you' re certainly not coming accross as smart. All you seem to do is argue with people over which console has the best games, or which is more powerful. It' s pathetic. I' d ask you nicely to respect other peoples opinions and tone it down if i thought you would even consider it, but i' m tired of defending you and getting mentioned in the same sentance as you. Before you bought a 360 you talked about Playstation and Final Fantasy. Now you' ve changed your opinion because you feel the need to advocate the console that your currently own, and you' re coming off as an insecure forum troll. The people i like most are posting less and less and so while i am not going anywhere i won' t be starting any new threads as the people that they are often meant for don' t reply and they decend into fanboy garbage. As far as i' m concerned Eddie and Ghost are the only regular posters i' m interested in discussing things with. The others have either left or don' t post often enough to warrant being described as regular (Tiz for example).
Mass X
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RE: Next Gen Wars
Dec 11, 2006 00:50
I blame my new job. I used to be a nightowl when it came to activities so much so I now work overnight...sigh...I need to think about school again soon. Then theres the whole " FIANCE" thing I mean hurray! Anyhow now that all 3 consoles are out what are the true fighting points? And a big ass question...WTF IS THE ONLINE LIKE FOR PS3? I STILL HAVENT HEARD SHIT ALL ABOUT IT...WTF is it on par with Live could it leapfrog it? Or is it a sham nothing but the old online strat just a bit jazzed up in some bling?