DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games!

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DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Nov 30, 2006 16:49
45536 copies sold from 20/11/06 - 26/11/06


Just waiting for Blue Dragon now...

On another note; Culdept Saga is at 15 while RR7 and Gundam PS3 are 29 and 30 respectively.

360 > PS3 in Japan!!!

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Nov 30, 2006 17:15

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

45536 copies sold from 20/11/06 - 26/11/06


Just waiting for Blue Dragon now...

On another note; Culdept Saga is at 15 while RR7 and Gundam PS3 are 29 and 30 respectively.

360 > PS3 in Japan!!!

Haha. Probably because there are only 30 people playing their PS3' s. The rest are on eBay and other similar sites. Either that or the games are so abysmal that it' s more fun to look at the PS3 than play it.

45,000 units in 6 days isn' t bad. The Japanese sure like their ecchi.

Blue Dragon will definitely sell well, it might even sell out for a while, but the figures will be interesting to see.

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 01, 2006 05:24
Where did Sony go wrong? No boobies, that' s where.

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 01, 2006 11:50

Where did Sony go wrong? No boobies, that' s where.

oh there were boobies...jus not of the female kind[:' (]
- Phoenix|Slash
- A.K.A. HumpY...Gimme' A Leg

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 01, 2006 12:06

360 > PS3 in Japan!!!

That shocks read those is like reading " Peace has finally reigned over the world" .
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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 01, 2006 12:10
I wouldn' t say that 360 is exactly like ' peace'

Maybe like hell turning lukewarm...

Anyway, Blue Dragon early next year is a good time when there' s no Squenix JRPGs around to shadow its launch

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 01, 2006 12:17
if only xbox360 used a hd-dvd drive for gaming as well, instead of only dvd 9' s
9 gig not much once they start exploiting its limited potential, then it would be worth the money
- Phoenix|Slash
- A.K.A. HumpY...Gimme' A Leg

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 01, 2006 14:25

I wouldn' t say that 360 is exactly like ' peace'

I was just making the comparison to say isn' t something I was expecting to see this lifetime...or any lifetime.
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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 01, 2006 21:57
blue dragon will not only outsell the ps3 games but definatley be a system seller in japan

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 00:45
Isnt this all obvious tho??

Theres hardly any PS3' s in Japan so how the hell would their games sell.

A fair comparison will be as soon as Wii' s and Ps3' s are freely Available..

With the Release of the Wii starting today.. the 360 is more or less about to be -bitch slapped to the ground..

360 will try to fight back with the release of BD, but by that time the PS3 will be freely Available too..

Think of someone whos fallen in QuickSand..

He Makes one last desperate Attempt to catch a breath (BD, LO) before being sucked-under, never to be seen again..

< Message edited by f3hunter -- 1 Dec 06 16:47:14 >

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 01:23

360 will try to fight back with the release of BD, but by that time the PS3 will be freely Available too..

Too bad the Japanese market is irrelevant to winning this gen.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 01:26

Think of someone whos fallen in QuickSand..

He Makes one last desperate Attempt to catch a breath (BD, LO) before being sucked-under, never to be seen again..


Atleast MS wont die all over as Sony will when they fail. I hope some other company will raise up and challenge MS

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 02:33
Looking at the overall View, 360 is doing Dismal..

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 02:41

Looking at the overall View, 360 is doing Dismal..

right... And Sony is going to sell 10 million before the years end.
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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 03:00

right... And Sony is going to sell 10 million before the years end.

?? not sure why that was posted??

Not that i care but Is that one wild dreams Sony claimed/promised??

For godsake, you 360 fans are so protective.. Im simply stating what the outcome would most likely be in Japan..

Yes, It was obvious that Sony was gonna mess-up in places due to their over ambitious llying..

but dam.. It seems 360 Fans need to nip-pik on the smallest little PS3 Negatives to make themselfs feel a little bit better.. Its soo Sad..

Chill!!! and enjoy its games!!!

If 360' s gonna Win this generation and continue with the Games that you enjoy , why the hell are you acting so concerned..


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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 04:33

Where did Sony go wrong? No boobies, that' s where.

oh there were boobies...jus not of the female kind

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 07:14

?? not sure why that was posted??

Not that i care but Is that one wild dreams Sony claimed/promised??

For godsake, you 360 fans are so protective.. Im simply stating what the outcome would most likely be in Japan..

Yes, It was obvious that Sony was gonna mess-up in places due to their over ambitious llying..

but dam.. It seems 360 Fans need to nip-pik on the smallest little PS3 Negatives to make themselfs feel a little bit better.. Its soo Sad..

Chill!!! and enjoy its games!!!

If 360' s gonna Win this generation and continue with the Games that you enjoy , why the hell are you acting so concerned..


