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NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 07:27
Now I am not one to pick apart consoles. But god damn the 360 is noisey. Some noise is tolerable, ps2 was noisey enough but the 360 go up and beyond that, I love a quiet console, thats what i admired about the gamecube and its small size.. not its gay purple colour. its a big factor for me when playing games, and I can only assume it gets worse with age, like all consoles. What do you think, does it affect you?
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 07:31
My launch day 360 was rather quiet which is why im very sad annoyed and pissed off about my new 360...luckily however I now use 5.1 surround sound headphones and probably wouldnt hear if a car drove clear into my house blew up and in this off chance the car was full of firecrackers that I also wouldnt hear.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 07:46
Strange, i couldn' t hear my Brother In LAws xbox360, but that could be because its behind the door of his entertainment centre. Anyway i' m used to extreme fan noise. My primary PC rig has three 120mm 5000rpm fans that sound like a jumbo (well almost) at full ball. I built a wood box for it to muffle the sound. My other PC rig has like six 80mm 6000rpm fans as well, it sounds even worse! Of course i can' t hear the 360, must be all that ringing in my ear.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 08:22
Yah, its an issue, my old roomate had a 360 that I would play, and it was a noisy little bugger. But, it' s all in the design, Xbox360 and ps3 are both basically PC' s, with PC type components, and they need PC cooling. My PC is a noisy ass, thanks to the fans, and big PSU for the video cards, so the Xbox isn' t too bad considering how loud most good PC' s are. However, I think most console makers should do what sony did and go with a smaller fan, and more air cooling. You can get air cooled PSU' s for your computer, and they are great(but more expensive and less power output) The xbox360 didnt usually bug me cuz I listen to my shit really loud, but if I was watching a movie, or just in the same room and my buddies left it running it got tiresome I will admit. It' s just something you have to deal with when using PC' s and most consoles, I didnt think the ps3 was as quiet as it is, and was prepared to buy it anyway, even if it was louder than the xbox(lets just say after years of sitting next to my PC' s, consoles dont phase me)
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 08:33
These are consoles and not pc' s, Noise should not be heard, not very much of it anyway.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 08:35
I thought sony put a big ass fan in the ps3 that was virtually silent. ANyway as far as cooling solution goes the best thing to do is get the biggest fan you can get (120mm minimum) and make it run at around 1500-2500 rpms. Smaller fans need higher rpms just to push the same amount of air as a larger fan running at lower speeds. Anyway Welcome Avarice to the Kikizo Forum!
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 10:02
Yea, it' s the 360s DVD drive that makes the most noise on mine though. I' m ok playing demos, but playing Gears I have to crack the volume on my sound system up, and I prefer to watch movies on my PC for that reason too. I have a fair few fans in my PC too, but I built mine with ultra silent case, gpu, cpu fans on purpose, and it' s as quiet and cool as...a quiet cool thing! Apparently the PS3 is much quieter? I couldn' t tell when I tried that import machine in the shop the other day cos the shop was noisy... It wouldn' t have been hard/expensive for MS to use quiet fans and DVD drive would it? The ones for my PC were dirt cheap!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 3 Dec 06 2:17:54 >
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 10:08
The 360 makes alot of noise,however if you play games with sound--- ^^ You forget it.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 10:09
ORIGINAL: choupolo I have a fair few fans in my PC too, but I built mine with ultra silent case, gpu, cpu fans on purpose, and it' s as quiet and cool as...a quiet cool thing! I hooked all my fans up to a 4 channel Rheobus so i can control the fan speed of my 120mm fans. It goes from a mighty roar (i set during summer) to almost silent (i set during winter) with one twist of the dial/s!
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 10:23
I hooked all my fans up to a 4 channel Rheobus so i can control the fan speed of my 120mm fans. It goes from a mighty roar (i set during summer) to almost silent (i set during winter) with one twist of the dial/s! Nice.  I guess thinking about it, it' s the small form factor and tight space that makes it difficult for the 360 to cool itself. It' s probably a bit easier on an aluminuim server case! But theres no excuse for the DVD drive. [:' (]
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 11:13
The fans don' t make any noise for me, but the DVD drive does. But unless you play with the sound/music off, you don' t notice it.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 12:32
Really? The fans really don' t bug me. The only time I really notice them is when I launch a game and there is that 2-3secs before the Dev' s logo pops up. After that I don' t notice the fans noise even during other loading screens. Maybe the game just drags me into the game too much that I forget about reality. But I didn' t notice the noise when I was playing a DVD movie either, but it did sound alot quieter then a game.
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Terry Bogard
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 12:48
My Xbox 360 tends to be a little on the loud side, but I think that' s more than likely my fault since I tend to leave it on for days, even when I' m not playing, so I suppose the cooling fan is working overtime. My previous PC was a loud bugger. Not the fan but the CD-Rom drive. It made a loud ass buzzing sound that sounded like a Lawnmower. There would be NO *sneaking* any late night computer time with that sucker cause you' d definitely wake up your house mate(s).
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 3 Dec 06 4:49:32 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 17:47
My PC is quieter than my DC, and that made less noise than either the PS2 or XB1. That' s with AMD 64 3200+ and X850 Pro overclocked also. My 360 thought is Intolerable. It' s excessively loud to the point when even turning my TV up can' t hide it, and that just annoys me during a night when I don' t want a loud gaming session. Of course when playing XB1 games and displaying the dashboatd it' s fine and quiet, just as it SHOULD be when playing 360 games.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 17:56
It can be loud sometimes, never really a problem for me. I always keep mine vertical, it is quieter when you have it lying down.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 18:02
I have mine horizontally placed. Sadly as the machine' s only around 1.5 to 2m away from where I sit it is easily heard, unlike DC PS2 which all have a nice light wind noise coming from them. I will just have to replace it with a quieter model when they come out, thankfully I may not have to pay as I can probably send this one back faulty where I work.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 18:04
You' re lucky you got one of the quiet DC' s. My launch DC was ub3r quiet but when that one' s laser busted I got a new one and it was loud as hell when reading the disc. RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH REEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH REEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH REHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 18:09
My fans are quiet, but when playing Shenmue my disc drive really chugs away, but as it isn' t on going it doesn' t bother me all that much. It was the only game which I own that loaded really loudly, excluding small segments of SA1 perhaps. For equal loadness (or even more sometimes) luanch PS2' s loading certain blue disc games. Just unacceptable, and sounds like the drive is tearing up the disc.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 3 Dec 06 10:11:54 >
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 23:37
I' m throwing a large fan on the inside of my box, & disabling 2 out of the 3 on the back. I' ve seen it done, and it' s supposed to be complex, but it' s supposed to reduce noise by a whole lot, so here' s hoping.
Agent Ghost
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 03, 2006 23:40
The build quality of the 360 is questionable without a doubt, and its way too fucking loud. It must be 6 times louder than my computer. However, I' d rather have a loud console with good games and a superb online network than have a quiet console with shitty games and a dead online plan.
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RE: NoiseBox 360
Dec 04, 2006 06:16
My GC didn' t have any fan noise but you could hear the ROM drive spin as it loaded levels. Not particularly loud but noticable, and it was for only a short period of time too. The only loud noise occurs when i leave the GC on an angle (don' t ask) it somes makes some rather load ' popping' noises and usually crashes soon after. Not too concerned because the Wii can play GC games so if my GC kicks the bucket (had since launch) i' ll still be able to play GC games on the Wii.
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