Maybe it was posted because youre being a fucktard fanboy (as usual) by saying things " look dismal" for the 360. Yes, thinks look horrid, I mean, stealing other system' s exlusive games, a year headstart, being the cheapest(arguably most powerful) HD game system, actually having a game the Japanese care about (Blue Dragon), and all the money the company has to just throw around (something Sony cant do anymore). Yep, that sure paints a dismal picture.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 07:27
Sony and Nintendo OWN Japan. While Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Lost Planet, DoAX2 etc will ensure that Microsoft has a hardcore install base in Japan, they can' t possibly hope to achieve mass success.

In the west Microsoft has the strongest lineup of the three. Alan Wake, BioShock, Huxley, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Forza 2, PGR4, Splinter Cell 5, Halo 3 etc will ensure that Microsoft does extremely well this generation. Getting GTA4 was a minor victory in itself and even though it' ll be on PS3 too, losing exclusivity is a heavy blow to Sony.

Microsoft will secure at least 40% of the market, possibly staying ahead of Sony all the way. Fall 2007 will be epic. PS3' s 2nd generation of games, 360' s 3rd... Awesome!

I need a PS3 to play VF5, Heavenly Sword, Devil May Cry 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Lair etc, and i need 360 to play Huxley, Alan Wake, Halo 3 etc. What the hell is the problem? Buy a 360, buy a PS3, buy both, buy neither and buy Wii instead, buy a combination of the three, ...just stop with the dumb fanboy shit.

F3, you come off like a PC fanboy who' s secretly rooting for Sony. It grates a little.

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 08:33
Starting this 360>PS3 thread and Twisting it around is funny..

Obviously your not gona point the finger any Xbox fanboy.

Ive only stated the obvious..

Overall, when compared with other consoles in Japan, the 360 is doing Dismal..

F3, you come off like a PC fanboy who' s secretly rooting for Sony. It grates a little.

I' ll fix it for you.

Im a Fan of my PC, Technically ive never been let down (obviously) and when a great game comes along the combination results in a seriously unbeatable experience..

Im a Fan of Nintendo and SEGA AM2.. Their games / hardware have never let me down. They simply make the most creative games.. (more nintendo now, obviously)..

Sony = Meh.. no feelings there at all, never owned one fo their consoles, never been interested, until now (PS3).. to play the Best and probably the Deepest game ever created..

360 = I was all for this Console, Online and everything sounded soo cool.. But time and time again ive been let down by unimaginative games and average graphics / Gameplay. But who could Blame me, around the same time i finally got a DS and its awesome collection of inspiring, addictive and fresh game experiences and rightly soo, its completely owning every game platform.

there you go.. I like PC, Nitnendo, Sega, have no feelings for Sony (apart from when Xbox fanboys nip-pic at it for their own confidence boasts) and was hugely disappointed by the 360..

Anyway..360 is doing crap in Japan.. Live with it..

Whoever Can' t is a fanboy themselves.. (and boy does it show in threads like these).

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 08:38
Mayby you need to visit a shrink f3?
Everyone else thinks you' re a sonyfanboy,how come?
Ofc you gonna deny that and pretend like you are mor einto sega and pc.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 08:48

Everyone else thinks you' re a sonyfanboy,how come?

No, 360 fanboys like yourself try to make anyone who is dissapointed with the 360 automatically a Sony fanboy..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 2 Dec 06 0:59:17 >

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 08:49
No?!,you gonna pretend lik you' rnt?

lol @ u

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 08:59
From now on im gona agree with you all, to fit in..

Yes 360 is an awesome console, its thriving in Japan, totally owning Ps3 and i play my 360 every day becuase its games are so additctive..

Im in the club

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 09:17
360 has been a big dissapointment in Japan so far,however BD is the 2nd most wanted game by tje japanse gamers and got very good score.

And now DOAX2 sells more then any newly released ps3 game.

Plz let 360 have its days also,it has done very very good lately and we write about it,but people like you always point out old fact about how much 360 sold so far,did you forget when Jap people could pre-order BD 360 sold 100k on just ONE DAY.

So ofc any of these news are very importent and intresting,when a game like BD can turn the tide.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: DoAX2 outsells all PS3 games! - Dec 02, 2006 09:56

ORIGINAL: f3hunter

From now on im gona agree with you all, to fit in..

Yes 360 is an awesome console, its thriving in Japan, totally owning Ps3 and i play my 360 every day becuase its games are so additctive..

Im in the club

The simple fact that you took my " 360 > PS3 in Japan!!!" remark seriously says volumes in itself.

Microsoft can' t possibly hope to compete with Sony and Nintendo in Japan. That' s a fact and everybody on Gods green Earth knows it. Because DoAX2 sold in higher numbers than all of the PS3 launch titles (though not combined) is hillarious, but you shouldnt take it seriously because the DoAX2 figure is for 6 days while the PS3 figures are only for 2. If Sony had had more tha 80,000 units available then there would have been more games sold and this thread wouldn' t exist.

Stop taking my comments to mean i think Microsoft is doing well in Japan and realise i' m taking the piss out of both Microsoft and their fanboys.

Oh, but i don' t agree that 360 games have average graphics. You are definitely being too harsh. Gears and Rainbow Six are stunning.